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JUL-DEC. 1977

&890380 (con.) Okano. Microfilm. © Tukio Okano; 15iuq77: »890380.

4890381. Jewish identity and self-esteem. By Judith Heinstein Klein. aicrofilB. O Judith Beicsteln Klein; 15tuq77; 4890381.

4890382. The 4sses5ment of an alcoholism rehabilitation program treatment environment as related to treatment outcome. By Hichael Dennis Kogatek. flicrofilm. C Hicbael Dennis Koqatek; 154uq77: 4890382.

4890383. The Effect of tEaininq in creative problem solving on divergent thinking and organizational perceptions of students of school administration. By sister Jeannette Hary Shean, I. B.v. H. Microfilm. Sister Jeannette aary Shean, I.B.».«.; 154uq77; 4890383.

489038II. Distinctive immunological properties of BII4 extracted from the spleens of tumor-immune and tumor-bearing mice. By Kenneth Joseph Pennline. Microfilm. O Kenneth Joseph Pennline: 154ag77; 489038<t.

4890 385. The Effect of learner participation in planning an adult learning experience and acquisition of knovledqe. By "Bobert Dana Hoorehead. Microfilm. fiobert Dana Moorehead: 154uq77: 4890385.

4890 386. 4 Bole study of middle managers in health care institutions as a basis for the design of undergraduate health care management programs. By Barry Hayne Singleton. Microfilm. Barry Hayne Singleton: 154ug77: 4890386.

4890387. 4n Experimental analogue study of the iudgment of professional social work practitioners, as influenced by client socio-economic status, worker theoretical orientations, and worker change orien- tations. By James Michael Beinsel. Microfilm. G James Michael Beinsel; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890387.

4390388. 4n 4coustic phonetic study of cross- dialect phonological borrowing. By John Hayne Perkins. Microfilm. C John Rayne Perkins: 154ug77; 4890388.

4890389. Helen M. Hosmer's philosophy of music education and its implementation. By Bruce Vickers Lebaron. Microfilm. e Bruce yickers lebaron; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890389.

4890390. 4 Psychodynamic view of the role of meaning transformation for therapeutic change. By Joseph John Nicolosi. Microfilm. C Joseph John Nicolosi: 154ug77: 4890390.

4890391. 4 Cross-cultural analysis of selected source effects on information processing in an advertising context: an empirical study of French and English Canadian consumers. By fiobert Dominique Tamilia. Microfilm. C fiobert Dominique Tamilia; 154ug77: 4890391.

4890392. Ministers and their sermons in 4merican literature. By Helen Heusner U>1ek. Microfilm. O Helen Heusner Lojek; 154ug77; 4890392.

4890393. The Effects of evaluative accounting information on performance: an inves- tigation. By Marleen Heiko Izumi. Microfilm. O Marleen Meiko Izumi; 154ug77; 4890393.

4890391*. The Effect of client sex on counselor empathy and perception of counseling need. By fiobert Hilliam Stewart. Microfilm. Bobert Hilliam Stewart; 154ug77; 4890390.

4890395. Cutting the fool: women in the school lunch program. By Sarah 4nn Lawson. Microfilm. e Sarah 4nn Lawson; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890395.

4890396. 4n Exploratory study of the relationship between selected school controllable factors and school achievement scores in reading in selected low socioeconomic level schools. By James Gerald Hodges. Microfilm. James Gerald Hodges; 154ug77; 4890396.

4890397. Ecosystems program development project assessment: Community College of Denver. By Thomas Kent Hodgson. Microfilm. Thomas Kent Hodgson; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890397.

4890398. Leader behaviors, leader styles, and management effectiveness of elementary teachers as related to paid teacher aides and volunteer teacher aides. By Carol Patricia O'Connell. Microfilm. Carol Patricia O'Connell; 154ug77; 4890398.

4890399. Attitudes toward public opinion held by some leaders of 4merLcan reform, 1880-1920. By Mae Beid-Bills. Microfilm. O Mae fieid-Bills; 154ug77; 4890399.

4890400. The Evolution of characterization and internal structure in Ghelderode's early plays. By Margaret fiachel Fete. Microfilm. O Margaret Bachel Fete; 154ug77; 4890100.

4890U01. 4n Econometric analysis of motor carrier less-than-truckload transportation services. Vol. 1-2. By 411an Dale Schuster. Microfilm. Allan Dale Schuster; 154ug77; A890H01.

4890102. Two strategies used in retraining aphasic adults. By Algeania Harren Freeman. Microfilm. 6 Algeania War Freeman; 154ug77; 4890102.

4890103. A Study of teacher cost effectiveness. By Charles Eugene Beser. Microfilm. Charles Eugene Beser; 154ug77; 4890103.

4890101. 4n Electron micrographic cytochcmical study of cardiac and renal phosphatases. By Paul Thomas McCauley. Microfilm. O Paul Thomas McCauley; 154ug77; 4890101.

4890105. Principal leadership characteristics as predictors of teacher job motivation factors. By Carl Edward Boberts. Microfilm. Carl Edward Boberts; 15Aug77; A890105.

4890106. Sex, ethnicity, and birth order: their effects on small group interaction. By Hilliam Kelsey Bruff. Microfilm. C Hilliam Kelsey Bruff; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890106.

4890107. Transfer of an antigen-dependent suppression of immune responses by BN4 from sensitized lymphocytes: implications for immunological control. By John Franklin Nawrocki. Microfilm. O John Franklin Nawrocki; 154ug77; 4890107.

4890108. The Influence of male behavior and sex ratio on nesting success of the red-winged blackbird, 4gelaius pnoeniceus phoeniceus (Linnaeus) By Kenneth Stephen Balmas. Microfilm. Kenneth Stephen Balmas; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890108.

4890109. The Leonese features in the Madrid manuscript of the Lxbro de 41exandre. By Sarah Gilbert Bishop. Microfilm. C Sarah Gilbert Bishop; 154ug77; 4890109.

489 01 10. An Evaluation of rationality and internal-external locus of control with incarcerated drug and alcohol abusers. By Charles Hilliam Bell. Microfilm. Charles Hilliam Bell; 154ug77; 4890110.

4890111. Computer graphics as an aid to teaching mathematics. By Bernard Louis Baltz. Microfilm. 6 Bernard Louis Baltz; 15Auq77; 4890111.

4890112. The Heeden Island ceramic complex: an analysis of distribution. By Karl Terry Steinen. Microfilm. Karl Terry Steinen; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890112.

A890113. B. y. Asaf'ev's Musical form as a process: translation and commmentary. fol. 1-3. By James Bobert Tull. Microfilm. James fiobert Tull; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890113.

4890111. Stanley Hood and The Great Divide: fiocky Mountain literary promotion in the late nineteenth century. By Milan James Kedro. Microfilm. O Milan James Kedro; 154ug77; 4890111.

A890115. The Effects of clotrimazole on the growth, oxygen consumption and ultras- tructure of Emmonsiella capsulata Kwon-Chung 1972 (H. capsulatum darl. 1906) By Marianita Hadamba Albano. Microfilm. O Marianita Hadamba Albano; 15Aug77; 4890115.

4890116. 4n Investigation of the institutio- nalized, mentally retarded individual's ability to verbalize concepts of self. By Donna Lynn Van Overloop. Microfilm. O Donna Lynn Van Overloop; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890116.

4890117. 4pplications of pyrolysis-gas chro- matography to pharmaceutical and clinical analysis. By Timothy 4rDand Boy. Microfilm. Timothy 4rmand fioy; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890117.

4890118. Interpersonal risk theory and two law enforcement agencies in central Ohio. By

Charles Kornelius Eden. Microfilm.


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