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A8903110 - A890380


JUL-DEC. 1977

4890310. 4 School and its communities: an effort toward effective communication- By James Joseph O'Connell- nicrofilo. © James Joseph O'Connell; 154uq77; 48903140.

4890341. Killiao Tyndale's contribution to the reformation in England. By Judith Moberly Mayotte. Hicrofilm. Judith Moberly Hayotte; 154aq77 (in notice: 1976) : 4890341.

4890342. 41qebraic aspects of discrete-time bilinear systems and polynomial systems. By Shiqeki Nonoyama. Hicroflla. e Shiqeki Nonoyama; 154aq77; 4890342.

4890343. The 4dministrative role in de»elopinq innovations. By Keith E. Shahan. HlcrofilB. e Keith E. Shahan: 1S4uq77: 4890343.

&890344. Stress, hospitalization, and aqing. By aathy Doval Hezey. Hicrofila. Mathy Doval Hezey; 15Auq77; 4890344.

489034S. Hoses and meaninq in Luke-4cts: a redaction critical analysis of 4cts 7:35-37. By Elizabeth Jane via. Hicrofilm. 6 Elizabeth Jane Via; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890345.

4890346. Orqanizational politics in felony cases: iustice in five Connecticut courts. By Hare G. Gertz. nicrofilm. S Hare G. Gertz; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890346.

4890347. Infant and mother in the first postnatal hours: descriptive and experimental observations. By Hary Elise Gaulin- Kremer. Hicrofilm. 9 Hary Elise Gaulin-Kremer; 154ttq77 (in notice: 1976): 4890347.

S890348. The Desiqn and evaluation of an interactive reference retrieval system for the manaqement sciences. By Harry Bernard Back. Hicrofila. Harry Bernard Bacic; 15iuq77: 4890348.

4890349. Desiqn and synthesis of poly f (sub- stituted) tetrathiafulvalenes. ] By Nikolaos Georqe Oemetriadis. Hicrofilm. e Nikoiaos Georqe Demetriadis; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4390349.

4890350. The Construction of an instrument to cateqorize younqsters as either visual- emphasis learners or auditory-emphasis learners. By David 4. Honti. Hicrofilm. David 4. Honti; 154uq77: 4890350.

4890351. Praqmatic theories of valuation: a philosophical perspective on educational planninq. By Hiriam Kidroni. Hicrofilm. Hiriam Kidroni: 154uq77; 4890351.

4890352. Conceptualizations of quilt experience in adolescence and adulthood. By Harqaret Handel. Hicrofilm. Harqaret Handel; 154uq77; 4890352.

4890353. Pt. 1: The Total synthesis of ere- mophilone. Pt. 2: 4pproaches to the synthesis of aphidicolin. By John Henry Husser. Hicrofilm. @ John Henry Husser; 154uq77; 4890353.

4890354. The Dynamics of roguery: studies of the Jacobean roque in selected plays of Jonson and Hiddleton. By Carol 4nne Carr OstroKski. Hicrofilm. 9 Carol Anne Carr OstroBski; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890354.

4890355. 4ustrian social democratic thought on the nationality question and foreign policy, 1890-1914. By Bath Diane Boebke. Hicrofilm. Buth Diane Boebke; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890355.

A890356. Career chanqe in males in middle adulthood and its implications for higher education. By Paula Ann Ivaska Bobbins. Hicrofilm. O Paula Ann Ivaska Bobbins; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890356.

4890357. Electron spin resonance study of radiation damage to organic compounds. By Silvio Di Gregorio. Hicrofilm. Silvio Di Gregorio; 15&ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890357.

4890358. An 4nalysis of demographic charac- teristics and career patterns of vomen administrators in higher education. By Priscilla Oelahunt Douglas. Hicrofila. O Priscilla Delahunt Douglas; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890358.

A890359. Sport in cold nar America, 1953-1963: the diplomatic and political use of sport in the Eisenhower and Kennedy adminis- trations. By Thomas Hichael Domer. Hicrofila. @ Thomas Hichael Doaer; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890359.

4890360. Incidental and intentional learning of paired associates as a function of rate of presentation, sex, and personality. By Jack Horris filut. Hicrofilm. Jack Horris Filut; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890360.

4890361. A Hove to positive human relationships: Sartre to De Beauvoir. By Linda Harie Hansen. Hicrofila. f> Linda Harie Hansen; 154ug77; 4890361.

A890362. An Analysis of modern Greek educational thought: 1925-1975. By Athanasios Antony Irilianos. Hicrofilm. 6 Athanasios Antony Trilianos; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890362.

4890363. Explorations in adult development: a study in the interpretation of lives. By Virginia H. HcDowell. Hicrofilm. & Virginia H. HcDowell; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890363.

A890364. Pupil information systems and edu- cational assessments. By Peter Joseph Hollo. Hicrofilm. e Peter Joseph Hollo; 15Aug77; A890364.

4890365. The Family in an expanding industrial economy: economic, occupational, social, and residential mobility in Hilwaukee, Bisconsin, 1860-1880. By Virginia Hary Zarob. Hicrofilm. e Virginia Mary Zarob; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890365.

4890366. Values clarification: perspectives in John Dewey and Paulo Freire. By Hugh Gould Nevin, Jr. Hicrofila. © Hugh Gould Nevin, Jr.; 154ug77; 4890366.

4890367. Studies of the properdin system. By Ira Goodkofsky. Hicrofilm. Ira Goodkofsky; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890367.

4890368. 4 Hulti-dimensional study of the public school personnel administrator. By Edwin Carl Boeske. Hicrofilm. O Edwin Carl Boeske; 154ug77; 4890368.

A890369. National identity foraatioa and diffusion in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; a politico-geographic appraisal. By Robert Bernard Spadoni. Hicrofila. e Bobert Bernard Spadoni; 15Aug77; A890369.

A890370. The fielationship between the budgetary process and the quantity of resources available to subunits: a preliminary investigation. By Sanford Charles Gunn. Hicrofilm. O Sanford Charles Gunn; 15Aug77; A890370.

A890371. Public health policy and mortality in Latin America: the case of Ecuador. By Jorge Enrique Oguillas Bodas. Hicrofila. © Jorge Enrique Oquillas Bodas; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890371.

A890372. The Effect of mode of problem solving on student achievement in Principles of accounting 1. By Robert Failes Godfrey. Hicrofilm. © Bobert Failes Godfrey; 154ug77; A890372.

A890373. A Beduced integration technique for improved accuracy of finite element approximations. By Kaaar Jit Singh. Hicrofila. © Kamar Jit Singh; 15Aug77; A890373.

A890374. Hominids in Plio/Pleistocene Africa: an odontometric approach to phylogeny. By Hichael John Hansinger. Hicrofilm. Hichael John Hansinger; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890374.

4890375. Effect of different additives on the nutritional value of bird resistant sorghum grain for rats and pigs. By Carlos Hiqael Campabadal. Hicrofilm. 6 Carlos Hlguel Campabadal; 154ug77; 4890375.

4890376. 41kali cation binding to nonionic polymers. By Bonald Edward cambron. Hicrofilm. © Bonald Edward Caabron; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890376.

A890377. Key individual, social and innovation variables influencing the diffusion of computer assisted instruction (CAI) By Buann Ernst Pengov. Hicrofilm. © Buann Ernst Pengov; 15Aug77; A890377.

A890378. Burst-error-correcting convolutional codes with short constraint length. By lillian Ellis Bodgers. Hicrofila. © Billiam Ellis Bodgers; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890378.

A890379. Life table analysis of alfalfa weevil population dynamics in Ohio from 1973 through 1976. By Donald Bay Lewis. Hicrofila. O Donald Bay Lewis; 15Aug77; A890379.

A890380. Japanese Americans and mental health: an

exploratory study of attitudes. By Tukio


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