4893155 - A893ieit
JUL-DEC. 1977
4893151 (con.) espanol: Secqio Sobcedo. 1 v. Spanish only. &ppi. au; naaaqeaent TralDinq Svstess for Industry, Inc. NH: tran- slation. Q Hanaqeaent and Training STSteas for Industry, Inc.; 15Jun77; 189315U.
1893155. HSa 211: Purqe crystallization, prepared by Charles E. ScLelland £ Hanaqefflent and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 ». 4ppl. au: Honsanto Chemical Intermediates Company. Hanaqement and Traininq systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Jul77: 4893155.
4893156. Hasoneilan 2700, 3700. 2800 and 3800 series controllers. Hanual I 211. Prepared by Hanaqement and Traininq systems for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 ». MH: editorial revisions & material addition. Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4893156.
4893157. Baste water treatment plant HSH llllTP-3 bioloqical treatment step. Prepared by J. B. Perrett £ Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. , issued by Atlantic Bicbfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Befinery. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Company. O Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Jun77: 4893157. HSH U11; Recycle compressors, hydrogen purqe qas and vent systems. Prepared by Charles HcPherson £ Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Honsanto Chemical Intermediates Company. O Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4893158.
A893159. Bele resumidor Baily tipo AM. Basual I 285S. Preparado por Antonio L. Hontes, traduccion al espanol: Antonio L. Hontes. 1 V. Appl. au: Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. NM: tran- slation. Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Har77; A893159.
A893160. Close corporations: Ian and practice, second edition. 1977 cumulative suppl. to vol. 1-2. By F. Hodqe O'Heal. Sheets. O Callaqhan and Company: 1Sep77 ; 4893160.
4893161. aichiqan statutes annotated. Current material hiqhliqhts, statutes release no. 5, Current material — statutes, release no. 5 S Cross-reference tables and temporary index to current material, release no. 1-5, Auq. 22, 1977. By the Callaqhan and Company editorial staff. 3 v. Callaqhan and Company; 294uq77: A893161.
4893162. Callaqhan* s Illinois civil practice forms. 1977 cumulative suppl., vol. 1-5, 7-8. By Boland P. Klinqe £ the Callaqhan and Company editorial staff. 8 v. e Callaqhan and Company; 29Auq77; A893162.
Hedical trial technique quarterly, index. 1977 revision. By the Callaqhan and company editorial staff. Sheets (707 p.) Callaqhan and Company; 30Auq77;
4893163. ns: pleading and practice. Suppl. to second ed.. issued June 1977. By the editorial staff of Bancroft-Bhitney Company. Hultiple volumes. Add. ti: Texas "jurisprudence forms: pleading and practice. 6 Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 15JU177; i89316t.
4893165. Hodern California discovery, 2d. Cumulative suppl. , issued in 4ug. 1977. By David B. Louisell £ Barry H. Bally. 312 p. e Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 194ug77; 4893165.
4893166. California condominium handbook, Hith forms. Suppl.. issued July 1977. By John Paul Hanna. 181 p. Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 15Jul77; 4893166.
4893167. California official reports. Official advance sheets, no. 22, Auq. 16, 1977. 1 V. O Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 16Aug77; 4893167.
4893168. California official reports, official advance sheets, no. 21, Auq. tt, 1977. 1 V. 6 Bancroft-Bhitney Company; itAuq77: A893168.
A893169. California official reports. Official advance sheets, no. 19, July 14, 1977. V. e Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 1itJul77 4893169.
4893170. California official reports, official advance sheets, no. 18, July 5, 1977. 1 V. Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 5Jul77; A893170.
A893171. California official reports. Official advance sheets, no. 20, July 26, 1977. 1 V. e Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 26Jul77; A893171.
A893172. Babkin and Johnson Federal income, gift and estate taxation report. Beport no. 421, Aug. 1977. Sheets. O Hatthev Bender and company. Inc.; 174ug77; 4893172.
4893173. Besponsibilities of insurance aqents and brokers. Aug. 1977 suppl. £ revision, release no. 3. By Bertram Harnett. Folder, 2 V. £ sheets. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. C Hatthe« Bender and Company, Inc.; 22Aug77; 4893173.
A893174. Current material highlights for Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 12, release no. 2. July 1977. 2 V. £ sheets. Hatthen Bender and company. Inc.; 21Jul77; 4893174.
4893175. Secured transactions under the Uniform commercial code. Vol. 1, by Peter F. Cooqan, Billiam E. Hogan £ Detlev F. Vagts. 1977 cumulative suppl. £ revision, release no. 10 to vol. 1, 1A, £ IB, by Peter F. Cooqan. 3 v.. folder £ sheets. (Bender's Uniform commercial code service) Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 22Auq77; 4893175.
4893176. Treatise on environmental Ian. July 1977 revision £ suppl., release no. 3. By Frank P. Grand. 2 v. , folder £ sheets. Appl. au: Hatthen Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 19Aug77; 4893176. Franchising. Auq. 1977 revision, release no. 11. By Gladys Glickman, Federal tax material by Florence B. Halin £ Hichael Hadison, tax revision editor: Billiam A. Ancier . Folder £ sheets. (Business organizations, vol. 15-15A) Appl. au: Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 234ug77; 4893177.
A893178. New York civil practice, by Jack B. Beinstein. Harold I. Korn £ Arthur B. Hiller. July 1977 revision, release no. 23 by Hargaret A. Berger, Oscar G. Chase, Hartin J. Fisch, Lawrence Kaplan £ Elliott I. Susser. Folder, sheets £ 43 p. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. O Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4893178.
A893179. Hoore*s Federal practice, second edition, vol. 8, 8A £ 8B, by James Billiam Hoore. Aug. 1977 suppl. fi revision, release no. 19. By Irwin Hall, Harvin Baxner, Hichael Eisenstein £ Donald Stickloi (originally by Bobert M. Cipes) 5 v., folder £ sheets. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. C Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 17Aug77; A893179.
The American law of mining. 1977 revision G cumulative suppl.. release no. 11. Edited by The Eocky Hountain Hineral Law Foundation, Oniversity of Colorado. 5 v., folder £ sheets. Appl. au: Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.. employer for hire. O Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 25Auq77; A893180.
A893181. The Law of real property. Vol. 1, 2A, 3, 4, 44, 4B, 5, 6 £ 7. July 1977 revision £ supplemental index, release no. 19. By Bichard E. Powell, revision editor: Patrick J. Bohan. 2 v. E sheets. 4dd. ti: Powell, the law of real property. 4ppl. au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 24Auq77; A893181.
A8931892. The Neck. 1977 revision, release no. 11 by Leon L. Bolfstone. Jack Leibman, Robert Bingham £ Charles S. Parnell; Au: suppl. . release no. 11 by medical editors: Lois L. Caswell, Barbara B. Smith & legal editor: Sandra Berdischevsky. 3 sheets. (Courtroom medicine, vol. 2, & 2B) Appl. au: Hatthev Bender and any. Inc., employer for hire, they Bender and company. Inc.; 12Aug77; 4893182.
4893183. Current legal forms with tax analysis. Vol. 1. 1A, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 5B, 6. 6A, 7. 7A, 8, 8A, 9, 9A, 9B, 10. 1977 revision, release no. 36. By Jacob Babkin £ Hark B. Johnson; Aug. 1977 suppl.. release no. 36 prepared by Amelia C. Greenhill, Alec H. Brown, Lavrence G. Harshall, Neil L. Hark £ Robert G. Hedcalf; Aug. 1977 supplemental index, release no. 36 prepared by the staff of Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc. Hultiple volumes £ sheets. Appl. au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Hatthev Bender and Company. Inc.; 164ug77; 4893183.
4893184. Current tax highlights supplementing Hertens lav of Federal income taxation. Vol. 19. no. 9, June 3D, 1977. By James J. Doheny. Code-rulings table. 1954-1976. Folder (8 p.) S sheets. Callaghan and
Company; llJaJ.77; A893184.
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