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A890U58 - A890499


JUL-DEC. 1977

48901(57 (con.) molecules solubilized in phospholipid iDicelles and vesicles. By David Alexander Nathaniel Hocris. Hicrofila. 6 David Aleiaoder Nathaniel aorris; 15Auq77: 4890157.

4890458. Quantitative seasonal changes in the lipid profile of the sea aneaone, Hetndium senile, with special reference to the role of wax esters as energy reserves. By Doris Natalie Bill. HicrofilB. C Doris Natalie Hill; 15Aucj77; 48901158.

A890't59. Classical scattering theory with a trace condition. By Percy Alec Deift. HicrofilB. C Percy Alec Deift; 154uq77: A890459.

48901460. The Politics of Federal scholarships: a case study of the development of general grant assistance for undergraduates. By Janet s. Hansen. flicrofLla. Janet s. Hansen: 154ug77; iBgOtbO.

48901161. Three essays on portfolio adiustaent. By Harcos Toribio Jones, flicrofila. e Marcos Toribio Jones; 15Aag77 (in notice: 1976); A890U61.

48901)62. The Sylva and civilizing fora in Ben Jonson's The Forrest and The Dnder^wood. By Ann Jacobson Lauinger. nicrofila. Ann Jacobson Lauinger; 15Aug77; 4390462.

4890463. Identification and characterization of adenovirus tanor antigens. By Arthur David Levinson. nicrofiln. Arthur David Levinson; 15Aug77: 4890463.

4890464. An Analysis of Saul Alinsicy's orga- nizational procedures in terms of conflict theory. By Lynn Tobin Jac)(Son. Microfilm. C Lynn Tobin Jackson; 154ug77; 4890464.

4890465. The Philosophy of punishment in Islamic law. By Mustafa Aboulmeqid Kara. Microfilm, e Mustafa Aboulmegid Kara; 15Aug77: 4890465.

4890466. Textbook publishing in public education. By John Karl Lade. Microfilm. John Karl Lade: 15Aag77: 4890466.

4890467. Textbook revisions in public education. By Linda Lou 4ndes Lade. Microfilm. O Linda Lou 4ndes Lade; 15Aug77; A89a467.

A89046B. The Problem of setting in Hebrew royal judicial narratives. By Charles Bay nabee. Microfilm. Charles Hay Mabee; 15Aug77: A890468.

4890469. Shakespeare in America: Borneo and Juliet. By Pamela Schuck Booney. Microfilm. Pamela Schuck Booney; 15Auq77: A890469.

A890470. Characteristics of role-models and a description of their influence on professional socialization as perceived by students in two elementary education and nursing programs. By Buth fiasco Stiehl. Microfilm. Buth Easco Stiehl: 154uq77: A890470.

Aa90471. 4 Study of title 5 of Public Law 89-10 as a force in the functional operation of state education agencies. By Charles Garland Smith, Jr. Microfilm. Charles Garland Smith, Jr.; 15Aug77: A890471.

4890472. Structural, organizational and administrative dynamics of an alternative social institution — the Foothill Free Clinic. By Jon Kenneth 4mundson. Microfilm. 6 Jon Kenneth Amundson; 1SAuq77: A89a472.

4890473. The Effects of discussing grief, loss, death, and dying on depression levels in a geriatric outpatient therapy group. By Fredric Michaels. Microfilm. 6 Fredric Michaels; 15Auq77; A890473.

A890474. A Chapter in Mexxcan church-state relations: socialist education, 1934-1940. By Maria Ann Kelly. Microfilm. C Maria Ann Kelly; 15Auq77; 4890474.

4890475. Five questions important to black art and education. By James Bussell Benson. Microfilm. O James Bussell Benson; 15Auq77; 4890475.

4890476. Southeast Asia and national security objectives: an examination of 1950 policies. By Gilbert A. Bernabe. Microfilm. O Gilbert A. Bernabe: 154ug77: 4890476.

A890477. Development of an evaluation technique and instrument to assess the teaching competencies of area vocational center instructions. By James Clyde Nolen. Microfilm. James Clyde Nolen; 15Auq77: 4890477.

A890478. An Action research study to evaluate a modified mastery learning strategy in school law. By Nancy Noble Loposer. Microfilm. Q Nancy Noble Loposer; 15Auq77; A890478.

A890479. Insect pest manaqement in conventional- and narrow-row cotton. By Michael Bay Billiams. Microfilm. e Michael Bay Uilliams; 15Auq77; A890479.

A890480. An Introduction to Mandeville's The Fable of the bees. By garren Bobert Brown. Microfilm. Uarren Bobert Brown; 154uq77: 4890480.

4890481. 4 Test of the labelinq theory approach to deviance; the case of the disabled. By Gail F. Christensen. Microfilm. Gail F. Christensen: 15Aug77; 4890481.

4890482. On generalizations of continuity. By David 41ou Bose. Microfilm. David 41on Bose; 154ug77: 4890482.

4890483. 1. Thermodynamic studies of quanidine hydrochloride and acid unfolding of ferricytocbrome C. 2. Permeation properties of polymer membranes: formalized poly (vinyl alcohol) as a membrane for reverse osmosis. By Franklin M. C. Chen. Microfilm. Franklin B. C. Chen; 154uq77: 4890483.

A890484. The Demand for factors of production in the office industry: a disequilibrium model of office building investment and utilization. By Bandall Craig Zisler. Microfilm. Bandall Craig Zisler; 15Auq77: A890484.

A8904e5. A Study of the role of the liberal arts department chairman in selected Michigan universities. By Michael Uilliam Nicholson. Microfilm. O Michael Uilliam Nicholson; 15Auq77; A890485.

A89a486. Gaming/simulation as a learning method in a high school career education course. By James Bouald Hirschinger. Microfilm. James Bonald Hirschinger; 15Aug77; A890486.

A890487. Last seen hitchhikinq. By Brett Haliiday, pseud, of Davis Dresser. 204 p. O Brett Haliiday, a pseud, of Davis Dresser: 13Auq74: 4890487. (See also Last seen hitchhiking: 134ug74: A562208)

A890488. Student guide for fundamentals of Carpentry; practical construction, fifth edition. By Bonald yittone. 104 p. NH: revisions. O American Technical Society; 124ug77; A890488.

A8904e9. Handling people problems. 28 p. (Basic supervisory training: BST) O Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.: 12May77; A890489.

A890490. Employee development. 34 p. (Basic supervisory training: BST) Hells Fargo Bank, N.A.: 12May77; 4890490.

4690491. Personnel policies and practices. 42 p. (Basic supervisory training: BST) O Hells Fargo Bank. N.A.; 12May77: A890491.

A890492. Analyzing hydraulic systems; inst- ructor's guide. Bulletin no. 0222-B2. 1 V. Parker Hannifin Corporation; 26Aug77; A890492.

AB90 493. The Games of SENeT and Sacred way. 7 p. Appi. au: Susan G. Hiddleton. O Susan Gale niddleton; 29Aug77; A890493.

A89a494. Bevised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, August 31, 1977. 1 v. Stationers Price Service Company; 31Aug77; 4890494.

4890495. It's a doll! it's a doll3 30 ways to use the doll shaped cake pan. By Marilyn Baruth. 32 p. Marilyn Baruth; 2May77: 4890495.

A8904S6. Nou-Hodgkin's lymphomas — a brief introduction to their evaluation and management. Prepared by Adria Labo- ratories in cooperation with Stephen E. Jones. 12 p. t card. O Adria Labo- ratories, Inc. : 16JU177: A890496.

1890497. Becurrent urinary tract infections in older patients. 21 p. O Science and Medicine Publishing Company, Inc.; 20Jun77; A890497.

A89a498. Supplementary materials on evidence. By Hilliam Both. 1 v. O uilliam Both; 84uq77; 4890498.

AB90499. How to modify your Mini. By David Vizard. 192 p. C H.P. Books; lMar77;



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