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A872187 - A972525


JUL-DEC. 1977

A872187. 1973/Fora truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-A, text. New issue pt, 3, Oct. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub- Oct. 1975. e Ford Motor Company; 10ct76; i872U87.

4872488. 1973/Foxd truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-&, text. Ne« issue pt, it, Oct. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub- Oct- 1975. e Ford Motor Company; 10ct76; 4872188.

4872189. Parts and accessories price list for Ford dealers, effective January 1, 1977; form FPS 3636-A. Sheets- O Ford Motor Company: 1Jan76 (in notice: 1977); 4872189.

4872190. Parts and accessories price list for Ford dealers, effective October 31, 1976; form FPS 3636-4. Sheets- 6 Ford Motor Company: 310ct76; 4872190.

4872191. Parts and accessories price list for Ford dealers, effective 4ugust 31, 1976; form FPS 3636-4. Sheets. 6 Ford Motor Company; 314ug76: 4872191.

4872192. 1973/Ford car master parts and accessories catalog: form FPS 8091-4, text. Ne« issue pt. 3, dated Sept. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. 6 Ford Motor Company; 1Sep76; 4872192.

4872193. 1973/Ford car master parts and accessories catalog: form FPS 6091-4, text. New issue pt. 2, dated Sept. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. Ford Motor Company; 1Sep76: 4872193.

4872191. 1973/Ford car master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8091-4, text. New issue pt. 1, dated Sept. 1976- Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. e Ford Motor Company; 1Sep76: 4872191.

4872195- 1973/Ford car master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8091-4, text. New issue pt. 1, dated Sept- 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. Ford Motor Company; lSep76; 4872195.

4872196. 1 973/Lincoln-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8095-B, illus. Change no. 1, revised pages for Dec. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev^ pub. Sept. 1976. e Ford Motor Company; 1Dec76: S872196-

4872197. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FP 8097-4, text. Change no. 5, revised pages for July 1976. Sheets. portions prev. pjb. Oct. 1975. € Ford Motor Company; 1Jul76: 4872197.

4872198- 1973/Pord truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FP 8097-4, text- Change no- 6, revised pages for July 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. 4ug. 1975. 6 Ford Motor Company; 1JU176; 4872198.

4872199. 1973/Ford truck series 100/500 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS i096-4. text. Change no, 1, revised May 177. Sheets. Portions prev. pub- Aug- 1976. NM: additions 6 revisions. 6 Ford Motor Company; 1Hay77; 4872199.

4872500. 1973/Ford truck series 100/500 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8096-B, illas. New issue, Aug. 1976. Sheets, portions prev. pub. Aug, 1975. d Ford Motor Company; 1Aag76; 4872500.

4672501. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FP 8097-4, text. Change no. 1, revised pages for 4pr. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Oct. 1975. (B ford Motor Company; 14pr76; 4872501.

4872502. 1973/Ford truck series 100/500 master parts and accessories catalog: form FPS 8096-B, illus. Change no. 2, revised pages for Feb. 1977. sheets. Portions prev. pub- 4ug. 1976. 6 Ford Motor Company; 1Feb77: 4872502.

4872503. 1973/Ford truck series 100/500 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8096-B, illus. Change no. 1, revised pages for Nov. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Aug, 1975. Ford Motor Company: 1Nov76; A872503.

4872501. Parts and accessories price list for imported-vehicle dealers, effective February 28, 1977; form FPS 9636. 65 p. e Ford Motor Company; 28Feb77: 4872501.

4872505. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-B, illus. Change no. 1, revised pages for Jan. 1977. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Oct. 1976. 6 Ford Motor Company; lJan77: 4872505.

4872506. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-B, illus. Change no. 2, revised pages for Apr. 1977. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Oct. 1976. I9 Ford Motor Company: 14pr77; 4872506.

4872507, 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-4, text. Change no. 2, revised pages for Jan. 1977. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Oct. 1976. Ford Motor Company; 1Jan77; 4872507.

4872508. Parts and accessories price list for imported-vehicle dealers, effective 4ugust 31, 1976; form FPS 9636. 63 p. d Ford Motor Company; 314ug76; 4872508.

A872509. parts and accessories price list for imported-vehicle dealers, effective October 31, 1976; form FPS 9636. 61 p. 6 Ford Motor Company; 310ct76; 4872509.

4872510, Parts and accessories price list for imported-vehicle dealers, effective January 1, 1977; form FPS 9636. 65 p. 9 Ford Motor Company; 1Jan77: 4872510.

4872511, 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-4, text. Change no. 3, revised pages for 4pr. 1977. Sheets. Portions prev, pub. Oct. 1976. e Ford Motor Company: 14pr77: 4872511.

A872512. Courier truck master parts and illustrations catalog; form FPS 8078. Change no- 3, revised pages for Nov- 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Feb. 1976- e Ford Motor Company; mov76; A872512-

4872513. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-B, illus. Nen issue pt. 1, dated Oct. 1976, Sheets, Portions prev. pub. Oct. 1975. Ford Motor Company; 10ct76; 4872513.

4872514. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FP 8097-B, illus. Change no. 3, revised pages for July 1976. Sheets, Portions prev. pub, Oct. 1975, 6 Ford Motor Company: 1Jul76; 4872511.

4872515. 1973/Ford truck series 600/900 master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8097-B, illus. New issue pt. 2, dated Oct. 1 976, Sheets- Portions prev- pub. Oct. 1975, Ford Motor Company; 10ct76; 4872515,

4872516. Standard and utility parts catalog, effective December 1976; form FPS 3733. Sheets (202 p.) 4ad. ti: Motorcraft standard and utility parts catalog, effective December 1976. 6 Ford Motor Company; 10ec76; 4872516.

4872517. Courier truck master parts and illustrations catalog; form FPS 8078. Change no. 2, revised pages for Aug. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev- pub- Feb. 1976- e Ford Motor Company; 14U376; 4872517.

4872518. 1973/LincolD-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8095-4, text. New issue pt. 1, Sept, 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. e Ford Motor Company; 1Sep76; A872518.

4872519. 1973/Lincoln-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8095-4, text. New issue pt. 2, Sept. 1976. Sheets. Add. ti: 1975/Lincoln-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975. 6 Ford Motor Company: 1Sep76; A872519.

A872520. 1973/Lincoln-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog: form FPS 8095-4, text. New issue pt. 3, Sept. 1976. Sheets. Portions prev. pub. Sept. 1975, 9 Ford Motor Company; 1Sep76; 4872520..

4872521. 1973/Lincoln-Mercury master parts and accessories catalog; form FPS 8095-A, text. New issue pt. 1. Sept. 1976, Sheets, portions prev. pub. Sept, 1975. 9 Ford Motor Company: 1Sep76; A872521.

4872522. Battle hymn of the Reformation. Front cover art by S. w. Hilcox. Folder. 4ppl. au; Fortress Press, © Fortress press; 2JU177: 4872522.

4872523. Japan ricepaper letter. By Luther D. Kistler, front cover painting by James H. Worth. Folder. 4dd. ti: Christmas. 4ppl. au: Fortress Press. 9 Fortress Press; 2Jul77; A872523,

A872521. The Kind of fasting I want is this. Engraving on the cover by Alexandre Bida, illus. by 4nnie Vallotton. Folder, 4da. ti: A poor man named Lazarus who desired to be fed, Appl. au: Fortress Press. Illus. prev. pub. in the Good Hews Bible, & Fortress Press; 2Jul77: A872S21.


The Cathedral with the compassionate


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