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JUL-DEC. 1977

A8906lt2. TBU vater pusps and repair itens cataloa. Catalog no. SS-277, 1977. 37 p. e TUB, Inc.: 23iuq77; A8906112.

A8906lt3. The Coapleat parent: a child nanaqeaent proqran. By Hancv L. Tan Pelt. 135 p. Prev. pub- abroad 1972, oriqinally pub. as: Parent education quidance. NH: additions & revisions. O Nancy L. Tan Pelt: 3iuq77: i890643.

A8906<4a. Doinq business in oranqe County: the fictitious fira nane stateaent lav. 16 p. 6 Oranqe City News Publishinq, Inc. (in notice: Oranqe City News Publishing Coapany, Inc.); 1Auq77: A8906I|lt.

A8906lt5. Retail price list, July 1977. Pom 101-11. Folder (8 p.( Edsyn, Inc.; 12JU177: A8906a5.

A89061t6. aclnturff faiilies traced froa Blount County, Tennessee. By Johnnie Esther Hontaoaery. 22it p. 9 Johnnie Esther Sontqoaery: 16Auq77; A8906<46.

A8906a7. Coapetencies in physical therapy: an analysis of practice. Prepared iointly by the Anerican Physical Therapy Association G Courseware* Inc. 45ii p. O Aaerican Physical Therapy Association: 26Jun77: A8906U7.

A8906lt8. Point count-a-point qeoaetry. By Georqe Barr HcCutcheon. 24 p. National Textbook coapany: 3Jan75: AB90648.

A8906I19. The Vocabulary builder; for teacbing basic second-lanquaqe skills in six different lanquaqes. Illustrated by Judee Levan- 1 y. Appl. au: National Textbook Coapany. 6 National Textbook Coapany: 13Jun77: A89061I9.

A890550. Historietas en espanol: 16 original stories for students «ho have begun to master the Spanish language. By John H. Hilor. 92 p. NH: editorial revisions G pref. O National Textbook Coapany: 18JU177: A890650.

A890651. Proa chaos to order: perautations. By George Barr HcCutcheon. 26 p. National Textbook Coapany: 3Jan75: A890651.

A890652. Place value. By Carl H. Seltzer, Joseph P. Cech e Susan Hilkert. 1 v. (gorking with color rods in aatheaatics, unit 6} National Textbook Coapany: 25Jul76: A890652.

A890653. Getting started. By Carl H. Seltzer, Joseph C. Cech £ Susan Hilkert. 1 v. (Horkinq with color rods in aatheaatics, unit 1) National Textbook Coapany; 12»uq76: A890653.

A89065lt. Chansons patriotiques de France: story, words and ausic. By R, De Roussy De Sales. US p. English e French. Appl. au: National Textbook Coapany. NH: introd. 6 revisions. O National Textbook Coapany: 7Peb77; A890654.

A890555. Residues: workinq with leftovers. By Georqe Barr HcCutcheon. 33 p. NM: pref. & revisions. 6 National Textbook Coapany: 20Jun77: A890655.

A890656. Nuaber bases: fourteen eggs aake a dozen. By Georqe Barr HcCutcheon. 30 p. e National Textbook Coapany; 3Jan75; A890656.

A890657. Addition and subtraction (1) By Carl U. Seltzer, Joseph P. Cech 6 Susan Hilkert. 1 V. (Borking with color rods in aatheaatics. unit 2) National Textbook Coapany: 3Feb77: A890657.

A8906S8. The Law and the travel industry: suaaary. By Alexander Anolik. 90 p. NH: suaaarization. C Alexander Anolik: 7JU177: A890658.

A890659. The Law and the travel industry. By Alexander Anolik. It. Alexander Anolik; 22Jun77; A890659.

A890660. Readar. 29 p. Appl. au: Ronald Jacobs. NH: revisions. O Ronald Jacobs; 31Auq77: A890e60.

A890661. State licensure requireaents for nursing hone adainistrators. A monograph prepared by the Foundation of the Aaerican College of Nursing Hoae Adainistrators, Inc. 115 p. O Foundation of the Aaerican College of Nursing Home Administrators, Inc.; 17Aug77: A890661.

A890662. The Bole of the acetylcholine receptor in synaptogenesis. By Jane A. Butler. 50 p. Jane A. Butler: 29Aug77; A890662.

A890663. Grave gas dissolved in water aids cancer growth. By Central H. Nilson. 1 p. Central H. Wilson: 1Sep77: A890663.

A89066U. Handy ideas from Big Red. Folder. Red Devil, Inc.; 1SAug77: A89066U.

A890665. Candle fashions by Bernat. 20 p. e Eaile Bernat and Sons coapany; 19Aug77; A890665.

A890666. An Operationalization of fiscal aanagement control as the measure of public sector organization perforaance. By Hary Davis Hoore. Hicrofila. Hary Davis Hoore; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890666.

A890667. Involving the consuaer in health care through aarketing research: applications to abortion service design. By William Alan Flexuer. Hicrofila. O Uilliaa Alan Flexner; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890667.

A890668. Harques, Diaz, Gaabaro: teaas y tecnicas absurdistas en el teatro hispanoaaericano. By Daniel Zalacain. Hicrofila. Daniel Zalacain; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890668.

A890669. Ethnicity in a native Aaerican community. By Sharlotte Neely Bllliams. Hicrofila. e Sharlotte Neely Billiams; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1975); A890669.

Ae90670. A Genetic and iaaunoloqical analysis of the regulation of the iaaune response to non-a-2 histocoapatibility antigens in aice. By Peter Johnson Bettstein. Hicrofila. Peter Johnson Bettstein; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A890670.

A890671. The Creation aotif: a study of the Roman Catholic Hass today in the context of the history of religions. By Joseph John Keenan. Hicrofila. Joseph John Keenan; 15Aug77i Ae90671.

Ae9a672. Tracer studies on serua free fatty acid and hepatic triglyceride turnover in control and ethanol-treated rats. By June Faye Bilson. Hicrofila. O June Faye Bilson; 13Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; AS90672.

A890673. Studies on triglyceride aetabolisa in starved and ethanol-treated starved rats. By Edward Baiter Lipkin. Hicrofila. O Edward Baiter tipkin; 15Aug77: A690673.

A89067it. Coordinating agencies as interorga- nizational linkage aechanisms: an analysis of North Carolina's regional faaily planning progtaas. By Jerry Hax Russell. Hicrofila. O Jerry Hax Bussell; 1SAug77 (in notice: 1976); A890671t.

A890675. The Health opinion survey as an evaluative instrument in a rural aental health center. By Peter Croll Beichle. Hicrofila. O Peter Croll Beichle; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890675.

A890676. Celibacy, sexuality and aeaning in life: a coaparative study of religious and Catholic lay hoien. By Claire A. HcGowan. Hicrofila. Claire A. HcGowan; 15Aug77; A890676.

A890677. The Developaent of an organizational aodel for the education of early adolescents. By Bobert Jaaes HcCarthy. Hicrofilm. Robert Jaaes HcCarthy; 15Aug77; Ae90677.

A890678. A Hodel of the residential location decision: an attempt to incorporate and aeasure the iaportance of public goods in the decision-making process. By Bobert Joseph Cuomo. Hicrofilm. O Robert Joseph CUOBO; 15Aug77: AB90678.

A890679. The Bole of counterpoint in the foraation of Hozart's late style. By Isabelle Putnam Emerson. Hicrofila. Isabelle Putnaa Emerson; 15Aug77: A890679.

A890680. The Effectiveness of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules in achieving standard dization of choice and form of heading for certain library aaterials cataloged in Canada, Great Britain and the Onited States from 1968 through 1972. By Charles Donald Cook. Hicrofila. e Charles Donald Cook: 15Aug77; A890680.

A890681. Product, aarket and coapany influences upon the profitability of business unit research and developaent expenditures. By Howard Kurl Christensen. Hicrofila. O Howard Kurl christensen: 15Aug77: A890681.

A890682. The Huaias sugar project: a study of rural developaent in western Kenya. By Albert Haapton Barclay, Jr. Hicrofila. O Albert Haapton Barclay, Jr.; 15Aug77; A890682.


San Francisco Bay area elementary school


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