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JUL-DEC. 1977

4890763 (con.) implanted nice. By Leif Lauritz lb Helchior. Microfiln. Leif Lauritz lb Belchior: 154aq77; &890763.

&890761t. An Experimental study of an approach to teaching secondary school writing utilizing student reorqanization, manipulation and analysis of composition models. By Peter Hark Schiff. Hicrofilm. e Peter Hark Schiff; 15Auq77; 48907611.

1890765. The Belationship between attitudes toward feminism and the sex,, aqe and background factors of the residents in a small town setting. By Janet Schumacher- Finell. Hicrofilm. 9 Janet Schumacher- Piuell: 15Suq77; &890765.

4890766. The Kenya African Onion, 191U-1953: a party in search of a constituency. By John Spencer. Hicrofilm. John Spencer; 15Auq77: A890766.

4890767. Social change in hiqher education — a pilot program for adults resuming college in southeastern Hassachusetts. By Barbara Frlschling Dubin. Hicrofilm. 3 Barbara Frischlinq Dubin; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976): 4890767.

4890768. Hedieval interpolation theory. By Jarad Hamadanizadefa. Hicrofilm. @ Javad Hamadanizadeh; 154ug77; 4890768.

4890769. Social structure and property in selected novels of James Fenimore Cooper. By 4rthur Douglas Honson. Hicrofilm. e Arthur Douglas Gonson; 1SJul77: 4890769.

4890770. The Oses-and-gratifications on television news. By Hark Bobert Levy. Hicrofilm. 6 Hark Bobert Levy; 154ug77; A890770.

A890771. The Theatrical designs of Leon Bakst. By Charles Steven Hayer. Hicrofilm. e Charles Steven Hayer; 154ug77: A890771.

AS 90 772. 4n Exploratory study of the benefits and costs of iob enrichment. By 4ntone Follett Alber. Hicrofilm. e Antone Pollett Alber; 15Aug77; 4890772.

4890773. School achievement, attitudes, and attendance of third grade urban classes categorized by degree of def ormalization and socio-economic setting. By Harcia Kalb Knoll. Microfilm, e Harcia Kalb Knoll; 154ug77; 4890773.

A89077I*. Kitahara Hakushu: his life and poetry. By Hargaret Benton Fukasawa. Hicrofilm. 6 Hargaret Benton Fukasawa; 154ug77; 4890771.

4890775. Characterization of stochastic surface geometry with applications. By Farrokb Nassirpour-Oskoui. Hicrofilm. 6 Farrokh Hassirpour-Oskoui; 15Jul77; 4890775.

A890776. The Hulti- voiced narrator of The Idiot: an approach to understanding the narrative methods in Dostoevsky's novels. By Bobin Feuer Hiller. Hicrofilm. Sobin Feuer Hiller; 15Aog77; A890776.

A890777. Thought disorder in the families of schizophrenic college students. By Thelma Vaughan Hueller. Microfilm. O Thelma Vaughan Hueller; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976); A890777.

A890778. Plato's Theaetetus: the suppression of Dynamis and the problem of knowledge. By Joan c. Harrison. Hicrofilm. e Joan C. Harrison: 154ug77; 4890778.

4890779. Life adjustment education: an historical study of a program of the United States Office of Education, 1945-1954. By Dorothy Elizabeth Broder. Hicrofilm. e Dorothy Elizabeth Broder; 15Juc77 (in notice: 1976); 4890779.

4890780. 4n 4nalysis of visco-plastic behavior of metals. By Natverlal Banchhodbhai Patel. Microfilm. 6 Natverlal Banchhodbhai Patel; 154ug77: 4890780.

4890781. Interaction patterns in normal and emotionally disturbed families as a function of family group size. By Candace Denman Toung. Microfilm. Q Candace Oenman Toung; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890781.

A890782. The Faith versus faith: an analysis of two concepts of faith in fioman Catholic theology of the twentieth century. By John Edward HcMurry. Hicrofilm. John Edward McHurry; 15Jul77; A890782.

A890783. Intrasensory versus intersensory presentation methods on rate of paired associates learning by learning disabled and normal readers. By William J. Horea. Microfilm. S Villiam J. Horea; 15Aug77; 4890783.

4890784. An Assessment of the effectiveness of executive order 11246 in selected insti.tutiocs of higher education. By Zelema H. Harris. Microfilm. 6 Zelema H. Harris; 154ug77; A890784.

4890785. Problem solving strategies in learning disabled and normal achieving children. By George Hccrea Bobson. Hicrofilm. George HcCrea Bobson; 154ug77; 4890785.

4890786. 4n Investigation of the utility of the draw-a-person-in-the-rain for the assessment of stress and the prediction of achievement in college students. By Purcell Taylor, Jr. Microfilm. © Purcell Taylor, Jr.; 154ug77; 4890786.

A890787. 4 Sociosemantic study of language about females. By Elizabeth Johnston Cooper. Hicrofilm. Q Elizabeth Johnston Cooper; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890787.

A890788. An Effort to replicate visceral learning in curarized rats. By Barry Bonald Dworkin. Hicrofilm. 3 Barry Bonald Dworkin; 15Aug77; A890788.

A890789. Estimating standard errors of factor loadings by jackknifing. By Douglas Baird Clarkson. Microfilm, e Douglas Baird Clarkson; 15Aug77; 4890789.

A890790. The Development of accounting principles for business combinations, 1932-1973. By Hesley Thompson Andrews, Jr. Microfilm. @ Uesley Thompson Andrews, Jr.; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A89O790.

A890791. Time domain analysis of switching regulators. By Dean Barton Edwards. Microfilm. Dean Barton Edwards; 15Aug77; A890791.

A890792. The Properties of the EB Lyrae variables. By Lee Hunt McDonald. Microfilm. O Lee Hunt McDonald; 15Aug77; A8907S2.

A890793. John Stuart Hill: a program for social philosophy. By Adina Beth Schwartz. Hicrofilm. e Adina Beth Schwartz; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890793.

4890794. An Analysis of perceived need satis- factions among United Presbyterian Church pastors. By Hilliam Joseph Carl, Jr. Microfilm. Hilliam Joseph Carl, Jr.; 154ug77; A890794.

4890795. Beethoven in the Onited States to 1865. By 4nne Hui-Hua Chan. Hicrofilm. 6 Anne Uui-Uua Chan; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976): A890795.

4890796. Bittgenstein's notion of form of life in the Philosophical investigations. By David 4rnold Bell. Hicrofilm. @ David Arnold Bell; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890796.

4890797. Excision repair and DNA synthesis after ultraviolet light exposure in African green monkey kidney C?-1 cells and simian virus 40 (SV40) By Jon Ira Hilliams. Hicrofilm. 6 Jon Ira Hilliams; 15Aug77; AB90797.

A890798. Short-run airline network degeneration and accessibility change. By Donald Brooks Cates. Hicrofilm. Donald Brooks Cates; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890798.

A890799. The Hiners for democracy: insurgency in the Onited Mine Horkers of America, 1970-1972. By George Hilliam Hopkins. Microfilm. Q George Hilliam Hopkins; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890799.

4890800. Field dependence-independence, body image and intropunitiveness in juvenile and adult-onset obese women. By Lynda Mae Morck. Microfilm. Lynda Mae Horck; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); A890800,

4890801. On the importance of being ordered. No. 1-2. By Felix Iseng-hsing Hong. Microfilm. Q Felix Tseng-hsing Hong; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890801.

A890802. The Ideal Bose-Einstein gas, revisited. By Bobert Michael Ziff . Microfilm. e Bobert Hichael Ziff; 15Aug77; 4890802.

4890803. The Begulation of body weight: developmental* behavioral and physio- logical considerations. By Mary fiita Cooke Greenwood. Hicrofilm. 9 Mary Bita Cooke Greenwood; 154ug77; 4890803.

A890804. Henstruation and the unconscious: a

content analysis of dreams. By Cy


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