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A889194 - 1889225


JUL-DEC. 1977

4889193 (con.) Billiai I. Gardner. S93 p. illyn and Bacon. Inc.: 11Feb77: »889193.

A889194. The Litboqcaphs of Georqe Bellous: a catalogue raisonne. By Lauris nason, assisted by Joan Ludnan, foreword by Charles H. Borqan. 262 p. O Lauris aason; 27Hay77: i889194.

4889195. & Place to beqin: the New England experience. Text by Hal Glen Borland, photos, by B. A. Kinq. 151 p. on text; Hal Borland: 290ct76; 4889195.

4889196. 4 Place to beqin: the New Enqland experience. Text by Hal Glen Borland, photos, by B. 4. Kinq. 151 p. on photos.; B. 4. King; 290ct76; 48S9196.

4889197. Ne« York. By Clyde H. Siith, text by Lionel 4. 4t«ill. 160 p. O Charles B. Beldinq, d.b.a. Graphic 4rts Center Publishinq Company: 8Auq77; 4889197.

4889198. People who work. Photoqraphed by Tana Hoban. Kit. (Beqinninq concepts, unit 1) 4ccoBpanied by sound recording in box. 4ppl. au: Scholastic Hagazines, Inc. 4ppl. states all new material except career finger puppets. Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 310ct75: 4889198.

4889199. People who work. Photographed by Tana Hoban. Kit. (Beginning concepts, unit 2) Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc. Appl. states all new material except career finqer puppets. O Scholastic Hagazines, Inc.; 310ct75: A889199.

Aa89200. The American way of materialism. Editors: Sally Paris & Linda Schick, executive editor: Barbara fi. Hartiosons, program guide writer: Edward Lerner, photographer: Gerald Tate. 34 p. Add. ti: The American way: materialism. Accompanied by sound recording, req. Nit5027, & 2 filastrips in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 19AQq77: A889200.

A889201. Infant care. u filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, req. H(l5028, in box. O Imperial Educational Besources, Inc. ; 10Aug77; A889201.

A889202. U.S. history, set H. 1 filmstrips. Add. ti: The United States history series, set 4. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. III45029. in box. Appl. states all new except most pictorial matter on filmstrips which is newly compiled. Imperial Educational Besources, Inc.; 10Aug77: A889202.

A889203. Preview: are you making a tough job tougher? 14 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 11H5030 £ NH5031 6 additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. lerox Corporation: 22aac76: 4889203.

4889201*. Bole play key. 89 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Ilil5030 C NU5031 e additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. lerox Corporation; 18Hay76: Ae8920ii.

A889205. Administration manual. 115 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg* 1145030 C N45a31 f, additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation: 18Hay76; A889205.

A8S9206. Program book 2. 122 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 & 1145031 S additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation: 22Har76; A889206.

A889207. Government subordinate. Sessions 1-3, cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti; Government role play. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 6Aug76: Ae89207.

A889208. Bole play evaluation. 49 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. H45030 £ 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. G Xerox Corporation: 22Har76; 4889208.

A889209. Program book 4. 42 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. (145030 £ 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 22Mar76; 4889209.

4889210. Manufacturing subordinate, sessions 1-3. cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Manufacturing role play: manufacturing subordinate. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. 6 Xerox Corporation: 6Aug76; A8a9210.

A889211. Program book 1. 125 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 6 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation: 22Bar76: A8892I1.

AB89212. Marketing supervisor. Sessions 1-3, cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Marketing role play: marketing supervisor. Accompanied by sound recording, req. N45030 £ 1145031 6 additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation: 6Aug76; A889212.

A889213. Marketing subordinate. Sessions 1-3. cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Marketing role play: marketing subordinate. Accompanied by sound recording, req. U45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. C Xerox Corporation; 6Aug76; A889213.

A8e9214. Administration subordinate. Sessions 1-3, cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Adminis- tration role play: administration subordinate. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 £ U4S031 fi additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation: 6Aug76; A889214.

A889215. Government supervisor. Sessions 1-3. cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Government role play. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation; 6Aug76; A889215.

A8892ie. Manufacturing supervisor. Sessions 1-3, cases 1-5. Polders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Manufacturing role play: manufacturing supervisor. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 £ 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. 6 Xerox corporation; 6Aug76: AB89216.

4889217. 4dministration supervisor. Sessions 1-3, cases 1-5. Folders. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Adminis- tration role play: administration supervisor. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 £ 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning systems. O Xerox Corporation; 6Aug76; A8892I7.

A889218. Attitude questionnaire. 4 p. £ card. (Management discussion skills) Add. ti: Attitude guestiounaire and skill guide card. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation: 22Mar76; A889218.

A889219. Management discussion skills. Hall charts 1-6. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 £ 1145031 6 additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. Xerox Corporation: 18May76; A889219.

A889220. Tape fact sheets. 10 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1145030 £ 1145031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation: 22Har76; 4889220.

4889221. Program book 3. 126 p. (Management discussion skills) 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 £ additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 22Mar76; A889221.

A889222. Follow-up log. 29 p. (Management discussion skills) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45030 £ N45031 6 additional material. Appl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. O Xerox Corporation; 22Mar76; Ae89222.

A889223. Electing the President. 64 p. NM: front matter £ appendices J-M. American Bar Association; 8Aug77; A889223.

4889224. The youngest minority, 2; lawyers in defense of children. Edited by Sanford 11. Katz, editorial associate: Helba McGrath, issued by the American Bar Association, Section of Family Law. 290 p. Appl. au: American Bar Association. NM: text £ editorial selection £ compilation. O American Bar Association; 25Jul77; 4889224.

A889225. Indo-Chinese refugee legal assistance program; an interim report. Issued by the loung Lawyers Section. American Bar

Association. 24 p. Appl. au: American


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