A889687 - A889726
JUL-DEC. 1977
A889686 (con.) rutheniuo(2) Bv John Charles Van Houten. Microfila. C John Charles Van Houten: 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); i889686.
S889687. PsTCho-ethical aspects of Buddhism. By Eina shayamacharan Sircar. Microfilai. Q fiina Shayamacharan Sircar; 15Aug77: 4889687.
4889688. in Application of Piaqet theory to autistic children. By Harilyn Thatcher. Microfilm. 6 Harilyn Thatcher; 15&uq77; A889688.
A889689. The Header in Northanqer Abbey. By Leonard Edqar Held. Microfilm. S Leonard Edqar Held; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889689.
A889690. Poe, Byron, and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. By Georqe Harold Soule, Jr. Microfilm. Georqe Harold Soule, Jr.; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889690.
A889691. Presidential communications. By Robert Georqe Locander. Microfilm. C Robert Georqe Locander; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889691.
A889692. The Michiqan aqricultural frontier: southeastern reqion, 1820-1860. By Raymond LaBounty Puffer. Microfilm. e Raymond LaEounty Puffer; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A889692.
A8e9693. The Gaucho as a romantic and a realistic character in Brazilian prose fiction, 1870-1944. By Charles David Turpin. Microfilm, e Charles David Turpin: 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889693.
4889694. Concepts of secular greatness in Normandy: circa 1000-1150. By Greqory Alan Austin. Microfilm. O Greqory Alan Austin; 15Auq77: A889694.
A889695. Paradox qained: Kafka's reception in Enqlish from 1930 to 1949 and his influence on the early fiction of Borqes, Beckett and Nabokov. By Marqaret Byrd Boeqeman. Microfilm. 6 Margaret Byrd Boeqeman: 15Auq77: A889695.
A889696. Modulation of afferrent signals in cat somatosensory system examined by functional pouer series analysis. By Channinq Lee Hinman. Microfilm. © Channinq Lee Hinman; 15Auq77; A889696.
A889697. Optimal control and estimation of sinqular dynamic systems. By Katsuo lonezava. Microfilm. O Katsuo Yonezava; 15Auq77; A889697.
4889698. Machiavelli: the politics of history. By Kent Meredith Brudney. Microfilm. e Kent Meredith Brudney; 15Auq77; A889698.
A889699. The Music of the Anlo: its historical backqround, cultural matrix, and style. By Nissio Piaqbedzi. Microfilm. © Nissio Fiaqbedzi; 15iug77; A889699.
A889700. LaGranqian subspaces, intersection theory, and the Morse index theorem in infinite dimensions. By Richard Carl SBanson. Microfilm. Richard Carl 154ug77 (in notice: 1976);
A889701. The American dream and the unwanted child. By Wallace A. V. Hedges. Microfilm, a Ballace A. V. Hedges; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A889701.
A889702. Some relationships betveen humor preferences and trait anxiety. By Robert U. Goodkind. Microfilm. © Robert i. Goodkind; 15Aug77; A889702.
A889703. The Recovery of myth: a study of rewritten Hasidic stories in Hebrew and Yiddish, 1890-1910. By David Cortell Jacobson. Microfilm. © David Cortell Jacobson; 15Aug77; A889703.
A889704. An Analysis of the effects of the 1967-1971 Brazilian fiscal reform. By Eurico Hideki Ueda. Microfilm. © Eurico Hideki oeda; 15Aug77; A889704.
A889705. A Comparison of trainable mentally retarded and normal children at the preoperational reasoning level on grade-seguenced mathematics tasks. By Stanley Arthur Halpin. Microfilm. Stanley Arthur Halpin; 15Aug77; &889705.
A889706. Krankheitsdaemonen; demons and demonic agents of disease in German oral literature, custom, and belief. By Holfganq Paul Fritz Kunze. Microfilm. 9 Wolfgang Paul fritz Kunze; 15Aug77; A889706.
A889707. The Securities market as a radically social enterprise: an application of the phenomenological nethod to the study of Ball Street security analysts and economists. By David Gordon Hopelain. Microfilm. © David Gordon Hopelain; 15Auq77; A889707.
A889708. Electrical transport and microstructural properties of semiconducting FeO^Fe203-MnO phosphate glasses. By James Granville Vaughan. Microfilm. © James Granville vaughan; 15Aug77; A889708.
A889709. Discrimination against medicaid patients in nursing home admissions policies. By John Shearer Greenlees. Microfilm. © John Shearer Greenlees; 15Aug77; A889709.
4889710. The Application of the finite element technigue to arbitrarily shaped dielectric optical waveguides. By Kee Nhan Ha. Microfilm. © Kee Whan Ha; 15Aug77; A889710.
4889711. When is assertion aggressive? perception of assertion as a function of the sex and status of the speaker, the sex of the target of the communication, and the sex of the observer of the interaction. By Pamela Catherine Freundl. Microfilm. © Pamela Catherine Freundl; 15Aug77; 4889711.
A889712. Politics and the image of man. By James Eric Lane. Microfilm. © James Eric Lane; 15Aug77; A889712.
A889713. A Critical comparison of the philo- sophies of language of Chomsky and Quine. By Larry Deon Mayhew. Microfilm. 8 Larry Deon Mayhew; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4889713.
4889714. The Adaptive subsistant: technological adaptation in the context of predator-prey relationships, a cross-cultural analysis. By Vera Silvia Lustig-Arecco. Microfilm. © Vera Silvia Lustig-Arecco; 15Aug77; A889714.
A889715. The Validation of selected procedures in teaching a subordination task in French: an experimental empirical study. By Elmer Jules Mandel. Microfilm. Elmer Jules Mandel; 15Aug77; A889715.
A889716. The Structure of the upper mantle of western Horth America from multimode Rayleigh wave dispersion. By Robert Gordon Mitchel. Microfilm. Robert Gordon Mitchel; 15Aug77; A889716.
A889717. 4 Host-pathogen relationship: terpene biosynthesis in maize seedlings in response to infection by Rhizopus stolonifer. By Jay Edward Mellon. Microfilm. Jay Edward Mellon; 15Aug77; A889717.
A889718. Applications of an attributional model of achievement motivation to vocational behavior. By Rochelle Marie Reno. Microfilm. © Rochelle Marie Reno; 154ug77; 4889718.
A889719. Power, pathology, and paradox. By Marguerite Shuster. Microfilm. © Marguerite Shuster; 15Aug77; A889719.
A889720. The Evolution of constitutional doctrine: the role of Justice Stewart on a changing Supreme Court. By Gayle Natalie Binion. Microfilm. O Gayle Natalie Binion; 154ug77; 4889720.
4889721. West among strangers: Irish migration to California, 1850 to 1880. By Patrick Joseph Blessing. Microfilm. Patrick Joseph Blessing; 154ug77; 4889721.
4889722. Employment characteristics of the English Ph.D. By Maurice Michael Salter. Microfilm. © Maurice Michael Salter; 154ug77; 4889722.
4889723. Electrocutaneous codes for sensory feedback in prostheses and orthoses. By 4ndrew Ye un- Jong Szeto. Microfilm. 4ndrew Yeun-Jong Szeto; 1S4ug77; 4889723.
4889724. A Transcription and collation of Hynkyn De Horde's 1498 edition of The Canterbury tales with CX2, the general prologue through The Franklin's tale. Vol. 1-3. By William Frederick Hutmacher. Microfilm. 9 William Frederick Hutmacher; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889724.
A889725. An Analysis of leadership abilities of senior nursing students. By Mary Juanlta Carrell. Microfilm. Juanita Carrell; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A889725.
A889726. Effects of hypothermia on acquisition and retention of a brightness discri- mination and a conditioned emotional response in mice. By Suellyn Campbell
Boyd. Microfilm. © Suellyn Campbell
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.