JUL-DEC. 1977
&889416. The AdoptioD aqreeneot to the CPI non-inteqrated aaster Boney purchase pension plan and trust as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation. Folder. NH: revision £ new text. The CPI Group, Inc.; 20Jun77; A889416.
4889417. The Adoption aqreenent to the CPI integrated aaster noney purchase pension plan and trust as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation. Folder. KB: revision 6 new text. C The CPI Group, Inc.: 20Jun77; A889117.
A889418. The CPI master aoney purchase pension plan and trust as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation- 214 p. NH: revision e nev text. The CPI Group, Inc.: 8JU177: A889ai8.
A889419. The CPI aaster target benefit pension plan and trust as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation. 25 p. Nn: revision S nen text. The CPI Group. Inc.: 8JU177: A889419.
A889l(2a. The CPI aaster profit sharing plan and trust as trusteed and sponsored by International Trust Corporation. 24 p. MB: revision e nev text. The CPI Group, Inc.: 8JU177: A8891t20.
A8891I21. Allison torquatic converters, 800-900 series: parts catalog. SA 1038II, 13 Hay 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Motors Corporation. 1 V. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. General Motors Corporation; 24Jun77: A889lt21.
A889I422. Enerqency and trip perait handbook; handbook 7H. 7th ed. 1 v. Add. ti: Eaerqency trip perait handbook. J. J. Keller and Associates, Inc.; 2i(Apr77; A889V22.
A889I423. Techniques in neurobioloqical research. By Anthony Albert Grace. 165 p. O Anthony A. Grace; 1Auq77; A889U23.
A689U24. nondestructive exaaination. Issued by ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Nondestructive Testing. 1977 ed. 307 p. (ASaE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 5) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Bechanical Engineers. C The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers; 16Jun77: A889it2t.
A889I125. Becoamended rules for care of power boilers. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Power Boilers, Subqroup on Care of Power Boilers. 1977 ed. 94 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 7) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. O The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Enqineers; 7Jun77; A889H25.
A869426. Bules for construction of nuclear power plant coaponents. Division 1, subsection NG: core support structures. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Nuclear Power. 1977 ed. 103 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Enqineers. The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Enqineers; 21Jun77: A889lt26.
A889U27. Bules for construction of nuclear power plant coaponents. Division 1, division 2: general requireaents. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, subcoaaittee on Nuclear Power. 1977 ed. 107 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Enqineers. The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers; 22Jun77; A889«27.
A889lt28. Becoaaended rules for the care and operation of heating boilers. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Ueatinq Boilers, Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers. 1977 ed. 79 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 6) Appl. au; The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Enqineers. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 6Jun77; AB89>|28.
A889II29. Bules for construction of nuclear power plant coaponents. Division 1, subsection NF: component supports. Issued by ASHE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Nuclear Power. 1977 ed. 77 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers; 20Jun77; A8891t29.
A889l(30. Rules for construction of nuclear power plant coaponents. Division 1, subsection NE: class MC coaponents. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Nuclear Power. 1977 ed. 145 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Aaerican Society of Mechaniceil Engineers; 21Jun77: A889a30.
A8e9li31. Fiberglass-reinforced plastic pressure vessels. Issued by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Coaaittee, Subcoaaittee on Beinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels. 1977 ed. 119 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 10) Appl. au: The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Aaerican Society of Mechanical Engineers; 20Jun77: A889U31.
A889432. Moneyaaster. By Hugh Coulter. 200 p. Hugh Coulter: 15Jui77; A889«32.
A889433. Study guide to pronunciation via television. 1 p. & aultiple voluaes. Add. ti: Study guide to accoapany VTB. Appl. au; Dorothy Pappas Menzel. e Dorothy Pappas Menzel; 2Jan77; A8891133.
A889lt3ll. Morris, NJ, area telephone directory, including Dover yellow pages classified directory, July 1977. e New Jersey Bell Telephone Coapany a.k.a. New Jersey Bell; 20JU177; A889U34.
A889435. A Heart within a valley: a history of the Atkins area. By John C. Stroud. 178 p. NH: coapilation & new aaterial. O History Coaaittee of the Atkins Centennial Bicentennial Coaaittee; 150ct76; A889135.
A889436. Coaaents froa the diary of a stoic; a novel. By Clyde Banger, pseud, of Donald Clyde Sogers. 108 p. O Donald Clyde Bogers; 15Aug77; A889436.
A889l(37. Assertiveness workshop. By Shelly Obert £ Jacqueline T. Moorstein, illus. by Ann Bankin. 132 p. O Jacqueline T. Moorstein 6 Shelly Obert; 25Feb77 (in notice: 19761; Ae89«37.
A8891138. Things froa Aaerican Indian history. Edited by Jane E. Hartaan. 1 v. £ sheets. KM: text material. O J. Ueston Ualcb, Publisher; 2Har76: A8e9438.
A889439. Things froa Horld Har 2: the home front. By yilliam Carnahan, Robert Newman, Bosemary Newaan £ Noraa Carnahan. 1 v., sheets £ folders. NM: text aaterial. J. Heston Ualch, Publisher; 23Sep76: A889439.
ASBguVO. The Medical encyclopedia for better health- Vol. 1-2. Edited by Bichard J. Uagaan £ the J. G. Ferguson Publishing Coapany editorial staff, aanaging editor: Sidney I. Landau- Add. ti: The Medical encyclopedia of better health. Portions prev. pub. under the title of The New concise faaily health and aedical guide £ The Coaplete illustrated book of better health. NM: additions £ revisions. O J. G. Ferguson Publishing Coapany: 1Jun77: A889III40.
A8894l*1. The Coaplete illustrated book of better health. Edited by Bichard J. Hagaan £ the J. G. Ferguson Publishing Coapany editorial staff, aanaging editor: Sidney I. Landau. 802 p. Portions prev. pub. under the title of The New concise faaily health and aedical guide. NM: additions £ revisions. J. G. Ferguson Publishing Coapany; 1Jun77; A889<lit1.
A889ltll2. Oncouventional builders. By Alan Van Dine, design by Bon Villani, picture editor: Holly Harrington. 184 p. NM: text, e J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company; 7Jun77: A889442-
A889443. Blood banking. Section editors: Tibor J. Greenwalt £ Edwin A. Steane. 598 p. (CfiC handbook series in clinical laboratory science, section D, vol. 1) Appl. au: CBC Press, Inc. O CBC Press, Inc.; 15Aug77; A889443.
A889444. CBC forum on obesity. Chaired by John B. K. Bobson, participants: Henry A. Jordan, George V. Mann £ Derek Miller. 1 V. Appl. au: CBC Press, Inc. CBC Press, Inc.; 17Aug77; A889444.
A889445. Fire! At Mansfield: a human eleaent training workshop in planning, exercising and evaluating effective eaergency action. Kit. Appl. au: Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation. Factory Mutual Systea; 1Jul77; A889445.
A8e9«46. 0S/VS2 HVS 3838 vector processing subsystea support selectable unit ID 5752-829; JES3 debugging guide. 1 v. (IBM system library supplement, no. GC23-0058-0) NM: additional text £ editorial revision. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation; t5Aug77; A889446.
A8e9447. Systea/3 to DOS/VS conversion guide. 181 p. (Systeas) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 5Aug77:
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.