JUL-DEC. 1977
A89080lt (con.) Hoffnan. Hicrofils. © Cy Hoffsao; 15»uq77; »89080«.
»890 805. Paving the penalty: the role of punishaent in theories of justified civil disobedience. By Daniel Michael Farreil. Hicrofill. C Daniel Bichael Parrell; 15Auq77; »890805.
A890806. Stanislavski: his actiuq principles and their significance for the field of oral interpretation. By Jack Neinan. Bicrofilm. C Jack Neiman; 15»uq77; A890806.
Ae90B07. & Biography of self-consciousness. By Bichael Charles Tobias. Hicrofili. Bichael Charles Tobias: 15Auq77; 1890807.
A890808. The Beauroonian at Solvieux: an upper Paleolithic industry froB southt#estern France. By Linda Louise Taranik. flicrofilB. C Linda Louise Taranik: 15Auq77: A890a08.
A890809. Barketinq postsecondary education. By Sally Eva Rand. Bicrofilu. Sally Eva Hand: 15Auq77: A890809.
A890810. A select and critical bibliography of studies on Victor Hugo's theatre (1900 to 1975) By Suth Lestha Doyle. Bicrofilu. O Suth Lestha Doyle: 15Auq77 (in notice: 19761; A890810.
A890811. The Behavioral bioloqy of the tarantula Aphonopelia chalcodes. By EdHin H. Binch. Bicrofilu. C Edwin H. Binch; 15Auq77; 4890811.
A890812. A Factor analytic validation of vocational trait structure with ninth qrade boys and qirls. By Hilla Bailey Gupta. Bicrofilu. Silla Bailey Gupta; 15Auq77: A890812.
A8908H. The Social foundations of the psychology of consciousness. By Boqer David Kraaier. Bicrofilffl. C Roqer David Kraoer; 15Auq77; A890813.
A890814. The Dialectics of status competition. By Janes Jefferson Livesay, Jr. Bicrofil*. Ja»es Jefferson Livesay, Jr.; 15Auq77; A890814.
A890815. The Influence of experiential focusinq on state aniiety and probleB-solving ability. By John Paul Gray. Hicrofila. O John Paul Gray; 15Aug77: A890815.
A890816. Tiabre as syabol in selected works of Olivier Bessiaen. By Heidi Cecila Von Gunden. Bicrofila. Appl. states all new except ausicai exaapies. 6 Heidi Cecilia Von Gunden; 15Auq77: A8908 16.
A890817. The Federal hiqhway proqraB; a case study in fiscal federalisa. By Barshal Alan BauqhcuB. BicrofilB. Bar:^hal Alan Bauqhcum; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890817.
A890818. El Oracional de Alonso De Cartagena: edicion critica (basaJa en el aanuscrito 160 de Santander) By Silvia Gonzalez- Qaevedo Alonso. BicrofilB. 6 Silvia Gonzalez-Ouevedo Alonso; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890818.
A890619. An Evaluation of rural health care delivery systems in the South using a conceptual nodel of health. By Bary Ella Halker. Hicrofila. O Bary Ella valker; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890819.
A890820. A Chronoloqical survey and stylistic analysis of selected trios for piano, violin and 'cello composed by native-born United States composers during the period 1920 to 1015. By Arno Paul Druckcr. BicrofilB. Appl. states all new material except musical examples scattered throuqhout the dissertation. Arno Paul Drucker; 15Auq77; A890020.
A890821. An Epideaioloqic study of blood pressure, blood suqar and occupation in employed persons. By H. Grady Callison, Jr. BicrofilB. 6 H. Grady Callison, Jr.; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890821.
A890822. Epileptoqenicit y of qeneral anesthetics: basic mechanisms and clinical signi- ficance. By James Johnston Stockard. Bicrofilm. e James Johnston Stockard; 15Auq77; A890822.
A890823. Three Latin-American novelists in search of lo americano: a productive failure. By Barta Ester Sanchez. Hicrofilm. Q Barta Ester Sanchez; 15Auq77; A890823.
A890821*. Pathological communications in Hamlet: a systems analysis of Shakespeare's tragedy. By Christopher Pasles. Bicrofilm. O Christopher Pasles; 15Ailq77: A89082».
A890825. Towards a Marxist critique of the Cambridge school. By Frank Boosevelt (Franklin Delano Boosevelt 3rd) Bicrofilm. Frank Boosevelt; 1SAuq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890825.
A890826. Ethnomarketinq and entrepreneurs: the apotheosis of trade in Nigeria. By Bernard I. Belasco. Bicrofilm. o Bernard I. Belasco; 15Aug77; A890826.
A890827. An Experimental investigation of Kelly's fixed role therapy with neurotic- introvert college students. By Hichard Bruce Zonderman. Microfilm. e Bichard Bruce Zonderaan; 15Aug77; A890827.
A890828. A Decade of radical educational treads: the 1960's. By Beverly Hison Bosak. Microfila. Beverly Bilson Bosak; 15Aug77; A890828.
A890829. A Coaparative study of very large data bases. By Edward Hill, Jr. Hicrofila. e Edward Hill, Jr.; 15Aog77; A890829.
A890830. Frank Crowninshield and Vanity Fair. By Martha Cohn Cooper. Bicrofilm. Martha Cohn Cooper; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890830.
A890831. Bat acute phase [ non- printable data ]2-macroqlobulin or f non-printable data) aacrofetoprotein. By Dorothy Uudiq. Microfila. e Dorothy Hudiq; 15Aug77; Aa90831.
A890832 Il Oro de Maravilla: an ethnographic study of aqinq and age stratification in an urban Chicano community. By Jose Bernardo Cuellar. Microfilm. Jose Bernardo Cuellar; 15Aug77; A890832.
A890833. Studies on the genetic control o£ antibody variable region synthesis. By Allen L. Thunberg. Microfila. O Allen L. Thunbetg; 15Auq77; A890833.
A89083't. A Solution to the (non-printable data] puzzle; spontaneously broken symmetries of the quark model. By Daniel Gerald Caldi. Microfila. O Daniel Gerald Caldi; 15Aug77; A89083it.
A890B35. Some algorithms for covariance structure analysis. By Sik yum Lee. Microfilm. C Sik yum Lee; 15Auq77; A890835.
A890836. The Genetic control of the antibody response to dextran 81355 in mice. By Bonnie Beth Blomberg. Microfilm. O Bonnie Beth Blomberg; 15Aug77; £890836.
A890837. Self-esteem and reputation management among lower class males of a southern Mexican town. By John Lewis Aguilar. BicrofilB. O John Lewis Aguilar; 15Aug77; A890837.
A890838. Bax Beerbuhm: the essayist as aesthete. By Mary Ann Brown. Microfilm. Bary Ann Brown; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890838.
A890839. The "Value-added" effects of two-year college transfer programs. By John Patrick Harmon, Jr. Bicrofilm. O John Patrick Harmon, Jr.; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890839.
A890840. Labor parties and the redistribution of income in capitalist democracies. By Lars Bjoern. BicrofilB. Lars Bjoern; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A8908«0.
A890841. An Empirical analysis of life insurance company dividend decisions. By Roger Anthony Foraisano. Microfilm. Roger Anthony Formisano; 15AU977 (in notice; 1976) ; A89081t1.
A8908lt2. Class stratification and the politics of development in North Carolina, 1865-1900. By Dwight Browning Billings, Jr. Bicrofilm. Dwight Browning Billings, Jr.; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A8908it2.
A890843. Neutrality and enforcement: the O.S.A. and Cuban filibustering, 1895-1898. By Stephen Herman Halkiotis. Microfila. a Stephen Herman Halkiotis; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A8908't3.
A83081tl|. Individual psychopathology and the family system: an exploratory study. By Terril Trowbridge Gagnier. Bicrofilm. O Terril Trowbridge Gagnier; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); ABSOBIK.
Ae908lt5. A General equilibrium option pricing model: a state preference approach. By Bichard James Bendleman, Jr. Microfilm. O Bichard James Bendleman, Jr.; 15Aug77
(in notice: 1976); A8908«5.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.