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JUL-DEC. 1977

A889801 {con.)

Gerson; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4889801.

&8898a2. I Study of the effects of the first faculty collectiye barqaininq agreements OD faculty and adDinistcation relation- ships at the City University of Mew york. By illan Jay Golden. Ilicrofila. e Allan Jay Golden; 15»uq77 (in notice: 1976); k889802.

4889803. The Relationship of drop forqe iupact noise to hearinq threshold levels and dynamic impedance values. By Richard Bayaond Grabonslii. Hicrofilm. e Richard Raymond Gcaboaski; 15iuq77 (in notice: 1976); A889803.

&88980II. An Experimental investigation of the errors of spirometry. By Henry Billiam Glindmeyer 3rd. Hicrofilm. O Henry Billiam Glindmeyer 3rd; 15Auq77; A88980U.

A889805. Oscar Letson Batthews: education and morality in the nineteenth century. By Haworth Alfred clover. Hicrofilm. O Haworth Alfred clover; 15Auq77; A8B9805.

A389806. The Chanqe in status of the special music teacher in the elementary schools of California. 1966 to 1971. By Algin Columbus Hurst. Hicrofilm. Alqin Columbus Hurst; 15Aug77; A889806.

A8S9807. Toward an organizational praxeoloqy: phenomenoloqy, lanquage, community, critical theory, and politics. By Guy Beall Adams. Hicrofilm. e Guy Beall Adams; 15Auq77; A889807.

A889808. French reaction to Italy, Italian fascism, and Hussolini. 1919-1925: the views from Paris and the Palazzo Parnese. By Joel Richard Blatt. Hicrofilm. 6 Joel Richard Blatt; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976): A889808.

A889809. Russell's critique of complete-symbol theories of definite descriptions. By Charles Joseph Schlee. Hicrofilm. O Charles Joseph Schlee; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889809.

A889810. Simulation studies of the demoqraphic and qenetic history of a transplanted Hexican population. By Kenneth Roy Turner. Hicrofilm. S Kenneth Boy Turner; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889810.

A889811. Ideology and administration in the Onited States and the Soviet Onion. By Hlchael Edward Drban. Hicrofilm. O Richael Edward Orban: 1SAuq77 (in notice: 1976): A889811.

A889B12. Relationships of physical, social, and physiological variables to psychological performance in subiects 55-89 years of aqe. By George (lark Crooks. Hicrofilm. George Hark Crooks: 15Auq77; A889812.

A889813. Evaluating the effectiveness of communications training for special education support personnel. By Norma Jean Hesphill. Hicrofilm. Norma Jean Hemphill: 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A8e9813.

A88 98111. The Development and validation of an instrument to determine the values underlyxnq instructional materials. By Catherine Cecilia Cleare. Hicrofilm. 6 Catherine Cecilia Cleare; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A88981it.

A88981S. Toward a methodology of foreign language teaching based on second language acquisition research. By James Tyson Cottle. Hicrofilm. C James Tyson Cottle; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889815.

A8e9816. Relationships between simulated firefiqhtinq tasks and physical per- formance measures. By Paul Osmun Davis. Hicrofilm. Paul Osmun Davis; 1SAuq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889816.

A889817. A Comparison of cognitive achievement in the community college business law course under programmed, small group, and lecture-discussion methods. By Hyrna Jean Howells. Hicrofilm. O Hyrna Jean Howells; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A889817.

A889818. Hass transfer through melt blends of polyvinyl acetate and vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer. By Kong Sung li. Hicrofilm. O Kong Sung Yi; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4889818.

A889819. The Effectiveness of a specific comprehension strategy (SCS) to teach main ideas and supporting details. By Harcia Hathias Barnes. Hicrofilm. 6 Harcia Hathias Barnes; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889819.

A889820. Psychological differentiation, social reinforcement, and task performance with black, white, and Hispanic first and second grade children. By Phyllis Nancy Ansell. Hicrofilm. e Phyllis Nancy Ansell; 15Aug77; A889820.

A889821. The Council of Trent and the Second Vatican Council: a comparison of objectives and policies in seminary training. By Joseph Stanislaus Bajorek. Hicrofilm. e Joseph Stanislaus Bajorek; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A889821.

A889822. Influence of ulnar deviation on the muscular effort needed to operate a wire cutting tool. By Isac Ben Efraim, Hicrofilm. 9 Isac Ben Efraim; 15Aug77; A889822.

ASS 9823. An Examination of the smoking behavior and attitudes toward smoking of beginning and advanced medical students at an American and three foreign universities. By Frederick E. Birkner. Hicrofilm. e Frederick E. Birkner; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A889823.

AS898214. An Attempt to change school climate and productivity through the use of FIBO-B. By Sandra Ford Johnson. Hicrofilm. Sandra Ford Johnson; 15Aug77; 488982«.

AS89825. Day of iubilo: Civil Nar and the demise of slavery in the Hississippi Valley, 1861-1865. By Armstead Louis Bobinson. Hicrofilm. Armstead Louis Bobinson; 15Auq77; A889825.

courtiersbip and Jacobean drama. By Rose Anpe Simon. Hicrofilm. C Rose Anne Simon; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A8S9e26.

4889827. Hobs and demagogues: the response to collective violence in New York City in the early nineteenth century. By Paul Owen Ueinbaum. Hicrofilm. Paul Owen Heinbaum; 15Aug77; 4889S27.

A889828. Time scales in transient wind-driven lake circulations. By Hamdouh Abdel-Hamid Fahmy Hohammed-Zaki. Hicrofilm. O Hamdouh Abdel-Hamid Fahmy Hohammed-Zaki; 154ug77; 48S9828.

4889829. Perceptions and reflections: the short story art of John Updike. By Barbara Ann aright. Hicrofilm. O Barbara Aon Bright; 15Aug77; 4889829.

4889830. 4 Historical study of the development of school desegregation in the Uichita public schools, 1966 to 1975. By Robert Leon Lane. Hicrofilm. O Robert Leon Lane; 15Aug77; 4889830.

4889831. The Lower-case absurd: a study of the novels of peter DeVries. By Joseph Hichael DeRoller. Hicrofilm. Joseph Hichael DeRoller; 154ug77; A88983 1.

A889832. An Evaluation of an oral proofreading technique used to teach grammar and composition. By George Hichael Pechar. Hicrofilm. O George Hichael Pechar; 15Auq77; A889832.

4889633. 4 Profile comparison of evening and day students at Longview Community College in Kansas City, Hissouri. By Geraldine o'Leary Schermoly. Hicrofilm. © Geraldine O'Leary Schermoly; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889833.

A88983». The Covalent structure and conformation of papaya lysozyme: a unigue type of lysozyme. By Barbara Anne Bellavia Bradley. Hicrofilm. O Barbara 4nne Bellavia Bradley; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A88983U.

A889835. A Field study of the physical effects of thermal discharges at La Cygne Lake, Kansas. By Jan Nagner. Hicrofilm. Jan Nagner; 15Aug77; A889835.

A889836. Relative prices, money, and the balance of payments. By Ralph Edwin Burgess 3rd. Hicrofilm. O Ralph Edwin Burgess 3rd; 15Auq77; A889836.

AS89837. The Supply and demand for physicians' hospital and office visits. By Roger Dean Feldman. Microfilm. O Roger Dean Feldman; 15Aug77; A8S9837.

A8S9838. The Relationship between socioeaotional competence of preschoolers and maternal responses to overt and symbolic exp- ressions of defiance. By Stephen Greenspan. Hicrofiia. O Stephen Greenspan; 15Aug77; A889838.

A889S39. Creation of a slave society: Louisiana plantations in the eighteenth century. By James Thomas HcGowan. Hicrofilm. James Thomas HcGowan; 15Aug77 (in notice:

1976) ; A8S9839.


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