JUL-DEC. 1977
4872691 (con.) £ others. NB: editorial selection 6 compilation. Rod BcKden; 1Hay77; A872691.
A872692. ns. Pinchpennr*s book of kitchen management. By Dorothy Parker. 37it p. ippl. states all Den except recipe for Hatilla. Dorothy Parker: 26Hay77; i872692.
iB72693. The Spy who loved ae. A novel by Christopher food. 205 p. Based on the screenplay by Christopher Hood fi Richard HaibauB. Appl. aa: Glidrose Pablications, Ltd., as Trustee. NO: adaptation. Glidrose publications, Ltd., as Trustee; 15Jun77: A872693.
48726911. Roughing it easy, 2. By Dian Thosas. 223 p. Dian Thoias: 15Jun77: Ae7269ii.
A872695. Pana, Assumption, IL, and nearby communities classified telephone directory, June 1977. (Hith Pana. Assumption, IL, area telephone directory, June 1977) C The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 17Jun77: A872695.
A872696. creeds under fire. By Daniel Joseph Ottinger. 196 p. Pages 117-117 pret. copyrighted 17Jun76 as Joining the church. IIM: text. Daniel Joseph ottinger (in notice: Dan J. Ottinger); 1itjun77; A872696.
A872697. The organizational creation of social deviants; an examination of the edu- cational processing of students. By Delos H. Kelly. 232 p. Delos H. Kelly: 20Jun77: A872697.
A872698. HOW to care for your camera and minor repairs you can make. By Joseph K. Landis. 1 v. Joseph K. Landis: 19Bay77: A872698.
6872699. Credit and free enterprise: a chance to survive. By Joseph P. Krug. 127 p. Service Corporation of the National Association of Credit Bacagement; 15Bay77: A872699.
A872700. A Non-technical guide to energy- efficiency and solar heating: a book for the layman. By Harry Wirth 6 Roger Schiller. 31 p. C Equinox. Inc.: 1Apr77: A872700.
A872701. Three stories. By Red Jordan Arobateau. 235 p. Add. ti: Five stories. Bed Jordan Arobateau; 10Jun77: A872701.
A872702. Questions non-Christians ask. By Barry Hood. 160 p. Barry Hood; 28Jun77: A872702.
6872703. By prayer for you. By H. G. Robertson. 127 p. e B. G. Robertson: 28Jun77: A872703.
A8727011. Baseball. By Ed Kranepool, Kith Ed Kirkman, photos, by Jim Cummins. 150 p. NB: additions. C Ed Kranepool 6 Ed Kirkman: 204pr77: A8727011.
A872705. About dogs: the 1977 childcraft annual. 304 p. 6dd. ti; Childcraft annual: about dogs. An annual suppl. to childcraft: the ho» and »hy library. Field Enterprises Educational corporation; 20Bay77; 6872705.
A872706. Electrical contacts — 1973; proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Holm Seminar on Electric Contact Phenomena. Compiler of proceedings: Ralph E. Armington. 289 p. Seminar held Oct. 15 to 18, 1973. e Illinois Institute of Technology; 150ct73; A872706.
A872707. An Experimental analysis of teaching mathematics to different sized groups. By Judith K. Sabbert. 1 v. Judith K. Sabbert; 1Apr76: A872707.
A872708. Con science. By Jana Vana, pseud, of Geraldine Jewell. 98 p. Geraldine Jewell (pseud.: Jana Vana): 19Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A872708.
A872709. The Birth of a new day and other poems. By Chong-hai lay. 35 p. O Chong-hai Tay; 19Bay77; A872709.
A872710. Louisiana international trade directory. 2nd ed. 163 p. Appl. au: International Marketing Institute, UNO. Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Bechanical College System; 1Jun77; A872710.
A872711. Manchester, Rockville, CT, book of names, 1977-1978. The Southern New England Telephone Company; 31Mar77; 6872711.
6872712. Livingston County, Kentucky cemeteries, 1738-1976. 350 p. Livingston County Kentucky Homemaker Clubs; 2Jun77: 687 2712.
6872713. Instructions for adjusting and operating, list of parts for style 57100 C. Catalog no. T1«1 a (suppl. to catalog no. 131 B) 17 p. 6dd. ti: Class 57100: advanced high speed fifty thousand series flat bed machines. Appl. au: Henry B. Kaiser. C Onion Special Corporation; 20aay77: A872713.
A872714. Instructions for adjusting and operating, list of parts, styles 36200 H, 36200 AH. Catalog no. T118 H (suppl. to catalog no. 118 L) 9 p. Add. ti: Class 36200: high speed cylinder flatseamer machines for lap seaming. Appl. au: Henry R. Kaiser. Onion Special Corporation: 20Hay77; 68727114.
A872715. National study on child neglect and abuse reporting. National standard form 0021. Editor: Children's Division, The American Humane Association. 2 p. & Children's Division, The American Humane Association; 25Bar77; A872715.
A872716. Preparing to enter medical school. By Shailer Peterson. 175 p. C Shailer Peterson: 12Apr77; A872716.
A872717. Circulation promotion art; summer ed. 1977. ?ol. U. 1 V. O Berkley-Small, Inc.; 1Bay77; A872717.
A872718. An Exploratory study of the commu- nication climate of two naval ships. By Sheila Regan Kilpatrick. Bicrofilm. O Sheila Regan Kilpatrick; 15Jun77; A872718.
A872719. Responses of Aplysia neurons to [ non- printable data )-aminobut yric acid, L-glutamic acid and L-aspartic acid. By Paul Jerome Yarowsky. Bicrofilm. C Paul Jerome larowsky; 15Jun77: A872719.
A872720. 6 Geography of crime in Denver: a study of armed robbery and burglary, 1970-1975. By Frank Joseph Egan. Bicrofilm. Frank Joseph Egan; 15Jun77; 6872720.
6872721. The Influence of Galdos on the films of Luis Bunuel. By Henry Cecilio Fernandez. Microfilm. O Henry Cecilio Fernandez; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 6872721.
6872722. Preliminary design and analysis of a concept approach to facilitation of communicative performance on English prepositions for advanced adult learners of English as a second language. By Lewis 611en Davis. Microfilm. Lewis Allen Davis; 15Jun77: A872722.
A872723. A Study of Title 1, H.E.H. in Michigan as perceived by former directors and advisory councils of selected programs funded during the years of 1970-197it. By Gumecindo Salas. Bicrofilm. O Gumecindo Salas; 15Jun77; A872723.
A872721t. S. T. Aksakov in Russian literary criticism before 1917. By Nonna Hordowsky Carr. Microfilm. Nonna Hordowsky Carr; 15Jun77: A87272«.
A872725. The National Socialist People's Helfare Organization — 1933-1939: the political manipulation of welfare. By Bark Alan Siegel. Bicrofilm. Mark Alan Siegel; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1977); A872725.
A872726. The Measurement of achievement motivation using multidimensional scaling of preference for college activities. By Richard Allen Carpenter. Microfilm. e Richard Allen Carpenter; 15Jun77: A872726.
A872727. The Treatment of brass instruments in the symphonies of Gustav Bahler. By Hesley Luther Hanson. Bicrofilm. Appl. states all new except small musical examples . O Hesley Luther Hanson: 15Jun77; A872727.
6872728. An Observational and theoretical study of shear instability in the airflow near the ground. By John Thomas Berrill, Bicrofilm. O John Thomas Merrill; 15Jun77: A872728.
A872729. The Role of the dean of students in New England community colleges. By Eileen Rush Batthay. Bicrofilm. Eileen Rush Batthay; 15Jun77; A872729.
Ae72730. II Sentimento della colpa nel teatro di Ugo Betti. By Gaetana Barrone. Microfilm. O Gaetana Barrone: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872730.
A872731. An Evaluation of faculty career development activities in selected member institutions of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. By
Israel Bernard aarkowitz. Bicrofilm.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.