A891t178 - 4894218
JUL-DEC. 1977
1894177 (con.) e Grune and stratton. Inc. ; 8Sep77; A894177.
S894178. Orbit 19. Edited by Damon Knight. 262 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on prev. copyrighted aaterials. 3 Damon Knight: 314ug77: A894178.
S894179. Krill's Hereditary retinal and choroidal diseases. Vol. 2: clinical characte- ristics, chap. 8-25. By ilei E. Krill vith the special assistance of Desmond B. Archer. p. 355-1371. Harper and Bon, Publishers, Inc. ; 25Mar76 (in notice; 1977); A894179.
AB94180. The Painter's choice; problems in the interpretation of Benaissance art. By Millard aeiss. 374 p. NHi compilation 6 additional text. € The Estate of aillard Heiss: 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976): A894180.
A894181. One nation, so many governments; a report to the Ford Foundation. By Hichael N. Danielson, Alan M. Hershey & John tl. Bayne. 141 p. Nt9: editorial selection, compilation & additions. 6 D. C. Heath and Company, a division of Raytheon Company; 12Apr77; A894181.
4894182. The Domestic airline industry. By D. Daryl Hyckoff 6 David H. Haister. 191 p. NH; editorial selection, compilation G additions. € D. C. Heath and Company, a division of fiaytheon Company; 14Jun77; 4894182.
4894183. Homen, minorities and employment discrimination. Edited by Phyllis A. Hallace & Annette H. LaHond. 203 p. Chap. 4 prev. pub. in Sloan management review, spring 1974 6 chap. 7 prev. pub. in International economic review, June 1975. NH: editorial selection, com- pilation £ additions. 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 12Apr77; A894183.
A894ia4. The Dark lady. By Louis Auchincloss. 246 p. e Louis Auchincloss; 13Jun77; A894184.
A894185. Gemini trip. By Janice Law (Janice Law Trecker) 179 p. e Janice Law; 19Jul77; 4394185.
A894186. Single. 4 novel by Harriet Frank, Jr. , pseud, of (Harriet Frank Bavetch) ~ 346 p. e Harriet Frank, Jr.; 2Aug77; A894186.
4894187. The Borld I love to see. Photos, by Olrike Relsch. 122 p. 4ppl. au: The Globe .Newspaper Company, employer for hire. Nfl: compilation. Q The Globe newspaper Company; 16Mar77; A894187.
4894188. Terdi: II Irovatore. 28 p. London aecords. Inc.; 244ug77; 4894188.
A894189. Little people's Palace; pre-opening manual. Britten by Garry N. Savage. 1 v. O Garry N. Savage; 15llar77: 4894189.
A894190. Little People's Palace; operational manual. Hritten by Garry H. Savage. 623 p. e Garry N. Savage; 15llar77: 4894190.
4894191. New sensations in sight and sound. 20 p. Add. ti; Metro's 1977 consumer electronics section. O Metro Associated Services, Inc.; 314ug77; A894191.
4894192. Merry Christmas. Folder (2 p.) A suppl. to the Metro Christmas greetings service, 1977. Metro Associated Services, Inc.; 314ug77; 4894192.
4894193. Combination Christmas-New ¥ear Christmas greetings. 47 p. Q Metro Associated Services, Inc.; 314ug77; 4894193.
A894194. Bunaway heart. By Paul Harrison. On record sleeve in record jacket entitled Pam Bose. (Hith Midnight flight 6 others) e Screen Gems- EMI Music, Inc.; 18Jul77; 4894194.
4894195. Executive compensation service supervisory management report. 22nd ed. , 1977/1978. 293 p. 4dd. ti: Supervisory, 77/'78, © 4macom, a division of 4merican Management Associations; 1Aug77; A894195.
A894196. Clara Barton — a broad humanity; philanthropic efforts on behalf of the armed forces and disaster victims, 1860-1900. By Clyde E. Buckingham. 506 p. e Clyde E. Buckingham; 8Aug77; A894196.
4894197. Plan ahead workbook, August, September, October 1977. 74 p. O Bilton E. Conhaim, Inc. (In notice: Milton conhaim. Inc.); 184ug77; 4894197.
A894198. Your key to successful real estate sales. By John J. Pembroke. 314 p. Q Burgess Publishing Company; 10Jun77; 4894198.
AB94199. Collective bargaining simulation: practice in the art of achieving agreement; director manual. Hritten by Charles Kerchner, Jackson F. Spindle, Hona Lambach Theiss & Dennis Tierney. 203 p. @ Nona Lambach Theiss & Jackson F. Spindle; 26Feb77; A894199.
A894200. How will you know unless I tell you? Sheets. Appl. au: Leah M. Dobbins. a Leah M. Dobbins; 29Apr77: A894200.
A894201. Shirtsleeve workshops, 1977; public relations section. Presented by Clayton-Davis and Associates, Inc., editor: B. c. Schafer. 1 v. Add. ti: Public relations manual. Q The American chiropractic Association; 6Sep77; 4894201.
4894202. Introduction to world food problems: must we eat less? 177 p. NM: compi- lation, abridgment, editorial revision fi additional text & pictorial matter. © University of Mid-America; 2Sep77; A894202.
A894203. Involvement management: PPG Industries, Glass Division; leader's guide. 1 v. Add. ti: Involvement management: Glass Division. NH: text except for prev. pub. material C editorial selection. 6 PPG Industries, Inc.; 6Sep77; A894203. manual for English 100. Editors: Fred Baldwin, Sue Lile Inman & Tom Douglass. 68 p. O Clemson Oniversity; 184ug77; 4894204.
489 4 20 5. Programming and activities in college and university residence halls. Editor; John H. Schuh. 71 p. 6 Association of College and Oniversity Housing Officers; 9Sep77; A894205.
A894206. From humble beginnings: a tribute to the life and career of Elvis Presley. By Bruce i. Heath. Folder. 6 Bruce 0. Heath: 14Sep77; A894206.
A894207. NorthNest Orthodontics new product: the NUO saif-bow face bow system. 2 p. Appl. au; Maclay M. Armstrong £ Michael P. Nakamura. 6 NorthHest Orthodontics, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4894207.
4894208. The Language of art. Author: Margaret Blagg, illustrator: Sam Oaleo, editor: Betty ». Hirsch. 40 p. (The Fourth "B" is art, vol. 1) 6 Beaumont Art Museum; 12Sep77; 4894208.
A894209. I write the words. By Alec Noseworthy. 1 v. e Alec Noseworthy; 134ug77; 4894209.
A894210. fiainbows in our mind. 1 p. Appl. au: Bandall A. Miller (Handy Miller) C Bandy Miller; 294ug77; A894210.
A894211. Sunrise. 1 p. Appl. au: Randall A. Miller (Bandy Miller) O Bandy Miller: 29Aug77; A894211.
4894212. I'm knocking. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Bandall A. Miller (Bandy Miller) Bandy Miller; 29Aug77; 1894212.
AB94213. Music, memory, and thought: explorations in cognitive musicology. -By Otto Ernst Laske. 319 p. (Monograph publishing on demand: sponsor series) 6 Otto E. Laske; 26Aug77; A894213.
A894214. Financing local government: new approaches to old problems. Edited & introduced by Mark S. fiosentraub. 105 p. e The Hestern Social Science Association; 8Aug77; A894214.
A894215. Angular light scattering maxima and minima in monodisperse and hetejrodisperse systems of spheres. By Herner Bergman & Rilfried Heller. 328 p. O iayne State University Press; 25Jul77; A894215.
A8942ie. As I lay dying: a concordance to the novel. Edited by Jack Lee Capps, with an introd. by Cleanth Brooks. 428 p. e The Faulkner Concordance Advisory Board; 25Apr77; A894216.
A894217. Becent developments in the study of business and economic histpry; essays in memory of He^rman E. Krooss. Editor: Robert E. Gallman. 305 p. (Research in economic history, suppl. 1, 1977) 6 JAI Press, Inc.; 30Aug77: A894217.
A894218. A New look at portfolio management. By David M. Ahlers, foreword by Kalman J.
Cohen. 201 p. (Contemporary studies in
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