JUL-DEC. 1977
&87233» (con.) for child development: a home economics curriculum- Onit 1-11- By Lynne Pherson cornwell S others. Multiple volumes. NH: additional text & pictorial matter. e Department of Home Economics. Division of Vocational-Technical Education. Maryland state Department of Education: 1Har77 (in notice: 1976); A87233a.
A872335. The BrooJcs/Vogel series in speech communication; instructor's manual. By William D. Brooks 6 Bobert A. Vogel. 95 p. Add. ti: Instructor's manual for the Brooks/Voqel series in speech commo- nication. Q cummings publishing Company. Inc.; 2May77: A872335.
A872336. Small group communication. By Pamela C. Leth & JoAnn F. Vandenark. 107 p. e Cummings Publishing Company. Inc.; 2May77; A872336.
A872337. Interpersonal communication. By JoAnn F. Vandemark 6 Pamela C. Leth. 109 p. Q Cummings Publishing Company. Inc.; 2Hay77; A872337.
A872338. Constructing social problems. By Malcolm Spector 6 John I. Kitsuse. 184 p. Q Cummings Publishing Company. Inc.; 1Jun77: A872338.
A872339. Bevieu mathematics for nurses and health professionals: a text-workbook including dosages and solutions. By Lucille H. parks. 291 p. e Cummings Publishing Company. Inc.; 27Hay77; A872339.
A872340. The Protean body: a Rolfer's »ie« of human flexibility. By Don Johnson, illustrated by Charles Bamsburg. 151 p. e on text; Don Johnson; 27Apr77; J8723t0.
A87231(1. The Protean body: a Bolfer's vieM of human flexibility. By Don Johnson, illustrated by Charles Bamsburg. 154 p. on illus. ; Charles Bamsburg; 27Apr77; S872341.
A8723U2. The Psychology of being human, brief edition. By Elton Bur bank McNeil. 559 p. Abridged from The Psychology of being human. Appl. au: Harper and Bon. Publishers. Inc. 6 on pref. to the brief ed. : Barlorie E. McNeil; 300ct75; A8723112.
A872343. Study guide to accompany Personal finance: lifetime management by obiec- tives. By Jeffery Bailey S Sid Mittra. 199 p. IS Sid Mittra 6 Jeffery Bailey: 17Feb77; A872343.
A87231111. Laboratory manual for Living systems: principles and relationships, third edition. By James M. Ford. Janes E. Monroe 6 Bates L. Brian. 260 p. NM: additions e revisions- @ James M. Ford. James E. Monroe 6 Bates Brian: 1'tMar77: A87234a.
AB723lt5. The 8080& Bugbook: microcomputer interfacing and programming. By Peter B. Eonv. David G. Larsen 6 Jonathan A. Titus. 416 p. 6 Peter R. Bony. David G. Larsen 6 Jonathan A. Titus; 23Jun77; A872345.
A872346. Counter Facts replacement data service. June 1. 1977. 3 microfiche 6 sheets.
A8723lt7. TI supply: electronic components and computer systems catalog. 344 p. NM: additions & revisions, id Howard W. Sams and Company, Inc.; 23Jun77; A872347.
A872348. Central air conditioning service. Pt. no. 603332. rev. 1. 2nd ed. 216 p. Appl. au: Howard H. Sams and Company. Inc. e Uhirlpool Corporation & Sears, Boebuck and Company; 22Jun77; A872348.
A872349. Interest deduction — general (section 163(a)) Prepared by Javed A. Khokhar, Hark B. Edwards. Joseph Harren 3rd e David S. Dunkle. 1 V. (Tax Hanagemest portfolios. 279-2nd) Appl. au: Tax Management. Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from D.S, Govt, sources. NM: additions, revisions & updating. Q Tax Management, Inc.. a division of the Bureau of National Affairs. Inc.; 30Jun77: A872349.
A872350. Statute of limitations, interest on underpayments and overpayments of tax. By Hilliamson F. Donald S Joseph P. Giljum. 1 v. (Tax Management portfolios, 28-3rd) Appl. au: Tax Management, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on material from D.S. Govt, sources. NM: additions, revisions 6 updating. 3 Tax Management, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, inc.; 30Jun77; A872350.
A872351. Estate planning — post-1976. By Hilliam P. Streng. 1 v. (Tax Management estates, gifts and trusts portfolios. 11-7th) Appl. au: Tax Management, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claimed on materials from D.S. Govt, sources. NM: additions, revisions & updating. Q Tax Management, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 20Jun77; A872351.
A872352. Terror on the docks. Created by Hilliam Blinn, based on the script by Fred Freiberger, adapted by Max Franklin„ 156 p. (Starsky and Hutch, no. 5) Cover photo, reg. as K124689. Appl. au: Spelling-Goldberg Productions & Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. 6 on novelization; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; 17Mar77; A872352.
A872353. The Killing kind. Created by Ivan Goff & Ben Boberts, based on the script by Rick Husky, adapted by Max Franklin. 151 p. (Charlie's angels, no. 2) Cover photo, reg. as K124690. Appl. au: Bandom Rouse, Inc., employer for hire. & on nove- lization; Spelling-Goldberg Productions; 17Har77; A872353.
A872354. Plains talk about King Peanut. By Dan Gary, artist: Carl Money. 8 p. C Dan Gary: 12Jun77; A872354.
A872355. The Bearing of psycho-social familial factors on the choice between traditional and pioneer fields of female siblings in post secondary education. By Evelyn C- Schaefer. Microfilm. & Evelyn C. Schaefer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872355.
A872356. Body image and schizophrenia: a study of non-paranoid schizophrenics when psychotic and when recompensated. By Rosely Traube. Microfilm. 6 Bosely Traube: 15Jun77: A872356.
A872357. The Elegiac poetry of Bobert Lowell, 1944-1970. By Hannah Connor Tyson. Microfilm. Hannah Connor Tyson; 15Jun77: A872357.
A872358. A Study of school library resources in selected secondary schools in Nigeria. By Ganiyu Tunde Onadiran. Microfilm. O Ganiyu Tunde Onadiran; 15Jun77: A872358.
A872359. An Examination of the high school as a just institution: a program in moral education for adolescents. By Celia Helen Schepps. Microfilm. Celia Helen Schepps; 15Jun77; A872359.
A872360. Construction of cognitive maps in selected educational settings. By Alice Jane Hartling Gillespie. Microfilm. 6 Alice Jane Hartling Gillespie; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872360.
A872361. Systematics and biogeography of the Eutamias obscurus complex (Rodentia: Sciuridae) By Joan Bea Callahan. Microfilm. O Joan Bea Callahan: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); Ae72361.
A872362. Lakhota bilingualism: a comparative study of language use in two communities on the Bosebud Sioux Beservation. By Elizabeth Stanley Grobsmith. Microfilm. e Elizabeth Stanley Grobsmith; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872362.
A872363. A Behavioral and telemetric analysis of hyperactivity. By James Darrell Hamner. Microfilm. James Darrell Hamner; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872363.
A872364. The Effect of Spanish cultural awareness lessons upon attitudes toward the Spanish and other cultures, social distance and interest in foreign language study. By Dale Mary Silva. Microfilm. Dale Mary Silva; 15Jun77; A872364-
A872365- The Development and evaluation of four approaches to a smoking modification program for high school students. By Judith Lee Singer. Microfilm. Judith Lee Singer; 15Jun77; A872365.
A872366. The Influence of sibling position, family size and sex upon initial requests for mental health services. By Francine Solomon. Microfilm. Francine Solomon; 15Jun77: A872366.
A872367. Effectiveness of videotape feedback for the instruction of vocal relaxation. By Peter F. Isguick. Microfilm. G Peter F. Isquick; 15Jun77; A872367.
A872368. The Effects of personal adjustment training on mentally retarded adults. By Joseph Francis Piccari. Microfilm. e Joseph Francis Piccari; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A872368.
A872369. Due process in special education. By Carol Ann H. Lay. Microfilm, e Carol Ann H. Lay; 15Jun77; A872369.
Assertiveness trailing, androgyny and professional women. By Kathleen Ann Adams. Microfilm. Kathleen Ann Adams; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A872370.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.