JUL-DEC. 1977
4893313. Palatine. Deer Park, loverness, Eoliiaq Headous. IL, classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Hith Palatine, InvecDess, IL, and nearby coanunities telephone directory, July 1977) O The Beuben K. Donnelley Corporation: 13Jul77; 1893313.
4893311. La Besponsabilidad per el coaportaaiento etico de la enpresa. Por Jaaes K. Baker. Folder (t p.) (Executive advisory service) NH : translation. Alexander Haailton Institute, Inc.; 13Sep77; 48933111.
4893315. Besponsibilities for ethical business conduct. By Jaaes K. Baker. Folder (1 p.) (Executive advisory service) 41exander Haailton Institute, Inc.; 13Sep77; 4893315.
4893316. Eliaine la conletura de las decisioues eiecutivas. Por Henry 0. Goliqhtly. Folder (1 p.) (Executive advisory service) NH: translation. 41exander Haailton Institute, Inc. ; 25Jul77; 4893316.
4893317. Practicas aodecnas de reduccion de costos: estudio especial sobre nuevos aetodos de contencion de costos. 86 p. NH: translation. 41exander Haailton Institute, Inc.; 294uq77: 4893317.
4893318. 4Berican National standard coaaon naae for the pest control cheaical S- f (it-chlorophenyl) aethyll diethylcar- bamothioate "thiobencarb". 4NSI K62. 187-1977. Secretariat: O.s. Departaent of 4qriculture. 2 p. 4uerican National standards Institute; 10Har77; 4893318.
4893319. 4aerican National Standard voltage ratinqs for electric pouer systeas and equipaent (60 Hz) 4NSI C8«. 1-1977, revision of C8U. 1-1970 6 C8».1a-1973. Secretariat: Edison Electric Institute 6 National Electrical flanufacturers 4ssociation. 16 p. HH: updatinq £ revisions. 4aerican National Standards Institute, Inc.; 254uq77; 4893319.
4893320. 4aerican National standard specifi- cations for hiqh-intensity discharqe laap reference ballasts. 4NSI C82.5-1977, revision of C82. 5-1971. Secretariat: Electrical and Electronics standards Hanaqeaent Board. 20 p. NH : updatinq & revisions. C 4aerican National Standards Institute, Inc.; 174aq77: 4893320.
4893321. laerican National Standard for salt packaqes. 4NSI Z353. 1-1977. 7 p. 4aerican National Standards Institute, Inc.; 174uq77; 4893321.
4893322. 4aerican National Standard requireaents for load-tap-chanqinq transforaers 230 000 volts and belou, 3750/4687 throuqh 60 000/80 000/100 000 kV4, three phase. 4NSI C57. 12.30-1977, revision of C57. 12.30- 1971. Secretariat: Edison Electric Institute, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enqineers 6 National Electrical Manufacturers 4ssociation. 36 p. NH: updatinq 6 revisions. O 4Berican National Standards Institute, Inc.; 184uq77: 4893322.
4893323. Percussion; conteaporary band course. Pt. 1. By Georqe Zepp. 21 p. (Notes for today to read, write and play) NB; revisions. BelHin-Hills Publishing corporation; 25Jul77; 4893323.
4893324. Troabone; conteaporary band course. Pt. 1. By Georqe Zepp. 21 p. (Motes for today to read, write and play) NH: revisions. O Belwin-Hilis Publishing Corporation; 25Jul77; 4893324.
4893325. Inspection and aaintenance guidelines- -for aarine product. 7 p. O Caterpillar Tractor coapany; lSep77; 4893325.
4893326. Caterpillar battery guide and rep- laceaeot data book. 1976 ed. 13 p. e Caterpillar Tractor Coapany; lSep77; 4893326.
4893327. Haqner hydraulic brake pacts, lined shoes, disc pads for passenqer cars and popular trucks, 1977-1971. Cataloq H0-800/4pr. 1977. Coapiled by Chilton's Dataloq Division. 216 p. 4ppl. au: Chilton Coapany. O Uagner Electric corporation; 54pr77; 4893327.
4893328. Coapilation of solos. Sheets (18 p.) O The Christian Science Publishing Society: 124uq77; 4893328.
4893329. Annual aeetinq proceedings: aeetinq held in New lork, Oct. 21-26, 1976. 60 p. 4dd. ti: 4nnual aeetiug proceedings, 1976: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 7Sep77; 4893329.
4893330. On further exaaination. Report of the 4dvisory Panel on the Scholastic Aptitude Test score Decline. 75 p. 4ppl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 2»4uq77; 4893330.
4893331. Guide to career decision-aaking skills: experiaental ed. Nritten by John D. Kruaboltz 6 Daniel 4. Haael. 17 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 154ug77; 4893331.
4893332. CSS institutional estiaate of student expenses, acadeaic year 1978-79. Folder (6 p.) NH: updating. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 12Sep77; 4893332.
4893333. Financial aid application for students frOB foreign countries. Folder. colleqe Entrance Exaaination Board: 12Sep77: 4893333.
4893331. Financial aid fora, acadeaic year 1978-79; business suppl./fara suppl. 2 p. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 12Sep77; 4893334.
4893335. CLEP: Colleqe-level exaaination proqraa reqistration guide. Folder. 4dd. ti: CLEP registration guide. O College Entrance Exaaination Board: 13Sep77; 4893335.
4893336. Declaration and certification of finances. Folder. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 12Sep77: 4893336.
4893337. Instructions for adainistering the Scholastic aptitude test, the Test of standard written English and the 4chieveaent tests; supervisor's aanual, 1977-1978. Prepared by the Educational Testing Service. 25 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. O College Entrance Exaaination Board; 13Sep77: 4893337.
4893338. yildwaters: exploring wilderness waterways. By Buddy Hays with photos, by the author. 143 p. O Buddy Hays; 14pr77: A89333B.
4893339. Everyday probleas in public health. By Peter 0. Sogers. 212 p. F. 4. Davis coapany; 294ug77: 4893339.
4893340. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette relative value coaaentary; a aonthly report, July 1977. 8 p. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation: 29Jul77: 4893310.
4393341. New car deaand correlated with changes in real disposable personal incoae; research bulletin, Aug. 1977. Folder (3 p.) O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 154ug77; 4893311.
4893312. Integrating the corporate tax: aethods, aotivations and effects, Aug. 1977. 51 p. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 31Auq77; A893342.
A893313. Sterling Dru^, Inc.; action recoa- aendation, Sept. 1977. 10 p. Do- naldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities corporation: 6Sep77; A893313.
A893311. Dividend taxation: research bulletin, Sept. 1977. 24 p. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 9Sep77: A893344.
4893345. Golden treasury of texts. Revised by Christian Herald 4ssociation. 381 p. NH: new introd. Christian Herald Asso- ciation: 14pr77: 4893315.
4893316. 4riana Olisvos: her last works and days. By David Dwyer. 61 p. 4ppl. states all new except poeas starting on p. 1, 8, 13, 45, 17, 57, 60 6 61. Portions prev. pub. in the New Tork quarterly 6 others. David Dwyer: 22Nov76; 4893346.
4893317. The 4uthority of experience; essays in feainist criticisa. Edited by Arlyn Diaaond C Lee B. Edwards. 301 p. The University of Massachusetts Press; 12Jan77; A893347.
A893348. Pathways for the poet; poetry patterns explained and illustrated. By »iola Jacobson Berg. 235 p. C viola Berg; 8JU177: A893318.
A893349. The Great book of aagic includ^ing 150 aystifying tricks you can perfora. By iendy Bydell 6 George Gilbert, pseud, of Georqe Gilbert Lott. 271 p. O Product Development International Holding, N.V.: 220ct76; A893349.
A893350. Harshall Oniversity oral history of Appalachia. Hicrofila. Appl. au: Bicrofilainq Corporation of Aaerica.
O Harshall Oniversity; 13Jun77; A893350.
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