1893985 - A89lt024
JUL-DEC. 1977
A893985. Hateclals haDdlinq. 28 p. Southuest lova Learnioq Besources Center; 16Jun76; A893985.
&893986. Eat and ruo: vouc 1978 diet, exercise and eagaqeoeDt calendar. By Jan Ferris Koltun. 232 p. Jan Ferris Koltan; 15Auq77: A393986.
A893987. A Time for friends; workbook. Teacher's ed. /level 8. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Heiss, Annie De Caprio fi Loreli Olson Steuer. 91 p. NH: annotations for new excercises. Holt, Rinehart and iinston. Publishers: 3Jan77; A893987.
A8939Sa. Freedoa's ground. Level It/vol. 1, teacher's ed. By Bernard J. Heiss. 461 p. N^: additions. Holt, fiinefaart and Binston, Publishers: 3Jan77 ; A893988.
A893989. Eiders on the earth. Level 15/vol. 1, teacher's ed. By Bernard J. Heiss. 180 p. NB: additions. O Bolt. Binehart and Vinston. Publishers: 3Jan77; Ae93989.
1893990. Test masters for Living things. Authors: Harold E. Teter, Thomas D. Bain Frederick L. Fitzpatrick. 44 p. Portion prev. pub. in Teacher's edition Living things. NX: additions. C Holt, Binehart and Vinston. Publishers: 15llar77: A893990.
A893991. Never give up! Level 11/vol. 2, teacher's ed. By Eldonna L. Evertts C Bernard J. Heiss. p. 308-592. NM: additions. Holt, Binehart and Hinston, Publishers: 3Jan77; A893991.
1893992. International market indices: week ending September 9, 1977. 18 p. Ippl. au: Halvin B. Boesch & Bobert p. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; 12Sep77; 1893992.
1893993. Heekly money market with daily and Meekly rate charts, week ending September 8. 1977. 1 V. Ippl. au: Halvin B. Boesch. G Quantitative Inalysis Service; 9Sep77; 1893993.
1893994. Heekly money market with daily and Heekly rate charts, week ending September 15, 1977. 1 V. Ippl. au: Bobert p. Sanna e nalvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Inalysis Service: 16Sep77; 1693994.
A893995. International market indices, month ending August 1977. 19 p. Ippl. au: Bobert p. Sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Inalysis Service; 6Sep77; 1893995.
1893996. International market indices: week ending September 2, 1977. 18 p. Ippl. au: Bobert p. Sanna & Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative Inalysis Service; 6Sep77; A893996.
1893997. S and P group report, month ending August 31, 1977: week ending August 30, 1977. s and P group charts, month ending August 1977. 2 v. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanaa t Halvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 2Sep77; A893997.
A893998. Heekly money market: week ending September 1, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Kobert P. Sanna & Halvin B. Boesch. Quan- titative Analysis Service; 2Sep77; A893998.
A893999. heekly charts: week ending August 30, 1977. 366 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna C Halvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 311ug77; A893999.
A894000. Heekly charts: week endraq September 6, 1977. Full key list summary, month ending August 31, 1977: week ending September 6, 1977. 2 V. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch £ Bobert P. Sanna. O Quantitative Analysis Service: 8Sep77; A894000.
A894001. How to get 200,000 miles out of your car. By Bill Hidger as told to Dick Oemske. 127 p. ilH: compilation, revisions & additional text. Pyramid communications. Inc.; 15Aug7S: 1894001.
A894002. Grizzly; special abridged book club addition. Novelized by Hill Collins, pseud, of Edwin Corley. 157 p. NH: compilation, revisions & additional text. 6 Film Ventures International: 15Apr76; A894002. <3rd print.. Dec 1976, deposited)
A894003. Pipeline. A novel by Hilt Hachlin. 607 p. NH: compilation, revisions G additional text. O Hilt Hachlin: 15Nov76: 1894003. (2nd print., Jan. 1977, deposited)
1394004. NO doors, no windows. By Harlan Ellison. 223 p. NH: compilation, revisions 6 additional text. C Harlan Ellison; 15No»75; 1894004.
1894005. Starting in oaqic; over 50 easy beginner's magic tricks. By David Ginn, illustrated by Bill Blackard. 128 p. Portions appeared originally in The Hagic 13 G others. NH: compilation, revisions G additional new text. O David Ginn; 15Dec76; 1894005.
1894006. Introduction to lecithin. By Howard E. Hill. 96 p. NH: compilation, revisions G additional new text. O Nash Publishing Company; 150ct76 (in notice: 1972); 1894006. (Beprint ed. , pub. Oct. 1976, deposited)
1894007. Profiles in football courage. By Bruce Lowitt G Charles Horey. 128 p. NH: compilation, revisions G additional text. O pyramid communications. Inc.; 151uq7S; 1894007.
1894008. The Space beyond. By John U. Campbell, Jr., edited by Roger Elwood, afterword 'cy George Zebrowski G introd. by Isaac Asimov. 287 p. The Estate of John H. Campbell, Jr.; 15Jun76; 1894008.
A894009. Metropolitan readiness tests, level 1. form Q; scaring key. Folder. Appl. au: Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire of Joanne B. Nurss G Hary £. HcGauvran. C Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 30Dec76; A894009.
A894010. Hetropolitan readiness tests, level 2. form Q; scoring key. Folder. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc., employer for hire of Joanne E. Nurss 6 Hary E. HcGauvran. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 30Dec76; A894010.
1894011. Hetropolitaii readiness tests, level 2. form U; teacher's manual. Pt. 1: directions for administering. By Joanne B. Nurss G Hary E. HcGauvran. 30 p. Ippl. au; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.. employer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 30Dec76; 1894011.
1894012. Hetropolitan readiness tests. Level 2, form Q. By Joanne B. Nurss G Hary E. HcGauvran. 21 p. Ippl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.. employer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.; 3aoec74; 1894012.
1894013. Hetropolitan readiness tests, level 1, form Q; teacher's manual. Pt. 1: directions for administering. By Jpanne B. Nurss G Hary E. HcGauvran. 29 p. Ippl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.. employer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 30Dec76; 1894013.
Ae940 14. Hetropolitan readiness tests. Level 1, fo^m Q. By Joanne E. Nurss G Hary E. HcGauvran. 23 p. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc., employer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 30Dec74; A894014.
A894015. The Old-time radio book. Edited by Ted Sennett. 160 p. NH: compilation, editorial revision of prev. pub. articles G commentary. Ted Sennett; 150ct76: A89401S.
A894016. San Diego suburban, includes white pages for San Diego white pages directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Sep77; A894016.
A894017. Glenn and Tehama Counties, CA, telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 28Jul77; A894Q17.
A894018. Shasta. Siskiyou and Trinity Counties, CA, telephone directory, August 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 3Aug77; A894018.
A894019. San Diego includes white pages for San Diego suburban, white pages directory. October 1977. 6 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 241ag77; 1894019.
1894020. San Diego yellow pages. October 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 24Auq77; 1894020.
1894021. The Buying point in today's market for color TV- 17 p. Appl. au: Harketing Department of a.s. News and Horld Beport. Inc. O U.S. News and iorld Beport. Inc.; 6Sep77; A894021.
1894022. The Buying point in today's market for 35mm SLR cameras. 17 p. Ippl. au: Harketing Department of U.S. News and Horld Beport. Inc. O U.S. News and Horld Beport. Inc.; 6Sep77: 1894022.
1894023. Settlement and subsistence along the lower Chaco Biver: the CGP survey. Edited by Charles A. Eeher. 614 p. O University of New Hexico Press; 241ug77; A894023.
Bankson language screening test. By
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