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JUL-DEC. 1977

189011(0 (coti.) cataloq. 1 V. O Suaait Cataioq Conpaoy; »Auq77; 4890140.

A8901ltl. Federal China and Supply Coapaoy food service supplies and equipaent cataloq. 1 T. e SuBiit Cataloq Coipany: <iAuq77: A8901lt1.

A8901112. Ooaqlas Bcothers, Inc. food service supplies and equipment cataloq. 1 v. SuBBit Cataloq Coipany; 4Auq77; A89nilt2.

A890143. Tassone Equipaent Corporation food service equipment and club supplies. 1 v. O SuBfflit Cataloq Conpany; 4Auq77; A8901II3.

A8901UU. Special environmental education. By Suzanne Flecker 6 rrancesca Birucia. 88 p. Pcancesca Brucia £ Suzanne Flecker; 16Jun77: A8901lt4.

A890145. Badford Associates, Inc. benchaark and professional salary survey, effective July 1, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: John G. Badford e Steve H. Badford. Badford Associates, Inc.; lBav77: A890145.

AB90146. Orthopaedic Hospital traction manual. 1 V. Appl. au: Bobert E. Hoke, Boy E. Hotley & Helen H. Vadase. O Orthopaedic Hospital: 4Apr77: A890146.

A890147. The Letters of a Borld Uar 1 pilot in th^ Army Air Corps, December 1917 to January 1919. By Gardner Dunton, introd.: James J. Hudson. 230 p. O Aerospace Historian for the Air Force Historical Poondation: 3Jan77; A890147.

A390I48. Tychon editor-assembler V-2. 1 v. Add. ti: Tychon's Co-resident editor/assembler for 8080 based systems — hexadecimal listinq. Tychon, Inc.; 1Apr77; A890148.

Ae90149. Fibonacci numbers; a student workbook & teachers quide. By Sara D. Tanner. 116 p. C Sara D. Tanner; 9Aaq77; A890149.

A890 150. 2nd annual national vehicle population profile as of July 1, 1976: liqht trucks. By B. L. Folk and Company. 135 p. B. L. Polk and Company: 31Hay77: A890150.

A890151. 2nd annual national vehicle population profile as of July 1, 1976: domestic cars. By B. L. Folk and company. 264 p. O B. L. Polk and Company: 31Hay77: A890151. A890152. 2nd annual national vehicle population profile as of July 1. 1976: import cars. By B. L. Polk and company. 1 v. C B. L. Polk and Company; 31Hay77: A890152.

A890 153. Body contourinq and conditioninq throuqh movement. By Christine H. Haclntyre & Janet A. Hessel, photos, by Frank Talbott. 2nd ed. 141 p. C Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 8Har77: A890153.

A890154. Study quide to accompany Calculus. By Jack G. Ceder 6 David L. Outcalt. 187 p. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 14Har77: A890154.

A890155. Beadinq architectural plans for residential and commercial construction. By Ernest B. Heidhaas. 464 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Apr77; A690155.

A890156. Instructor's resource and methods handbook for health education. By Phyllis G. Ensor & Bichard K. aeans. 2nd ed. 1 v. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 7aar77: A890156.

A890157. Teaching readinq and language arts skills: a developmental approach. By Philip B. Dann, Bose aarie HcClung e Patricia A. Suiter, creative illus. C technical art by Phil Carver and Friends. Inc. 99 p. (The Pelican series, book 2) O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 21Sar77; A890157.

A890158. Teaching reading and language arts skills; a developmental approach. By Philip H. Hann, Bose Harie HcClung G Patricia A. Suiter, creative illus. e technical art by Phil Carver and Friends, Inc. 94 p. (The Pelican series, book 1) O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: 21aar77; A890158.

A890159. Teaching readinq and language arts skills: a developmental approach. By Philip H. Bann, Bose Harie BcClung 6 Patricia A. Suiter, creative illus. £ technical art by Phil Carver and Friends. Inc. 105 p. (The Pelican series, book 3) O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 31flar77; A890159.

A890160. Teaching reading and language arts skills; a developmental approach. By Philip G. Bann. Bose Harie BcClung t Patricia A. Suiter, creative illus. 6 technical art by Phil Carver and Friends, Inc. 102 p. (The Pelican series, book 4) Q Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 31Bar77; A890160.

A890161. Study guide, prepared by Bobert J. Balahura. to accompany Principles of chemistry with practical perspectives, second edition, by Bussell S. Drago. 384 p. KB: additional text. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 9Bar77: A890161.

A890162. Principles of astronomy. By Stanley P. Uyatt. 3rd ed. 730 p. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 4Bar77; A890 162.

A890163. Curriculum handbook: the disciplines. current movements, and instructional methodology. By Louis Bubin. 953 p. NH: additional text £ revisions. Allyn and Bacon. Inc. ; 26Apr77: A890163.

A890164. Hatter in motion: the spirit and evolution of physics. By Ernest s. Abers £ Charles F. Kennel. 4 12 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: 28Feb77; A890164.

A890165. Communication: the process of orqa- nizing. By Bonnie BcDaniel Johnson. 404 p. e Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 12Bar77: A890165.

A890166. Career information in counseling and teaching. By Lee E. Isaacson. 3rd ed. 347 p. Allyn and Bacon. Inc.: 28aar77; A890166.

A890167. Cooperative vocational education: principles, methods, and problems. By Eugene F. Bitchell. 398 p. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.: 1lBar77: A890167.

A890168. Business and personal taxes. By Catherine E. Biles £ Joseph E. Lane, Jr. 4th revision. 1 v. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: 20Apr77; A890168.

Ae90169. Teaching and learning elementary social studies. By Arthur K. Ellis. 374 p. e Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 16Sar77: A890169.

A890 170. Social work: a profession of many faces. By Armando Borales £ Bradford H. Sheafor. 286 p. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 21Har77: A890170.

A890171. A Handbook for the teaching of social studies. 289 p. Appl. au: The Asso- ciation of Teachers of Social Studies in the City of Hen York. Prev. pub. 1941 as A Teaching guide for the social studies, 1967 as Handbook for social studies teaching £ 1951. HH: additional text £ revisions. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc. : 26Apr77: A890171.

A890172. Food, your choice: a nutrition learning system. Level 1. Kit. NH: compilation £ additional text £ pictorial materials. O National Dairy Council; 27Jul77; A890172.

A890173. Food, your choice: a nutrition learning system. Level 3. Kit. KB: compilation, additional text £ pictorial matter. O National Dairy Council; 27Jul77; A890173.

A890 174. Hamlin, Vest Hamlin, Branchland, Pleasant View, HV, and nearby communities, August 1977. The Armstrong Telephone Company; 15Aug77; A890174.

A890175. BrooJtneal, VA, including listings of Gladys, Bustburg. Volens, telephone directory, Ai^gust 1977. O Southern Telephone Company: 11Aug77; A890175.

A890176. Dieterich, Hontrose, Gila, IL, and others. August 1977. O Bontrose Hutual Telephone Company: 9Aug77: A890176.

A890177. Akron, Bay Port, Fairgrove. BI, and others, telephone directory, 1977-78. O Bichigan Bell Telephone Company; 3Auq77; A890177.

A89ai78. Bad Axe, Obly. also includes separate alphabetical list for Elkton, BI, telephone directory. 1977-78. O Bichigan Bell Telephone Company; 3Aug77; A890 178.

A890179. Clare, Beaverton. Coleman, HI, and others, telephone directory. 1977-78. O Hichigan Bell Telephone Company: 2Auq77: A890179.

A890180. Hopkins, also includes separate alphabetical list for Kayland, HI, telephone directory, 1977-78. O Hichigan Bell Telephone Company; 1Aug77; A890180.

A890181. Hayville. also includes separate alphabetical list for Fostoria, HI, telephone directory, 1977-78. O Bichigan

Bell Telephone Company: 3Aug77; A890181.


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