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A89068t - A89072t


JUL-DEC. 1977

i890683 (con.) library nedia centers: 1976-1977. By Jayne E. Brill. Hicrof ilm. S Jayne E. Brill: 15Suq77: S890683.

1890681). Teacher use of library media centers in the future: a national needs assessment by use of Delphi with local Fault Tree Analysis of this assessment for ins- tructional development. By Bulon Kent Hood. Hicrofllm. Bulon Kent Rood; 154uq77; A890684.

A890685. Power, via Machiavellianism, in educational decision- makinq; a study of selected educators, state officials and lobbyists in the 1975 Nevada leqislative session. By Annette Schran Ezell. Hicrof ilm. 6 Annette Schram Ezell; 15Auq77: A890685.

A890686. The Optimization of the protein nutritive value of Oqi. By Michael Ademola Hakinde. Hicrofilm. Michael Ademola Makinde; 15Auq77; A890686.

A890687. Reference interviews in public libraries. By Mary Josephine Lynch. Hicrofilm. 6 Hary Josephine Lynch; 15Auq77; A890687.

A890688. Cotton-textile diplomacy: Japan. Great Britain and the Onited States, 1930-1936. By Osamu Ishii. Hicrofilm. @ Osanu Ishii: 15Auq77; A890688.

A890689. Investiqation of the diffusion in turbulent shear flow. By Baochuan Bernard Hwanq. Microfilm. @ Baochuan Bernard Hwanq; 15Auq77: A890689.

A890690. The Role of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in macroconidium production of Gibberella zeae. By Bor-fuei Huanq. Microfilm. O Bor-fuei Huanq: 15Auq77; A890690.

A890691. Aqqreqate waqe dynamics and labor market disequilibrium: an errors- in-variables approach. By Bonald Saint Clair Narren, Jr. Microfilm. 6 Bonald Saint Clair Harren, Jr.; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976): A890691.

A890692. Styles of health care offered to ^ preqnant women and mother-child health outcomes. By Annette Jane stark. Microfilm. C Annette Jane Stark; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) : A890692.

A890693. Maupassant and reliqion as revealed in his writinqs. By Bobert Allen Stanley. Hicrofilm. 6 Robert Allen Stanley; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890693.

A89069lt. fiesponse-continqent intracranial self-stimulation of the piqeon dien- cephalon: tests in a variety of behavioral situations. By Scott Joseph Simmerman. Microfilm. 6 Scott Joseph Simmerman; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890694.

A890695. Carl Blecheu: an introduction. By John Alan Sarn. Hicrofilm. e John Alan Sarn; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890695.

A890696. Dynamic simulation of the utilization of industrial waste heat for qrcenhouses. By Hwan Shen. Hicrofilm. S Hwan Shen: 15Auq77: A890696.

A890697. Biuston Churchill and the postwar social reconstruction plans of his wartime administration: 1940-1915. By Mary Anne Lynch. Microfilm. & Mary Anne Lynch; 15Auq77; A890697.

A890698. Operation Setback: 1954. By Juan Camon Garcia. Hicrofilm. Q Juan Bamon Garcia; 15Auq77; A890698.

A890699. An Investigation of the effects of vocationally oriented speech trials on student career maturity and speaking skills in introduction to speech courses at Bloomsburg State College. By Bichard Durrell Alderfer. Microfilm. 6 Bichard Durrell Alderfer: 15Auq77; A890699.

A890700. La Conception du heros dans la geste de Guillaume D'orange. Bo. 1: Fortitude (les qualites chevaleresques) By Chantal Moreau Aramati. Hicrofilm. e Chantal Horeau Aramati; 15Aug77; A890700.

A890701. Continuing education needs assessment: nursing graduates, Oniversity of San Francisco, 1950-1974. By Sister Geraldine HcDonnell, S. H. Microfilm. S Sister Geraldine HcDonnell, S.H. ; 15Aug77: A890701.

A890702. Educational needs assessment: a total community involvement in a systems approach to educational planning. By Gerard Anthony La Rocca. Hicrofilm. e Gerard Anthony La Bocca; 15Aug77; A890702.

A890703. Toward a philosophy of evil; the role of the myth of the Fall in the thought of Paul Tillich and Paul Bicoeur. By Eobert Leo Sevensky. Microfilm. @ Sobert Leo Sevensky: 15Aug77; A690703.

A890704. Synthesis and properties of isoindole and its derivatives. By David E. Bemy. Microfilm. 8 David E. Bemy; 15Auq77; A890704.

A890705. The Necessity and viability of part-time degree programs for Nigerian teachers. By Gregory Ibe Ogbuike. Microfilm. a Gregory Ibe Ogbuike; 15Aug77: A890705.

A890706. The Effects of institutional changes on legislative processes and performances; the case of Ohio — 1959 to 1974. By Balph Harry Craft. Microfilm, e Balph Harry Craft; 15Aug77; A890706.

A890707. Thomas Pynchon's art of allusion. By David Guyland Cowart. Hicrofilm. 6 David Guyland Cowart; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890707.

A890708. The Implementation of water quality legislation: comparative case studies in Japan. By Allan Bruce Campbell. Microfilm. S Allan Bruce Campbell; 15Aug77; A890708.

A890709. Income redistributive effects of public disability programs. By Barry Philip Brownstein. Microfilm. O Barry Philip Brownstein; 15Auq77; A890709.

A890710. Conceptualizations of punishment in relation to adolescent ego development. By Bodolfo Luis Zea. Microfilm. 9 Bodolfo Luis Zea; 15Aug77; A890710.

A890711. Controlled microbial and/or enzymatic oxidation of naphthalene for the production of primary metabolites with system analysis and modelling. By Jih-han Hsieh. Microfilm. Jih-han Hsieh; 15Aug77; A890711.

A890712. The Belationship between certain organizational variables and the rate of innovation in selected university libraries. By Helen Arlene Howard. Microfilm. © Helen Arlene Howard; 15Aug77; A890712.

A890713. The Prediction and explanation of foreign policy behavior: a multif actor analysis of internal/external relation- ships. By Daniel Seth Geller. Hicrofilm. e Daniel Seth Geller; 15Aug77; A890713.

A890714. Cobble ten-thousand and three: incoherence in the poems of Uallace Stevens. By Harvey James Edwards. Hicrofilm. 6 Harvey James Edwards; 15Aug77; A890714.

A890715. Internal characteristics and effec- tiveness of lobbying organizations in the state of Maine. By Bonald David Deprez. Hicrofilm. £> Bonald David Deprez; 15Aug77: A890715.

A890716. Nitrification in a continuous stirred tank biofilm reactor. By Bhavender Sharma. Microfilm. Bhavender Sharma; 15Aug77; A890716.

A890717. Some aspects of the physiology and pharmacology of histamine in the mesenteric vasculature and tissues of Gallus domesticus. By Thomas Frederick Schaible. Microfilm. e Thomas Frederick Schaible; 15Aug77; A890717.

A890718. Foundations of uonequilibrium economic analysis. By Boy Jeffrey Botheim. Microfilm. Boy Jeffrey Botheim; 15Aug77; A890718.

A890719. Development of children's orientations to work: a study of occupational socialization. By John Everett Oldham. Hicrofilm. © John Everett Oldham; 15Aug77; A890719.

A890720. The Development of priority in the recall of newly learned items. By Gregory Jon Nicosia. Hicrofilm. 6 Gregory Jon Nicosia; 15Aug77; A890720.

A890721. The Development of hypothesis-testing ability. By David Stewart Hoshman. Microfilm. 9 David Stewart Hoshman; 15Aug77; A890721.

A890722. Patterns of female experience in Eudora Belty's fiction. By Harcia Phillips HcGowan. Hicrofilm. 6 Harcia Phillips HcGowan; 15Aug77; A890722.

A890723. La Figura di Beatrice: un'interpre- tazione archetipa. By Charles Franco. Microfilm. Charles Franco; 15Aug77; A890723.


Vocal correlates of depression. By Dale


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