JUL-DEC. 1977
4889968 (con.) O Sellie Parodi Cartwright; 26Aug77: A889968,
4889969. An Ancient giant speaks: a legend of the giant sequoia. Bv Halter G. At* Bell 6 Albert H. Attiiell, illas. by Albert H. Attnell. 17 p. e Walter G. Att»ell £ Albert H. Attnell (in notice: Attwell 6 Attnell) : 18Jill77: A889969.
A889970. Rebound to better health. By Albert E. Carter. HO p. 6 Albert £. Carter; 10Aug77: 1889970.
Ae89971. An Economic history of uilk marketing and pricing: source and reference materials. Vol. 3. By Leland Spencer 6 Charles J. Blanford. 1125 p. O Grid, Inc.: 19Aag77: A889971.
A889972. An Economic history of milk marketing and pricing. Vol. 1: 1800-1933. By leland Spencer 6 Charles J. Blanford. 901 p. a Grid. Inc.: 2ilAug77: A889972.
A889973. Guidebook to the universe: some contributions to the theory and practice of synergy: prelim- ed. By Donald B. Benson. 233 p. Add. ti: Don Benson's Guidebook to the universe. Q Donald B. Benson: 27Aag77: A889973.
A88997«. SOU floppy disc; technical manual, SD-2127-PT. 1 V. 6 Addressogra ph- Multigraoh Corporation; 1UApr77; A3899714.
A889975. Addressograph 1000/EOOO inspection manual. No. SD-21I46-AD. 7 p. Addressograph-Bultigraph Corporation: 1Apr77: A889975.
A889976. Bruning 930 reader/prism; parts catalog, SD-1I127-BG. 1 V. C Addressograph- Bultigraph Corporation; 3Dec76: A889976.
A889977,, Scramble '78. 23 p. Appl. au; Richard Hyland. C sichard Hyland; 29Aug77: A889977.
AB89978. Index to the Library of Congress Cataloging Service bulletin, numbers 1-120, June 19H5-iiinter 1977. Compiled by Nancy B. Olson. 2nd ed. 39 p. Nancy B. Olson: 19Aug77; A889976.
A889979. Fun with Fan: a brief introduction to chemistry. By Joyce Fan. 265 p. e Joyce Pan: 31!lar77; A889979.
A889980. S. A. Beck and Company orthodontic instruments. 26 p. Appl. au: E. A. Beck d.b.a. E. A. Beck and Company. NB: various pictures with text. E. A. Beck and Company: 12Aug77; A889980.
A889981. Village women: their changing lives and fertility: studies in Kenya, Bexico and the Philippines. By priscilla Reining, Fernando Camara, Beverly Chinas, Rosalie Fanale, Sonia GoimaD De Billan, Barbara Lenkerd, Iris Shinohara 6 Irene Tinker. 273 p. American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1Aug77: A889981.
A889982. A Compendium of Texas colleges and financial aid calendar for high school seniors, 1977-78. By flichael J. Balint. 107 p. Binnie Stevens Piper Foundation; 16Aug77; A889982.
AB89983. Selected poems. 1 v. Appl. au: David Bark Fisher. O David Bark Fisher; 26Aug77; A089983.
4889981, To show my gratitude for the mellow attitude you've shared with me- 1 v. Appl. au: Bruce Frank Dlouhy (Boots) Bruce Frank Dlouhy; 20Dec76; 4889980.
A889985. So you'd rather smoke a pipe. By nichael V. Knee. 27 p. flichael R. Knee; 254ug77; 4889985.
4889986., Ti dife boule sou istoua ayiti. By Hichel-Rolph Trouillot. 221 p. e Bichel-Solph Trouillot; 274ug77: A889986.
A889987. The Chickadees come, and other poems. Hith wood engravings by Nora S. Dnwin. 1 v. Nora S. Dnwin; 1Sep77; A889987.
A889988. Auditory discrimination; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 1-2. By Fred Justus. 21 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 25Aug77: A889988.
A889989. Classroom learning kit. Folder. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 254ug77; 4889989,
4889990. Basic reading comprehension; liquid duplicating masters. Grade 8. By Bearl Brooks. 2U p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 25Aug77; 4889990.
4889991. Creative writing; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 3-5- By Denice Grady. 2U p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 254ug77: 4889991.
488 9992. Career exploration; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 9-12. By Catherine Patty. 2U p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 25Aug77; AB89992.
A88 9993. The Human body; spirit duplicating masters. Grades 3-5- By Fred Justus. 2U p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 25Aug77: A889993.
A88999U. Studies in the history of art, 1975. Vol. 7. Editorial board: Sheldon Grossman 5 others. 9U p. Appl- au: National Gallery of Art. Trustees of the National Gallery of Art; 29Jul77; 4889991.
A889995. The Catalog to the circulating collection of the New England Historic Genealogical Society- Vol. 3. 1 v. © New England Historic Genealogical Society; 124ug77; 4889995.
4889996. The Catalog to the circulating collection of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vol. 1. 2nd ed- 1 v. Q New England Historic Genealogical Society; 124ug77: A889996.
A889997. The Catalog to the circulating collection of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. 1 V. O New England Historic Genealogical Society; 12Aug77; A889997.
AB89998. Photo-Fit operator's manual. By Jacques Penry, pseud, of Bill Ryan. 8 p. Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories; 22JU177; 4889998.
A889999. Tee ball rules and description. 3 p. Appl. au: Louis Himberly. O Louis Bimberly; 30Aug77; A889999.
A890000. Women in media: a documentary source book. By Baurine Beasley 6 Sheila J. silver. 198 p- NB: introd. £ prefaces (1-2 pages) to each of the 30 documents. Baurine Beasley, Sheila J, Silver E Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press: 19Aug77; A890000.
A890a01. Finding the grain: pioneer journals, Franconian folktales, ancestral poems. By Norbert Krapf. 120 p. O Norbert Krapf; 2Jul77: 4890001.
4890002. General Counsel's Conference, 1977; Dallas, TX. Bar. 29-31, 1977. 305 p. Proceedings- C Federal National Bortgage Association; 294ug77; 4890002.
4890003. By terrific just for me book. Written by Joyce B. Newcomb, illustrated by Carol R. Heitman. 1 v. e Carol R. Heitman £ Joyce R. Newcomb; 194ug77; A890003.
A89aaoa. An Analysis of the Frontier formation, western Powder River Basin, Wyoming, April 1977; geologic report. Project 50525. 10 p. O Peppard-Souders and Associates; 15Apr77; A890004.
48S0005. Integrated seismic and geological evaluation of the central Black Warrior Basin, Bississippi-Alabama, April 1977. Project 30769, vol. 1-3. O Peppard- Souders and 4ssociates; 15Apr77; 4890005.
4890006. Hethod of installing a shallow well. 23 p. Appl. au: Carl Taylor, d Carl A. Taylor; 26Aug77; A890006.
A890007. Brasch electric duct heaters. Bulletin 4102, July 1977. 18 p. Brasch Banufacturing Company, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4890007.
4390008. Installation, operation, maintenance and service instruction manual: electric duct heaters, series F. G, S, T and W. Bulletin 1-17, Aug. 1977. Polder (1 p. I 6 Brasch Banufacturing Company, Inc.; 16Aug77; A890008.
A890009. Submittal data for electroduct open coil duct heaters. Form 1-111, Aug. 1977. 2 p. Add. ti: Submittal data sheet for electroduct open coil duct heaters. O Brasch Banufacturing Company, Inc.; 20JU177; 4890009.
4890010. Brasch remote control panels. Bulletin 4105, Bay 1977. 21 p. O Brasch Banufacturing Company, Inc.; 18Bay77; 4890010.
A890011. Brasch express duct heaters. Bulletin A103, July 1977. 8 p. e Brasch Banufacturing Company, Inc.; 94ug77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.