JUL-DEC. 1977
»8911306. Acddenv plavers dlEectocy. Issue 133, pt. 1-2, 1976. Editor: Jaies H. Boberts, assistant editor: Hadeleine t. Meide. 2 V. Appl. au: Acadeoy of Hotioo Picture Arts and Sciences. Acadeay of Hotion Picture Arts and Sciences; 17Feb76: A89a306.
A894307. Hore last dreaos. 1 v. Appi. au: OVTind Holbacb (pseud.: Irvinq Holbacb) OTvind Holbacb (pseud. : Irvinq Holbacb) ; 24Apr77: A894307.
A89"t308. The Inqalls prize poeis of the Gloucester Hiqh School poetry contest, 1971-1975. Compiled by Charlotte Taylor. 36 p. Add. ti: Hiqh school poets, Gloucester Biqh School, 1971-1975. Gloucester School Depactaent; 'iAuq77: AB9<I308.
A89II309. Arthritis why? 7 p. Appl. au: Hesley B. Rahn. Haho Besearch: 1Jul77: A89it309.
A89a310. Official quide to coaic books and biq little books. By Blchael Besnick. 26ii p. HH: editorial ceyision. House of Collectibles. Inc.: 15Apr77: A89i|310.
Aa9U311. The Ultiaate in aasculiae chara. 10 p. Appl. au: Barry Dayl a.k.a. Henri flonet. O Barry Dayl (whose pseud, is Henri Monet): 5Auq77: A89a311.
A89IJ312. P and F Corbin key code inforaation. 8 p. Appl. au: Peter ?. Schifferli. O Peter P. Schifferli: 13Auq77; A8911312.
Ae9«313. Solve it! basic problea solvinq activities. Book 2. By Thoaas C. O'Brien, illustrated by Bussel c. Schreck, Jr. 98 p. C Educational Teachinq Aids, a division of A. Oaiqqer and Coapany (in notice: ETA) ; 25Jul77: A894313.
A39lt3ll4. Solve It! basic problea solvinq activities. Book 4. By Thoaas C. O'Brien, illustrated by Bussel C. Schreck, Jr. 91 p. Educational Teachinq Aids, a division of A. Daiqqer and Coapany (in notice: ETA) : 25Jttl77; ASSUJW.
A89U315. First aid course for child care center personnel. 19 p. Pinellas Child Care First Aid Council, Inc.; 1Apr77: A89<t315.
A89lt316. Poetry for the hurt at heart. 3y Nina Bohloff Zitske. 1 v. O Nina Bohloff Zitske: 25Jul77: A89I|316.
A89lt317. EKG quide. By Oscar B. L. Bisq. 01 p. Oscar H. L. Binq; 10Feb77: A894317.
A89U318. Huaoies of Haanoth Cave; an account of the Indian auaaies discovered in Short Cave, Salts Cave, and Haaaoth Cave, Kentucky. By Harold Heloy. 6th print., rev. ed. 42 p. Prev. req. A986755. Harold Heloy; 29May77: A894318.
A894319. Bou to Hork or coaaunicate in a hotel, Botel or inn. By Dora Nevhouse, translation by Alison H. De Becio, illns. by John Hunson. 83 p. Add. ti: Coao trabaiar o coaunicar en an hotel, aotel o Posada. C Dora Neahouse; 8Auq77: A894319.
A894320. Student's readinq test book: qrades 2-6. By Buth Evelyn Boqers. Edsel L. Erickson & Buth Burkett Park. 31 p. Appl. au: Learninq Publications, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: additional text C coapilation. O Learninq Publications, Inc.; 27Apr77: A894320.
A894321. The Beadinq assessaent booklet: qrades 2-6. By Buth Evelyn Sogers, Edsel L. Erickson £ Buth Burkett Park. 31 p. For use with The Beadinq tutor's handbook e Student's readxnq test book: qrades 2-6. Appl. au: Learninq Publications, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: additional text 6 coapilation. O Learninq Publications, Inc.; 27Apr77: A89432I.
A894322. Growinq winqs: the perennial cycle of bird life. By Sarita Van Vleck. 141 p. NH: pref., toretiord. appendixes, biblioqraphy & index. Sarita Van Vleck; 22Jun77; A894322.
A894323. Suppleaental directory: certified appliances and accessories; August 1 suppleaent to July 1977 issue. Coapiled by Aaerican Gas Association. p. 801-826. Q Aaerican Gas Association; 25Auq77; A894323.
A894324. Directory of certified appliances and accessories, July 1, 1977. Coapiled by Aaerican Gas Association. 602 p. Add. ti: Directory: certified appliances and accessories, July 1. 1977. Aaerican Gas Association: 19Ahq77: A894324.
A89432S. Dailyaide: the silent secretary, 1978. Coapiled by F. U. Booluorth Coapany. 1 v. F. B. Boolworth Coapany; 11Auq77; A894325.
A894326. Greater Huskeqon, SI, Bresser's cross-index directory, 1977-1978. O Bresser's Cross-Index Directory Coapany; 1JU177: A894326.
A894327. Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, HI, and sur- roundinq coaaunities, Bresser's cross- index directory, 1977-1978. Bresser's Cross-Index Directory Coapany; 20Jun77; A894327.
A894328. Grand Bapids, Kent County, parts of Alleqan County. HI, and others, Bresser's cross-index directory, 1977-1978. Bresser's Cross- Index Directory Coapany; 20Jun77: A894328.
Ae94329. GeaBest. Cards in envelope. Appl. au: Bobert Lacy Kuehn. O B. Lary Knehn Productions. Inc. ; 9Auq77; A894329.
A894330. Hicard-1. Card. Appl. au: Jesus H. Hena. Jesus H. flena; 12Auq77: A894330.
A894331. Haoa Goldberq'E Chicken soup capsule. 1 V. Add. ti: It couldn't hurt! Haaa Goldtierq's chicken soup capsule. Appl. au: John Carlson. O Haaa Goldberg. Inc.; 1Auq77; A894331.
A894332. Green guide revision. Vol. 2. section P: aiscellaueous. Feb. 1977 revision. 40 p. Equipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15Feb77: A894332.
A894333. Greeu guide revision. Vol. 2. section A: index. Jan. 1977 revision. 10 p. O Equipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 1SJan77; A894333.
A894334. Bental rate blue book. Section 12: hoists 6 derricks. Hov. 1976 revision. 56 p. O Equipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15IIOV76; A894334.
A894335. Black jack at a gleoice. Card. Appl. au: Bobert E. Hilyard. Bobert E. Hilyard d.b.a. Bouse of Hilyard; 2SJun77: A894335.
A894336. The Golden key. By Hary Artie Barrington Belch. 128 p. BH: forevord & editorial revision. O Hary Belch; 24Feb77: A894336.
A894337. "lou too »ill qron old," the nursing hoae ainistry for clergy and laity. "Go and touch." the agape touch ainistry. By Lee Boy Chilaan. 1 v. HH: addition of Go and touch. O Lee Boy Chilaan; 5Sep74; A894337.
A894338. The Golden road to successful racehorse handicapping. 1 v. Appl. au: Hable C. Dobkins & Boyal "Dude" llilliaas. Hable Dobkins & Boyal "Dude" Billiaas d.b.a. and y Publications; 15Jun77: A894338.
A894339. Congratulations: you are now the proud ouner of a new and fantastic trained box. 34 p. Appl. au: George O. Kelbert (Kelfau) e Bichard C. Faubion (Kelfau) O Kelfau. pseud, of George 0. Kelber £ Bichard C. Faubion; 12Aug77; A894339.
Aa94340. On your first schoolday. I aa thinking of you. Folder. Stony Brook Indus- tries, Inc.; 30Hay77; A894340.
A894341. On your first schoolday, schooldays are here! Folder. O Stony Brook Industries, Inc.; 30Hay77; A894341.
A894342. On your first schoolday. congratu- lations! you are starting school today! Folder. O Stony Brook Industries. Inc.; 30Hay77; A894342.
A894343. On your first schoolday, gee now you are starting schooll Folder. Stony Brook Industries, Inc.; 30Hay77; A894343.
Aa943«4. For you on your first schoolday. here is the bus all shiny and new, waiting to pick up your friends and you. Folder. stony Brook Industries, Inc.; 30Hay77: A894344.
A894345. For you on your first schoolday, happy schooldays! Folder. Stony Brook Industries, Inc.; 30Hay77; A894345.
A894346. uhat's worse than being at hoae sick?, and other titles. Cards no. 50N10101- S0H10124. 24 folders. Appl. au: Hichael B. Hall. Toad Greetings, Inc.; 4Aug77; A894346.
A894347. Here is Durhaa. 1 v. BH: new cover design & updating. O League of Boaen
Voters; 1SBov76; A894347.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.