4893185 - 4893225
JUL-DEC. 1977
S893185. The Law of Federal income taxation: Internal Bevenae code of 195'i (as of January 1, 1977) compiled by James J. Doheny & other editors. Sheets. Add. ti: Hertens law of Federal income taxation. Q Callaqhan and Company; 30Jun77; 4893185.
4893186. Mertens Law of Federal income taxation. Vol. 1-12. July 1977 supplements (quarterly) with new 1976 Tax reform act summaries. Editor-in-chief: James J. Ooheny. Sheets. 6 Callaqhan and Company; 13Sep77; 4893186.
4893187. Federal information disclosure: procedures* forms and the lav. By James T. O'Reilly. 1 V. Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Sprinqs; 304uq77; 4893187.
4893188. Federal income taxation of real estate- 1977 cumulative snppl. no. 2. By Gerald J. Bobinson. Sheets. Uarcen, Gorham and tamont. Inc.; 7Sep77; 4893188.
4893189. West's Neil Hampshire dlqest, September 1977. 65 p. 6 Rest Publishinq Company; 2Sep77: 4893189.
A893190. Haine leqislative service, 1977-. Mo. 4. p. 505-931. e iest Publishing Company; 104uq77; 4893190.
4893191. Hassachusetts practice. 7ol. 26-27: uniform commercial code forms annotated. 1977 poclcet parts. By Herbert Lemelman. 2 V. @ Uest Publishing Company; 8Sep77 ; 4893191.
4893192. Rest's Connecticut digest, September 1977. 170 p. e Best Publishinq Company; 1Sep77; 4893192.
A893193. Best's New Jersey digest, September 1977. 256 p. Best Publishinq Company; 2Sep77: 4893193.
48931914. Illinois leqlslative service, 1977. So. i>. p. 245-1)15. e Rest Publishinq Company; 1Sep77; 4893194.
4893195. Rest's Haryland diqest, September 1977. 260 p. Rest publishinq Company; 1Sep77; 4893195.
4893196. Vernon's Texas session law service, 1977. No. 10. 75 p. 6 Rest Publishinq Company: 304uq77; A893196.
A893197. Vernon's aissouri leqislative service, 1977. No. 2. 677 p. C Rest Publishing Company: 2Sep77: 4893197.
A893198. Dnited States Court of Claims diqest. Vol- 1-7. 1977 cumulative annual pocket patt. 7 v. Rest Publishinq Company; 8Jun77; A893198.
4893199. Rest's Pacific diqest, 4uqust 1977. 1144 p. e Rest Publishinq Company; 24Auq77; A893199.
A893200. Smith and Boberson's Business law, uniform commercial code, fourth edition; teacher's manual. By len lounq Smith 6 G. Gale Boberson. 357 p. Add. ti: Teacher's manual to accompany Business lav, uniform commercial code, fourth edition. Nfl: compilation, revisions & additions. Q Rest Publishinq Company; 22Auq77; A893200.
A893201. 1977 supplement to criminal lav: cases, materials and text on the Substantive criminal lav in its procedural context. By Phillip B. Johnson, vith problems by the author and Uyron noskovitz. 115 p. O Rest Publishinq Company; 12Aug77; A893201.
A893202. Hodern Federal practice digest, Aogust 1977. Vol. 30-52. Rest's Federal practice diqest 2d, August 1977. Vol. 1-48. 1183 p. e Rest Publishing Company; 8Auq77; 4893202.
4893203. Vale Pennsylvania digest, September 1977. 695 p. O Rest Publishing Company; 6Sep77; 4893203.
4893204. Foundations for reading and vriting. Rorkbook 1. By Millard D. Sheeler, Jean N. Dale e Susan C. Bayley. 113 p. © English Language Services, Inc.; 234uq77; 4893204.
A893205. Handvriting vorkbook: handvriting and letter recognition practice for learners of the Enqlish alphabet. By Bayner B. Harkley. 1 v. 6 English Language Services, Inc.; 224ug77: 4893205.
4893206. Foundations for reading and vriting. Rorkbook 2. By Rillard D. Sheeler, Susan C. Bayley & Jean M. Dale. 118 p. O English Language Services, Inc.; 234uq77: 4893206.
A893207. Fortune telling: a program for girls about vomen, vork and nontraditional occupations. Developed by the Boston Young Romen's Christian Association. 1 v. O Boston Young Romen's Christian Association; 28Jul77: 4893207.
4893208. John Deere Cyclone and Liguifire snowmobiles; service manual, Sfl-2106 (Auq-77) 1 V. Add. ti: John Deere 340 and 440 Cyclone, 340 and 440 Liguifire snovmobiles. Appl. au: John Deere Horicon Rorks € Deere and Company, Service Publications Department. 6 Deere and Company; 16Aug77; 4893208.
4893209. The (Updated) last Rhole earth catalog: access to tools- 16th ed. 442 p. O Point; 1Jun75; A893209.
4893210. Couple communication instructor manual. By Elam R- Kunnally, Sherod Hiller e Daniel B- Rackman- 1 v- Companion work to work of req. A69244S, A855943 & 4869281. O Sherod Hiller, Elam R. Nunnally & Daniel B. Rackman; 3Hay77; 4893210.
4893211. Harine engineering and operations manual. By John J- Day & J. Biley Sheffield. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Oil and Gas Consultants International. Huch of material prev. pub. in Harine environment operations and engineering manual, 4511172. NH: additions, revisions £ rearrangement of prev. pub- material- Q Oil and Gas Consultants International, Inc-; 21Jun76; A893211-
oplng with contemporary dilemmas. 3 v. (Lifestyle) 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N45349 6 H45350, in box. 6 David C. Cook Publishing Company; 7Jul77; 4893212.
4893213. Safety on wheels. 8 p. 4ccompanied by 2 cassettes, reg. JP20680, JP20681 S 2 filmstrips, reg. N45351. 6 January Productions: 24Nov75; 4893213.
4893214. Feeling fine. 1 v. 4ccompanied by 5 cassettes, reg. H45352 6 5 filmstrips, reg. JP20675-20679. 4ppl. au: January Productions, Inc. 6 January Productions; 310ct75; A893214.
A893215. Circuit analysis 1; course instruction plan. Course no. CA-101. 1 v. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. G Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4893215.
4893216. Electronic devices and circuits 1; course instruction plan. Course no. ED-101. 1 V. (Electronics engineering technology) 4ppl. au: 4nthony J. Alvares. O Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; i893216.
A893217. Circuit analysis 2; course instruction plan. Course no. C4-201. 1 v. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. 6 Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4893217.
4893218. Electronics devices and circuits 2; course instruction plan. Course no. ED-201. 1 V. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: 4nthony J. Alvares. e Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77: 4893218.
4893219. Linear circuits 1; course instruction plan. Course no. LC-301. 8 p. (Electronic engineering technology) 4ppl. au: 4uthony J. 41vares. O Bell and Hovell Schools. Inc.; 6Jul77: 4893219.
4893220. Digital circuits 1 ; course instruction plan. Course no. DC-301. 1 v. (Electronics engineering technology) 4ppl. au: 4nthony J. 41vares. O Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4893220.
A893221. Computer programming; course instruction plan. Course no. CP-301. 7 p. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: Anthony J. 41vares. Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4893221.
A893222. Linear circuits 2; course instruction plan- Course no. LC-401. 1 v. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. 6 Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77: A893222.
4893223. Digital circuits 2; course instruction plan. Coarse no. DC-401. 7 p. (Electronics engineering technology) 4ppl. au: 4nthony J. 41vares. 6 Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4893223.
4893224. Communication systems 1; course instruction plan- Course no. CS-501. 1 V. (Electronics engineering technology) Appl. au: Anthony J. Alvares. O Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 6Jul77: 4893224.
A893225. Digital computers; course instruction
plan. Course no. DC-601. 8 p.
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