A890057 - A890097
JUL-DEC. 1977
A890057. Sinqle Sfsten super 8 ma for profes- sionals, too! By Jerome Katz. 10 p. ©Jerome Katz: 5ipr76: 4890057.
4890058. Sinqle systea super 8 no for profes- sionals, too! By Jerome Katz. 16 p. NH: additional text. Jerome Katz; 11Hav76: 4890058.
4890059. Sinqle system super 8 mm for profes- sionals, too! By Jerome Katz & Sidney J. Foqel. 10 p. NH: additional text e abridgment. Jerome Katz G Sidney J. Foqel: BJU176; 4890059.
4890060. The Kardon camera story. By Jerome Katz. 3rd ed. 105 p. Jerome Katz: 29JU176: 4890060.
A890061. The Kardon camera story. By Jerome Katz. 18 p. Jerome Katz; 170ct75; 4890061.
4890062. Shoppinq centers- Polder- O American Siqn and Indicator Corporation; 154uq77; 4890062.
4890063. Real estate vorld. 18 p. 4ppl. a.u: Hilliam K. Carter. Silliam K. Carter; 1Auq77: 4890063.
4390061). The Most excitinq promotion you'll ever see: a svimminq pool in your mall and it's free! 1 p. Kayak Recreational Manufacturing Corporation: 29Jul77; 4890064.
4890065. The tfay of love. 1 v. (Cistercian Fathers series, no. 161 Appl. au: Patrick Hart. 6 on photos.; Brother Patrick Hart: 2Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4890065.
4890066. The Hay of love. Editor: E. Bozanne Elder. 1 V. (Cistercian Fathers series, no. 16) 4pprox. half of text prev. req. O on text; Cistercian Publications, Inc- ; 2Peb77 (in notice: 1976); 4890066.
4890067. Selected verse. By Norman E. Butt. 76 p. HB: p. 1-11, p. 27-36 6 p. 38-76. e Norman E. Butt; 14ug77; 4890067.
4890068. Our loumey toward God. By John Beagle. 179 p. HH: additional text. Thomas Bore Association: 2iUun77: 4890068.
4890069. George Christian Gebelein: Boston silversmith, 1878-191*5- 4 biographical sketch by Harqaretha Gebelein Leighton, in collaboration vith Esther Gebelein Suain £ J. Herbert Gebelein- 118 p. Bargaretha Gebelein Leiqhton; 1Har77 (in notice: 19'76) ; 4890069.
4B90070. Homen of action in Tudor England; nine biographical sketches. By Pearl Bogrefe. 263 p. lona State Oniversity Press; 9Bar77: 4890070.
4890071. Camp, Jon^s and related families of Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, Virginia, Carolina, Georgia, 41abama, Bississippi, Louisiana, Texas and points west. By Nell Jones Carter. 430 p. NH: histories of the Jones, Baker, Pool, Hook 6 Gardner families. O Nell Jones Carter: 20Jul77; 4890071.
4890072. The First fifty years: a history of the East Texas Chamber of Commerce. Edited by Howard H. Bosser. 213 p. NB: editorial selection, compilation of prev. pub. photos. C text £ new text. O East Texas Chamber of Commerce; 12Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890072.
A890073. President Eisenhower and strategy management: a study in defense politics. By Douglas Kinnard. 169 p. O The Oniversity Press of Kentucky; 26Jul77; A890073.
A89007U. Coffin hollow and other ghost tales. By Buth Ann Busicfc, with a foreword by Uilliam Hugh Jansen, illus. by Archie L. Busick. 193 p. e The Oniversity Press of Kentucky: 26Jul77; 48900714.
4890075. Golden nuqqets of the mind: qems of literary delight ecstatically narrated. By John Bryan Honts. 100 p. C John Bryan Honts; 7Jul77: 4890075.
4690076. Claimed by God: a study of 1st Peter; study guide. By Bartin H. Scharlemann, edited by Board of Parish Education staff- 62 p. (That we may grow series) 4ppl. au: Concordia Publishing House- O Concordia Publishing House; 34ug77; 4890076-
4890077. Claimed by God: a study of 1st Peter; leaders manual. By Hartin B. Scharlemann, edited by Board of Parish Education staff. HO p. (That we may grow series) Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. Concordia Publishing House; 34ug77; 4890077.
4890078. "He believe, teach and confess": a study of the Formula of Concord: leaders manual. By Eugene F. Klug, edited by the Board of Parish Education staff. 36 p. (That we may grow series) 4ppl. au: Concordia Publishing House. 6 Concordia Publishing House; 34ug77: 4890078.
4890079. "He believe, teach and confess": a study of the Formula of Concord; study guide. By Eugene F. Klug, edited by the Board of Parish Education staff. 6U p. (That we say grow series) 4ppl. au: Concordia Publishing House. O Concordia Publishing House; 34ug77; 4890079.
A890080. Nursery roll packet. No. 22-2218. Prepared by Carol Greene. Kit. Appl. au; Concordia Publishing House. Concordia Publishing House; 34ug77; 4890080.
4890081. Cemetery records. Vol- 1- 286 p- Appl. au: Patsy Opcburch. NB: compi- lation, a Patsy Dpchurch; 15Aug77; A890081.
A890082. Our Godly typing notebook: Godly typing lessons for beginning and continuing students and teachers] 1 v. Appl. au: Sarah fiagans & Idonia King 4nderson. Christian Typing Institute fellowship: 174ug77; 4890082.
4890033. Batheoatics for the primary grades: a supplemental text o£ problem solving and math achievement. By Donald T. Shookhoff. 126 p. O Donald T. Shookhoff; 1Jul77: 4890033-
48900811. Trainers and educators supplemental participant's handbook. Prepared by 41coholism Services of Cleveland, Inc. 1 V. 4dd. ti: 41cohoiism services of Cleveland trainers and educators supplemental participants handbook- NB: additional text 6 compilation- 6 41coholism Services of Cleveland, Inc.; 6Jun77: 48900811.
4890085. Dozier Equipment International catalog. No. 876- 200 p. NB: editorial revision with additional text 6 illus. Dozier Equipment International a.a.d-o. Dozier Equipment Company, Inc. (in notice: Dozier Equipment Company, Inc.); 17Aug76: 4890065.
4890086. Streamlined high throw high speed lockstitch machines: styles 63400 C, 63400 KC. Catalog no. 121 KC, class 63400. 41 p. O Union Special Corporation: 25Jul77: 4890086.
A890087. Account activity. Sheets (239 p.) (Profitability guidance system, vol. 1) O The Bank of New York (in notice: The Bank of New York Company, Inc.); 10Nov76; 4890087.
4890088. Diaried management. Sheets (185 p.) (Profitability guidance system, vol. 2) The Bank of New York (in notice: The Bank of New York company. Inc.); 10Nov76: 4890088.
4890089. Herged. Sheets (123 p.) (Profitability guidance system, vol. 3) O The Bank of New York (in notice: The Bank of New York Company, Inc.) ; 10Nov76; 4890089.
4390090. Program specifications. Sheets (311 p.) (Profitability guidance system, vol. 4) O The Bank of New York (in notice: The Bank of New York Company, Inc.); 10Nov76: 4890090.
4890091. calculator/reference file. sheets (151 p.) (Profitability guidance system, vol. 5) O The Bank of New York (in notice: The Bank of New York Company, Inc.) ; 10NOV76; 4890091.
4890092. Home centers and the do-it-yourself market for plumbing, heating and air conditioning products. 9 p. © Scott Periodicals Corporation; 14pr77; 4890092.
4390093. The N.4.B. family learning system. By Gregory Simms & Patricia Simms. Bultiple volumes. Gregory simms e Patricia Simms: 15Jun70: 4890093.
4890094. Bee. Kit. O Lorraine H. Brodek 6 Betty Holnback, d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23iug76: 4890094.
A890095. Pink turtle. Kit. Lorraine B. Brodek 6 Betty Holnback, d.b.a. Fingerprints; 23Aug76: A890095.
A390096. Green turtle. Kit. O Lorraine H. Brodek 6 Betty Holnback, d.b.a. Fin- gerprints; 234ug76: 4890096.
4390097- Dosino playing cards. 1 p. & cards.
4dd. ti: Domino poker playing cards.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.