JUL-DEC. 1977
i89072« (con.) Bennett SHansoc. aiccofiln. 3 Dale Bennett s»anson: 15iuq77: »89072it.
4890725. The Theater of intonio Buero Valleio, 19«9-197 1: themes and a chanqinq perspective. By Linda Sollish Sikka. MicroEilii. C Linda Soilish Sikka; 15iuq77: 4890725.
4890726. 4n Investiqation of the special features and needs of incarcecated fenale druq offenders with implications of this investiqation in the development of a female druq treatment proqram at the Correctional Institution for Romen .... Bv Harv Lou Bamsey. Hicrofilm. Bary Lou Bamsey: I5Auq77; 4890726.
4890727. The Essential ambiquity in Adolphe and La Porte etroite: retreat from the reality of love to an illusory love. By Hercedes 4scarza De Veqlmout. Hicrofilm. Prench onlv. O Hercedes Iscacza Be HeqlBont; 15Hay77 (in notice: 1976): 4890727.
4890728. The Soman works of Filippo Delia Valle. By Vernon Hyde Hinor. Hicrofilm. e Vernon Hyde Hinor; 15Auq77; 4890728.
4890729. The Husic of Les Cahiers d'Andre Halter: its sources and its qernlnal role in the fiction of 4ndre Gide. By Penna Bankin Holer. Hicrofilm. 6 Penna Bankin Holer; 15»uq77: 4890729.
4890730. The Sinners proqress: a study of madness in Enqlish Benaissance drama. By Bobert Edwards Shenk. Hicrofilm. Bobert Edwards Shenk; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976): 4890730.
4890731. Theme and role development in same-sex, self-analytic qroups. By Lynn Sandra Kahn. Hicrofilm. O Lynn Sandra Kahn; 154uq77: 4890731.
4890732. Implementation and evaluation of a social adiustment proqram offered to a select qroup of inmates at the Hisconsin State Prison Farm, Oreqon, Hisconsin. By Carolyn Hilanes Deioie. Hicrofilm. 3 Carolyn Hilanes Deioie; 154uq77; 4890732.
4890733. Role-expectations for professional chief neqotiators as perceived by superin- tendents, school board presidents, and professional chief neqotiators in selected Indiana school corporations. By Frank Anthony Bush, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Frank 4nthony Bush, Jr.; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890733.
Ae9073U. The Source as a Benaissance metaphor: imitations of the Fourth qeorqic in Benaissance literature. By David Louis Quint. Hicrofilm. David Louis Quint; I5JU177: A89073"t.
4890735. The Epidemioloqy of venereal disease; a multisectoral stochastic model for the analysis of control activities. By Georqe David Seiner. Hicrofilm. O Georqe David Heiner; 15Hay77 (in notice: 1976); 4890735.
4890736. 4 Christian labor leader: Kaqawa Toyohiko (1888-1960) By Billie Tsunetaka Maqai. Hicrofilm. 6 Willie Tsunetaka Naqai: 15Jun77: 4890736.
4890737. The Poetry of existence: form and function in 4merican conf essionalism. By Steven Kohn Hoffman. Hicrofilm. Steven Kohn Hoffman; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A890737.
A890738. A Beconstruction of Heyerhold*s production, Uoe to wit: the relationship between literary text and theatrical representation. By Alma Hanson Law. Hicrofilm. O Alma Hanson Law; 15Jul77; 4890738.
A890739. The Bole of Junq's compensatory function in dreams of extraverts and introverts. By Bouald Brian Delehanty. Hicrofilm. O Bonald Brian Delehanty: 15Jul77; 4890739.
4890710. The Sacred choral music of Bichard Felciano: an analytic study. By Sigurd Olaf Christiansen. Hicrofilm. Siqurd Claf Christiansen: 15JU177: 48907<»0.
A8907U1. Dysfunctional communication response patterns of depressed wives and their husbands in relation to activities of daily iivinq. By Evelyn Louise Horse Hasli. Hicrofilm. e Evelyn Louise Horse Hasli; 15JU177; A8907i;1.
A8907lt2. An Exploratory study of services integration with organizations serving problem youth. By Hichael Lewis Frumkin. Hicrofilm. Hichael Lewis Frumkin; 15JU177; 48907112.
4890713. Black/white and socioeconomic status as factors in maternal attitudes toward childrearing practices and the use of health care in families with and without an educable mentally retarded child. By Joan Bicks Harris (Frances Joan Bicks Harris) Hicrofilm. C Joan Bicks Harris; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A8907113.
AB90711. 4 Theological dialogue between Christian faith and Chinese belief in the light of "sin" — an inquiry into the apparent failure of the Protestant mission in late 19th century China, especially among Chinese intellectuals. By Christopher Chou. Hicrofilm. 6 Christopher Chou: 15Aug77; A8907ait.
A890715. Negro and black: are these terms interchangeable in use among cultural subgroups in the United States? By Hilliam Lawrence Hannah. Hicrofilm. e Hilliam Lawrence Hannah; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890715.
4890716. Humor in Belville. By Jane Bushabac. Hicrofilm. 6 Jane Bushabac; 15Jul77; 48S0716.
4890717. Transport of Zn-65 in an aquarium ecosystem. By Soger Lee Burkhart. Hicrofilm. O Boger Lee Burkhart; 154ug77: 4890717.
4890718. Kenneth Burke and the dialectical tradition. By David Practenberg. Microfilm. David Fractenberq; 15Auq77; 4890718.
4890719. Horal reasoning and choice of values among students at Butgers Oniversity. By era Evelyn Lockley. Hicrofilm. C Ora Evelyn Lockley; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A890719.
A890750. The Life story through reminiscence in later adulthood. By Boger Dale Fallot. Bicrofilm. O Boger Dale Fallot; 15Jul77; A890750.
A890751. The English clerical diplomats, 1327-1161. By Bary Smoley Blust. Hicrofilm. O Hary Smoley Blust; 15Jun77; A890751.
A890752. Gas transport in artificial lungs: limitations and improvements. By Kazuo Tanishita. Hicrofilm. O Kazuo Tanishita; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; A890752.
A890753. Women and social change in Tunisia. Vol. 1-2. By Andrea 4rntseo. Hicrofilm. Andrea Arntsen; 15AU977: A8907S3.
A890751. The Logic of transcendence: a linguistic account. By Thomas Arthur Duggan. Bicrofilm. O Thomas Arthur Duggan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890751.
4890755. Theories of art and their implications for interdisciplinary arts courses. By Rose Trahey Breckenridge, Hicrofilm. O Eose Trahey Breckenridge; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890755.
4890756. 4 Comparison of simulation/gaming and diagnosis-prescription as methods of teaching reading. By Joyce Denetta Brown Harris. Hicrofilm. Joyce Denetta Brown Harris; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4890756.
4890757. The Development and implementation of a skills-oriented social studies curriculum and an evaluation of the program's effects. By Bichard Boyton Burns. Bicrofilm. 6 Bichard Boyton Burns; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4890757.
4890758. Committee decision making using the special majority of unanimous consent: an empirically based theoretical inquiry- By Bobert J. Barshak. Bicrofilm. Bobert J. Harshak; 154ug77; 4890758.
4890759. 4 Comparison of video, audio, and didactic training of student resource teachers in classroom observation skills. By Hichael Jay Stutz. Hicrofilm. e Hichael Jay Stutz; 154uq77; 4890759.
A890760. The Structure of Bisaya society: a ranked cognatic social system. By Boger D. Peranio. Hicrofilm. O Boger D. Peranio; 15Aug77; A890760.
A890761. The Shepherd of death: the pastoral design in the work of Biguel Hernandez. By George Hilliam Bose. Hicrofilm. O George HiUiam Bose; 15Aug77; A890761.
A89e7fc2. A Study of the attitudes and opinions of administrators and board members with respect to the involvement of teachers, parents, and students in decision-making. By Bobert Bansfield Capie. Hicrofilm. Bobert flansfield Capie; 15Aug77; 4890762.
4890763. Lever-pressing for nesting material by
virgin, pregnant, and progestercne-
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