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4890885 - 4890923


JUL-DEC. 1977

A89088S. Larqe artery hemodynanics and vascular ImpedaDCe in graded arterial stenosis and in huaan peripheral atherosclerosis. By David John Farrar. aicrofilm. David John Fairar; 15»uq77 (in notice: 19761 ; A890885.

4890886. The Science fiction subculture: bridqe between the tuo cultures. By Linda 4. Fleninq. Hicrofila. O Linda 4. Fleniuq: 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) : 4890886.

4890887. The Concept of structure in three Benaissance sonnet sequences. By 41exander Duniop. Hicrofila. O Alexander Duniop: 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890887.

4890888. Buildinq construction as an enqine of econoaic qrowth; an evaluation of the Colonbian development plan. By Lisa Parson Fox. Hicrofila. O Lisa Parson Fox: 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890888.

4890889. The Courtisane character in the nineteenth-century French novel froa Balzac to Zola. By Bobert 4rthur Crane. Hicrofila. C Bobert 4rthur Crane; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890889.

4890890. The Deveiopaent of Eonsard's concept of poetic inspiration. By Donald tayne Gilaan, Jr. Hicrofila. e Donald layne Gilaan. Jr.; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890890.

4890891. British qovernaent finance, 1793-1807: the deveiopaent of a policy based on war taxes. By Hichard 41exander Cooper. Hicrofila. C Hichard 41exander Cooper; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890891.

4890892. 1: Selective trapping of dienes by benzylideneacetoneiron tricarbonyl. 2: 4tteapted synthesis of the ZZZZ- cyciononatetraenyliron tricarbon yl cationic and anionic coaplexes. By Charles Bichard Grahad. Hicrofila. Charles Bichard Grahaa; 154oq77 (in notice: 1976): 4890892.

4890893. Spectral diffusion in vanadiun doped rutile. By Gerard Charles Chinqas. Hicrofila. C Gerard Charles chinqas; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890893.

489089U. 4 Text edition of the Pantaleon leqend accordinq to Codex Sanqallensis 589. By Joseph Bryant Carroll. Hicrofila. NH: introd. G appendices. O Joseph Bryant Carroll; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 48908911.

4890895. The Electoral bases of representation in Sorth Carolina: 1916-1972. By Hope Harshall Broqden. Hicrofila. Hope Harshall Broqden: 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890895.

4890896. Culture chanqe and leadership in a aodern Indian conaunity: the Colorado fiiver Indian Heservation. By Katherine Eleanor Blossoa. Hicrofila. Katherine Eleanor Blossoa; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976): 4890896.

4890897. Divide and conquer alqorithas for closest point problems in aultidiaensional space. By Jon Louis Bentley. Hicrofila. Jon Louis Bentley; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890897.

4890898. The Perceived character of extraordinary iteas: a aultidiaensional scaling approach. By Kieffer Ednin Bailey 3rd. Hicrofila. Kieffer Ediiin Bailey 3rd; 154ug77 (i notic 1976); 4890898.

4890699. Individual differences and the ontogeny of attachment responses in doaestic chicles (GalluE gallus) By Terry Lynn Hall. Hicrofila. O Terry Lynn Hall; 1S4uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890899.

4890900. The Contribution of syntax to poetic effect in Horace's Odes. By Betsey Ualpern. Hicrotila. O Betsey Balpern; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890900.

4890901. Eiqht self-love as the fulcrum of balance in Shakespeare's plays. By Helga Irene Kutz Harder. Microfilm. Belga Irene Kutz Harder; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 489090 1.

4890902. Soae determinants of white racial attitudes: a multivariate analysis. By Stella Louise Harqett. Hicrofila. e Stella Louise Harqett; 154uq77 (in notice: 1975): 4890902.

4890903. Beowulf: studies in the diction. By 4nne Leslie Harris. Hicrofilm. 4nnc Leslie Harris; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890903.

4890901*. The Paradoxes of partnership: Britain and 4merica, 1944-19*7. By Bobert Horse Hathaway, Jr. Hicrofila. Bobert Horse Hathaway, Jr.; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890904.

4890905. 4 Visual cataloque: recent Latin 4merican drawings, 1969-1976. Essay: 4nnicl[ Saniurjo, pseud, of Ana H. Casciero, photoqraphy: Albert J. Casciero, Enqlish narration: Jay H. Kaufman, Spanish narration: 4nnick Sanjurjo. 1 v. 4ccoapanied by sound recording & 110 slides in box. O 4na H. Casciero; 8Jul77; 4890905.

4890906. The Breath of life, art by Ed Gonqleski. 4nd other titles. Hultiple volumes. (SPIES series) Add. ti: Onit publication: sound filastrip series for SPIES- -self-paced investigations for eleaentary science. 4ccoapanied by filastrip, reg. JP20626 £ sound recording, reg. N45116, in boxes. Appl. au; EdHediaTec, Inc. EdHediaTec, Inc.; 150ct76: A890906.

A890907. Eapire. 2nd ed. 6 p. Appl. au: Robert Sulzer. e 8S a.a.d.o. Seal Simulations, Robert Sulzer, sole owner (on copies: Real Simulations) ; 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A890907.

A890908. Land of Asqard. 2nd ed. 8 p. Appl. au: Bobert Sulzer. O RS a.a.d.o. Real Simulations, Robert Sulzer, sole owner (in notice: Real Simulations); 1Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; A890908.

Ae90909. Dizzie bird. Sheets (3 p.) Appl. au: Harion Z. Hiller (H. Z. Hiller) £ Harilyn Hiller (H. Hiller) O H. Z. Hiller 6 H. Hiller; 13Hay77; A890909.

A8909ia. 4 Record of the Bochford family, others; Ter Doest, Lorden, Heffernan, Cane/Cain, Sheehan. Coapiled by Lenore T. Snart Hochford. 17 p. O Lenore Smart Rochford (in notice: Lenore T. Rochford) ; 23JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890910.

4890911. This is 4ppleton. 95 p. 4ppl. au: Dorothy H. Draheim. NH: editorial revision 6 additional text 6 pictures. C League of Boaen Voters of 4ppleton, Bisconsin; 15Jun77: 4890911.

4890912. 34th annual survey 4pril edition of Office salaries and hiring rates in Hew York. Issued by Labor-Hanaqement Belatiors Department, Hew York Chaaber of Comaerce and Industry: J. George Piccoli S Vijai Singh. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Hew York Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Hew lork Chamber of commerce and Industry: 19Hay77; 4890912.

A890913. A Laser electro-optics technology curriculum guide. prepared by the Technical Education Research Centers, Southwest Center. 1 v. O Technical Education Research Center-SU; 1Jul76; A890913.

A890914. Hatrix optics. 35 p. (Geometrical optics, module 2-12) Technical Education Research Center — SM; 1JU176; A890914.

A890915. Reflection of light. 13 p. (Geo- metrical optics, module 2-2) Technical Education Research Center — SH ; lJul76; A890915.

A890916. Retraction of light. 38 p. (Geo- metrical optics, module 2-5) Technical Education Research Center — SB; lJul76; A890916.

A890917. Light sources and their characteristics. 36 p. (Bave optics, module 5-1) e Technical Education Research Center — SB; lJul76; A890917.

A890918. Retail motor vehicle sale: statement of title encumbrance. 1 p. American Bay Service Corporation; 20Dec76: 4890918.

4890919. Herry Christmas and may your new year be as joyous. Card. C Black Heritage Greetings; 25Jul77: 4890919.

4890920. Binning: guide to casino gaablinq. Britten 6 illustrated by John Belosky. 1 V. © Casino Information center, a partnership composed of Richard HacDonald, John Belosky £ Prances R. HacDonald; 14Feb77; 4890920.

4890921. If I aa not for myself, who will be for me? Dear neighbor. Folder 6 card. (Hemorial-estate planning) 4ppl. au: Arthur Dentz. NH: revised additional text 6 compilation. Arthur Dentz (in notice on folder: 4.D.); 14pr76; 4890921.

AB90922. Hasiform D 6. Editor: Devra Hichele Langsam. 94 p. Devra Hichele Langsam; 15JU177; 4890922.

4890923. On a whisper. Thought: Billiaa Eugene

Butler, art: Karen Pieroni. Folder.


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