JUL-DEC. 1977
4893225 (con.) (Electronics enqineerinq technology) Ippl. aa: inthony J. »l»ares. O Bell and Honell Schools. Inc.; 6Jul77: 1893225.
J893226. CoBmunication systens 2; coucse instruction plan, course no. CS-701. 1 w. (Electronics enqineerinq technology) sppl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; A893226.
A893227. COBPUteE proqraiBinq 2; course instcuction plan. Coucse no. CP-801. 7 p. (Electronics enqineerinq technoioqy) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. Bell and Hoiiell Schools. Inc.; 6Jul77; Ae93227.
A893228. COBfflunicatioD systems 3; coarse instruction plan. Course no. CS-801. 1 V. (Electronics enqineerinq technoioqy) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. O Bell and Howell Schools. Inc.; 6Jul77; 1893228.
A893229. Digital computer systems; coucse instruction plan. Course no. DC-901. 8 p. (Electronics enqineerinq technoioqy) APpl. au: Anthony J. Alvare'^. e Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; A893229.
A893230. Help yourself — to qood pictures. Folder. EastBan Kodali Company; 26Auq77: A893230.
A893231. A Glossary of photoqraphic terns for interior desiqners. 7 p. O Eastman Kodak Company: 25Jul77; A893231.
A893232. Operator's checklist for daily start-up of the Kodali Versamat film processor, model 1110 series, operator's chec)tlist for daily shutdown of the Kodak Versamat film processor, model IHO series. 'i p. O Eastman Kodak Company; 8Auq77; A893232.
A893233. Osinq Kodak form T-90 for trilinear plottinq and control. 3 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 5»uq77; A893233.
A89323«. BeqeneratioD performance control diagram for Kodak Ektaprint 2 bleach-fix. Folder, e Eastman Kodak Company: 16Auq77; A89323«.
A893235. Kodak IB piosphor. 2 p. NN: additions S revisions. C Eastman Kodak Company: 12Auq77: A893235.
A893236. Kodak BAB film 249i» (ESTAS-AH base); photographic & physical properties- Folder. NM: additions 6 revisions. O Eastman Kodak Company; 30Auq77; A893236.
A893237. Operatinq the Kodak Versamat film processor models 1140-H. lltO-HG, and 1140-L, July 1977. 50 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 3Auq77; A893237.
A893238. Operatinq the Kodak color printer model 5S-5. July 1977. 39 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 2Auq77; A893238.
A893239. Basic color for the graphic arts. 28 p. KM: additions E revisions. O Eastman Kodak Company; 2Auq77; A893239. processor models 1140-H, 11«0-HG, and IIUO-L, July 1977. 78 p. Eastman Kodak Company; 11Auq77: A8932I40.
A8932'i1. Educator's quide to Kodak products, 1977-1978. 256 p. O Eastman Kodak company; 19Jul77; A893241.
A8932i»2. Kodak photographic products, 1977-1978. 248 p. O Eastman Kodak Company; 22Jun77; A8932a2.
AB932I43. Annual Instrumentation market survey; industry comment, July 25, 1977. 23 p. O r. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 25JU177: A893243.
A8932lllt. News from the political economy; research notes. Bo. 1, July 21, 1977. 6 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 21Jui77; A8932U1I.
A8932a5. Biq Three Industries; research notes, July 18, 1977. 13 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 18Jul77; A8932<l5.
A8932116. Domestic sweetener production outlook* 1977/1978; research notes, July 12, 1977. 8 p. OF. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 12JU177; A8932K6.
A8932II7. Host International; company comment, July 11, 1977. 11 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 1 lJul77; A893217.
A8932I48. The International value of the dollar; research notes, July 11, 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 11JU177; A893248.
A893249. Burrouqhs Corporation; research notes, July 7, 1977. 8 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 7Jul77; A893249.
A893250. central Soya Company, Inc.; company review, July 7, 1977. 27 p. C F. Eberstadt and company. Inc. ; 7Jul77; A893250.
A893251. CPC International: research notes, July 1, 1977. 6 p. OF. Ebecstadt and company. Inc.; 1Jul77; A893251.
A893252. Peuuzoil offshore Gas operators. Inc.; company comment, June 24, 1977. 18 p. O F. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 24Jun77; A893252.
A893253. Replacement cost pricing: coming or qoing? Speech before Chemical Industry Association. June 12, 1977. 8 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 21Jun77: 1893253.
A893254. National Airlines, Inc. ; research notes, June 21, 1977. 7 p. OF. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 21Jan77; A893254.
A893255. Mew drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases; a seminar sponsored by F. Eberstadt and company. Inc. — research notes, June 17. 1977. Author: B. A. L. Sturdevant, introd. by Bernard B. Levine. 16 p. Appl. au: F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. O F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 17Jun77; A893255.
1893256. Squibb Corporation; company comment, June 15, 1977. 16 p. F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 15Jun77; A893256.
A893257. Perspective on the O.S. political economy; research notes, June 14, 1977. 7 p. O F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 14Jun77: 1893257.
1893258. Delta lir Lines; research notes* July 27, 1977. 4 p. OF. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 27Jul77; 1893258.
1893259. Beatrice Foods; company ceview synopsis, July 29, 1977. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 29Jul77; 1893259.
1893260. Investment implications of proposed Federal government sugar policy; industry comment, July 26, 1977. 18 p. P. Ebecstadt and Company, Inc. ; 26JU177; 1893260.
1893261. Implications of crude oil price discounting for OPEC and the state of the downstream markets; industry comment, lug. 1, 1977. 6 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77: 1893261.
1893262. General Signal; research notes, Aug. 2, 1977. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 21ug77; 1893262,
1893263. Imsted Industries; research notes, lug. 2, 1977. 4 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 2Aug77; 1893263.
1893264. Pullman, Inc.; research notes, lug. 3. 1977. 4 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 3Aug77; 1893264.
1893265. Trans Union Corporation; company comment, Aug. 5, 1977. 17 p. O F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 5Aug77: A89326 5.
1893266. Mews from the political economy; research notes. Mo. 2, log. 8, 1977. 6 p. O F. Ebecstadt and Company. Inc. ; 81ug77: 1893266.
A893267. Hospital supply industry — second quarter review: research notes, Aug. 9, 1977. 6 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 9Aug77; A893267.
A893268. Small business computer review and survey; industry review, lug. 11, 1977. 27 p. C F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; llAug77; A893268.
A893269. Domestic sweetener pricing; research notes, Aug. 11. 1977. 5 p. OP. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 11Aug77: A893269.
A893270. Harris Corporation; company review, Aug. 16, 1977. 30 p. F. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 161ug77, 1893270.
1893271. Stauffer Chemical Company; research notes, Aug. 17, 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 17Aug77;
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