JUL-DEC. 1977
A8893it3 (con.) ed. By Philip GibbODs, Bose Hebec C Buth Heber, artist: Constance Jest. 96 p. Add, ti; flcCocmick-Hathers basic math, teacher's annotated edition. Litton Educational Publishioq, Inc. ; 27Jan77: A8893K3.
A8B93l('t. Avav-beqin check-up tests; pupil's test £ teacher's quide. sheets S 1 v. in envelope. (Aaerican Book ceadinq pcoqrao) Appi. an: Aaerican Book Conpany. 6 Litton Educational Fublishicq, Inc.; 28Jun77; A8893U1I.
A8893115. Introduction to literature. Sheets in envelope. (New dinensions in literature testinq proqram) Appl. au: Ooo H. Wolfe. Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 7Jul77: A8893115.
A8893l»6. A Study of literature. Sheets in envelope. (New dinensions in literature testinq proqram) Appl. au; Don M. liolfe. Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc. ; 7aul77: A8893U6.
A88931t7. Find check-up tests; pupil's test S teacher's quide. Teacher's quide by Nariorie Seddon Johnson* Boy A. Kress & John D. ScNeil. Folders E 1 v. in envelope. (Aaerican Book readinq proqram) Appl. au: American Book company. O Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 26Jan77; A8893i)7.
A889348. Homents check-up tests; pupil's test S teacher's quide. Teacher's quide by Harlorie Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress C John D. HcNeil. Folders £ 1 v. in envelope. (American Book readinq proqram) Appl. au: American Book Company. O Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 23llay77; Ae893U8.
A8893lt9. Enqlish for international communication, 1; pupil's. By Bichard C. lorkey. Bichard Barrutia, Anna ahl Chamot, Isobel Baiaey De Diaz, Joan B. Gonzalez, James i. Vey 6 William L. Woolf, chief illustrator: Claudia Karabaic, additional illus.: Hoiiard Asch. 200 p. e Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 16Bay77; A8893II9.
A889350. Enqlish for international communication, 2; pupil's. By Bichard C. Yorkey, Bichard Barrutia, Anna ahl Chamot, Isobel Baiaey De Diaz, Joan B. Gonzalez, James H. Ney £ William L. Woolf, illustrator: Orlando Sosa. 392 p. e Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 16Jun77; A889350.
A889351. Patterns of lanquaqe vorksheets. Level F. UO p. Appl. au: American Book Company. NH; editorial revisions. Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc. ; 8Feb77; A889351.
A889352. Netxorks check-up tests; pupil's test 6 teacher's quide. Teacher's quide by Hariorie Seddon Johnson. Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcHeil. 30 p. 6 folder (1 p.) in envelope. (American Book readinq proqram) Appl. au: American Book Company. Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 21Jul77; A889352.
A889353. Grow check-up tests; pupil's test £ teacher's quide. Teacher's quide by Hariorie Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcNeil. 30 p. £ folder (4 p.) in envelope. (American Book readinq proqram) Appl. au: American Book Company. Litton
A88935lt. Care, dream, enjoy check-up tests; pupil's test £ teacher's guide. Teacher's quide by Harjorie Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcNeil. 30 p. £ folder (4 p.) in envelope. (American Book readinq proqram) Appl. au: American Book Company. O Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 28Jun77; A889354.
A889355. Find check-up tests; pupil's test £ teacher's quide, preliminary tests. Teacher's quide by Harjorle Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcNeil. 30 p. £ folder (4 p.) in envelope. (American Book readinq proqram) e Litton Educational Pubiishinq, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889355.
A889356. Care, dream, enjoy check-up tests; pupil's test £ teacher's guide, pre- liminary tests. Teacher's guide by Harjorie Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress £ John D. HcNell. 30 p. £ folder (U p.) in envelope. (American Book readinq program) d Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889356.
A889357. Latin American flight guide. Issued by Aircraft OHners and Pilots Association Fllqht Department. 12 p. Appl. au: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. O Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association; 28JU177; A889357.
A88935e. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Division of Ophthalmology directory; qeoqraphlcal, alphabetical, official roster, 1977. 207 p. Add. ti: Directory--Amerlcan Academy of Opht- halmology and Otolaryngology, Division of Ophthalmology; Ophthalmology directory, 1977. O American Academy of ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; 17Hay77; A889358.
A889359. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Division of Otolaryngology directory; qeoqraphlcal, alphabetical, official roster, 1977. 143 p. Add. ti: Dlrectory--Aaerlcan Academy of Opht- halmoloqy and Otolaryngology, Division of Otolaryngology; Otolaryngology directory, 1977. C American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology; 17aay77; A889359.
A889360. American orthoptic journal. Vol. 27, 1977. 183 p. e American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolarynqoloqy ; 9Auq77; A889360.
A889361. The Nurse's dilemma: ethical consi- derations in nursing practice. 114 p. 6 International Council of Nurses; 11Apr77: A889361.
A889362. Nursing in respiratory diseases. Compiled by Andrea 6. O'Connor. 2nd ed. 310 p. (Contemporary nursing series) Appl. au: The American Journal of Nursing Company. All articles prev. pub. in American journal of nursing £ others. Q The American Journal of Nursinq Company; 28Apr77; A889362.
A889363. Asian Americans: an annotated bib- lloqraphy for public libraries. Compiled by the Bibliography Committee, Asian American Librarians Caucus. 47 p. Appl. au: American Library Association. American Library Association; 15Jun77; A889363.
A889364. The Personnel manual: an outline for libraries. Prepared by Ad Hoc Committee to Bevise the ALA Personnel Organization and Procedure Hanuals, Personnel Administration Section, Library Admi- nistration Division, American Library Association. 39 p. Appl. au: American Library Association. O Aaerican Library Association: 31Hay77; A889364.
A889365. Boundary value problems of mathematical physics. NO. 9. Edited by Olga Aleksandrovna Ladyshenskala. 179 p. (Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Hathematics, no. 127, 1975) English £ Bussian. Appl. au: American Hathematical Society. NH: translation. Q American Hathematical Society; 27Jun77; A889365.
A889366. Advances in civil engineering through engineering mechanics; proceedings: second annual Engineering Hechanlcs Division specialty conference. North Carolina State Oniversity, Baleiqh, North Carolina, U.S.A.. Hay 23-25, 1977. 616 p. e American Society of Civil Engineers; 17Hay77; A889366.
A889367. Auerbach computer programming nana- gement, August-September 1977. 4 v. £ 2 p. Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 10Aug77; A889367.
A889368. Auerbach data processing management, August 1977. 5 V. 6 2 p. S Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 17Aug77; A889368.
A8e9369. Federal budget policy. By David J. Ott fi Attiat F. Ott. 3rd. ed. 178 p. Appl. au: Brookings, employer for hire. The Brookings Institution; 1Aug77; A889359.
A889370. Test items for Late adulthood: perspectives on human development. By Bichard A. Kallsh. 28 p. (Brooks/Cole life-span human development series) d Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 5Aug77; A889370.
A889371. Counseling adults. Edited by Nancy K. Schlossberg £ Alan D. Entine. illus.: Katherine Hinerva. 182 p. (Brooks/Cole series in counseling psychology) NH: compilation, pref.. part introductions, part summaries, glossary £ index. 6 Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 17Jun77; A889371.
A889372. Better aanaging with transactional analysis (TA) 48 p. (Executive action series, no. 209) 6 Bureau of Business Practice, Inc.; 17Jun77; A889372.
A889373. Please say yes. Suamer storm. w Carole Bayer Sager, m Lucy Simon. On record sleeve for album entitled Lucy Simon: Stolen tine. (With If you ever believed £ others) O Onlchappell Husic, Inc., Begonia Helodles, Inc. £ Calougle Husic; 4Apr77; A889373.
A889 374. The Feast of joy: the Lord's Supper in free churches. By Keith Watklns. 126 p. O The Bethany Press; 1Aug77; A889374.
A889375. Football greats. By Wilbur Ewbank. Jack Buck £ Bobert H. Broeg, illus. by Tom Eaton. 191 p. O The Bethany Press;
1Aug77; A889375.
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