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JUL-DEC. 1977

QuincT* 1L« and nearby coBOUDlties telephone directory, iuqust 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 2&uq77: iB91966.

11891967. Quincv* IL, and nearby cOEmunities classified telephone directory, August 1977. (With Ouincy, IL, and nearby coaiDunities telephone directory, August 1977.1 The Beuben a. Donnelley Corporation; 2Auq77; AB91967.

AB91968. Eocli Hill, SC, also listings for Fort Lawn, Fort Hill and York telephone directory. July 1977. e Bock Hill Telephone coapany; 2iuq77: A89 1968.

A891969. Eden, DC, including Beidsyille and Buffio telephone directory, August 1977. Central Telephone Company; 29Jul77; A891969.

A891970. Dinston-Salem, NC, suburban telephone directory, June 1977. Issued by Old Town Telephone System, Inc. Appl. au: Sid-Continent Telephone Corporation. e aid-Continent Telephone Corporation; 7Jun77; A891970.

A891971. Algonquin, Barrinqton Hills, Lake in the Bills. IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, July 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 6JU177: A891971.

A891972. Blue Island. Calumet Park, Oak Forest, Midlothian, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 7Jun77: AB91972.

A891973. Blue Island, Calumet Park, Oak Forest, Bidlothian, IL, and nearby communities classified telephone directory, June 1977. (Sith Blue Island, Calumet Park. Oak Forest, Midlothian, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977) O The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 7Jun77; A891973.

A89197II. Bridgeview. Justice, Summit, Billow Springs, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone Company: 7Jan77: A891971t.

A891975. Archer Heights, Brighton Park, Clearing, IL, and others neighborhood telephone directory, July 1977. 6 The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 8Jun77; A891975.

A891976. Algonquin, Barrinqton Hills, Lake in the Hills, IL, yellow pages classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Bith Algonquin, Lake in the Hills, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, July 1977.) The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 6Jul77; A891976.

A891977. Ashburn, Chicago Lawn, Best Lawn. IL, neighborhood telephone directory, including white and yellow pages, July 1977. e The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 10Jun77: A891977.

A891978. Bedford Park, Bridgeview, Forest View, IL. and others yellow paqes classified telephone directory, June 1977. Add. ti: Bridqeyiew, Justice. Summit, IL, and others classified telephone directory. June 1977. (Bith Bridgeview, Justice, summit. Billow Springs, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977.) e The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 7Jun77: A891978.

A891979. Butler, Hartisonville, Lone Jack, HO, and others, the phone book, August 1977. Add. ti: Harrisonville, MO, August 1977. O United Telephone Company of Missouri; 18JU177; A891979.

A891980. Naples. FL, area, the phone book, August 1977. Add. ti: Gulf Coast, FL, August 1977. S United Telepnone Company of Florida: 21JU177; A891980.

A891981. Barren. Newton Falls, also Cortland, OH, and others, the phone book. August 1977. e united Telephone Company of Ohio; lajul77: A891981.

A891982. Allegheny Valley, PA and vicinity telephone directory, July 1977. O Mid-Continent Telephone corporation; 18JU177; A891982.

A891983. Lennon includes separate list for Flint, MI, July 1977. e Lennon Telephone Company: 30Jun77: A891983.

A891984. Near west suburbs including these communities: Bellwood, Berkeley, Berwyn, IL, and others regional telephone directory, August 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 21Jul77; A891984.

A891985. Parma. MI, and vicinity telephone directory, August 1977. O Mid Continental Telephone Corporation <in notice; Mid-Continent Telephone Corporation) : 18Jul77; A891985.

A891986. Bartlett, Hanover Park. Ontarioville, Streamwood, IL, yellow pages classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Bith Bartlett, Hanover Park, Streamwood, IL, telephone directory, July 1977.) O The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 8Jul77; A891986.

A891987. Newark, Granville. Gratiot, OH, and others telephone directory. July 1977. 6 The Newark Telephone Company; 5Jul77; A891987.

A891988. Riverdale. Dolton, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977. Add. ti: Dolton, Riverdale, IL. alphabetical directory. May 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 10Jun77; A891988.

A891989. Eiverdale. Dolton, IL, yellow pages classified telephone directory, June 1977. (Bith Riverdale, Dolton, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977) O The Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 10Jun77; A891989.

A891990. Orbisonia. PA, telephone directory, June 1977. O Saltillo Telephone Company; 10Jun77; A891990.

A89 1991. Tinley Park. IL, yellow pages classified telephone directory, June 1977. (Bith Tinley Park, IL, and nearby communities telephone directory, June 1977.) 6 The Beuben H. Donnelley corporation; 10Jun77; A891991.

AB91992. Mcclure, also listings for Napoleon, Florida, OH. and others telephone directory, July 1977. O McClure, Ohio Telephone Company: 2UJun77; A891992.

A891993- Larose, Cut Off, Galliano. LA. and others, July 1977. O Lafourche Telephone company. Inc.; 21Jun77; A891993.

A891994. Sanford, Broadway, Olivia, HC. telephone directory, July 1977. Heins Telephone company; 22Jun77; A89199U.

A89199 5. Dundee. IL. area yellow pages classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Bith Carpentersville. East Dundee, Gilberts, IL, and others telephone directory, July 1977.) O The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 11Jul77; A891995.

A891996. Napoleon, Deshler, Besthope, OH, and others, the phone book, July 1977. © United Telephone Company of Ohio; 24Jun77: A891996.

A891997. Carpentersville, East Dundee, Gilberts, IL, and others telephone directory, July 1977. Add. ti: Harrington Bills, Carpentersville. East Dundee, IL, and others alphabetical directory, July 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone company; 11Jul77; A891997.

A891998. Beaufort, Frogmore, Laurel Bay, SC, the phone book, June 1977. O United Telephone Company of the Carolinas, Inc.; 13Jun77; A891998.

A891999. Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Boca Grande, FL, and others, the phone book, July 1977. Add. ti: Charlotte Harbor, FL, area, July 1977. O United Telephone Company of Florida; 20Jun77; A891999.

AS92000. Mount Vernon, Bluford, Bonnie. IL. and others classified telephone directory, June 1977. (Bith Mount Vernon, Dii, Harmony, Bluford, IL, telephone directory, June 1977) C The Beuben H. Donnelley corporation; 13Jun77; Aa92000.

A892001. Boyertown, Bally, Dougiassville, Sassamansville, PA, and nearby communities telephone directory, July 1977. The Conestoga Telephone and Telegraph Company; 6JU177; A892001.

A892002. Mount Vernon, Dix, Harmony, Bluford, IL, telephone directory, June 1977. Add. ti; Bluford, Bonnie, Dix, IL, and others alphabetical directory, June 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 13Jun77: A892002.

A892003. Bachelors Hall, Bhitmell, including listings of Danville, VS, July 1977. 6 The Central Telephone Company of Virginia; 11Jul77; A892003.

A892004. North Parks, serving: Albany Park, Irving Park. IL. and others neighborhood telephone directory, July 1977. The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 22Jun77; A892004.

A892005. Rogers Park. Uptown, serving: Edgewater, IL, and others neighborhood telephone directory. July 1977. O The Beuben H.

Donnelley Corporation; 17Jun77; A892005.


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