4689156 - A889193
JUL-DEC. 1977
A869156. Aquatics August 1977-Auqust 1979, tips and tech niques for teachers and coaches; NAS8S q ide. Guide coordinator: Euth Ganden, quide chairperson: Nariorie H. Harris, 101 p. Add. ti: NAGRS aquatics quide: tips and techniques, 1977-1979; NAGRS qu ide; aquatics, Auqust 1977-Auqust 1979: ti s and techniques for teachers and coaches. 9 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation G National Association for Girls and Nofflen in Spoct 15Jun77: A889156.
A889157. Assessment quide for secondary school physical education proqraos. 25 p. Appl. aui Larry Carmichael. Q American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation: 3Feb77; A889157.
A889158. Bules for coeducational activities and sports. Editor: virqinia Lohmiller. 36 p. e American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 20Apr77; A889158.
A889159. Dance heritaqe. Editor: E. Carmen Imel, associate editor: Gwen K. Smith. 85 p. (Focus on dance, 8) NH; pref. , introd., compilation, editinq S additions. @ American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 3Peb77; A889159.
A889160. The Best of Challenqe. Vol. 3. Consultant: Julian 0. Stein. 119 p. HS: pref. , compilation & editorials. @ American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation; 28Feb77; A889160.
A889161. Echoes of influence for elementary school physical education. Prepared by a committee of the Elementary School Physical Education Council of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation, editor: Marie Eiley. 151 Pw KM: compilation 6 editinq. Q American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation: 2Hay77: A889161.
A889162. Concepts and convictions. By Delbert Oberteuffer. 278 p. 6 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation: 16Har77; A889162.
A889163. Vital issues. By Eleanor Hetheny. 180 p. e American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation; 22Har77: A889163.
A889164. Memories of a bloomer qirl (189it-192it) By Habel Lee. 384 p. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Becreation: 16Har77: A88916i(.
A889165. Give us your poor (the immiqration bomb) By James Farrell. 1i(7 p. Prev. req. 15Dec75, A698357. DM: revisions. O Fulton- Ball Publishinq Company: 11tSep76; A889165.
A889166. Han before the morninq. By Cecil Haiden. 191 p. e Cecil Maiden; 30Auq77: A889166.
A889167. Captured! By Carolyn Paine Miller. 288 p. 9 Carolyn Paine Miller: 30Auq77; A889167.
A889168. Hou to live a Christian life. By Cecil B. Murphey. 128 p. e Cecil B. Murphey; 30Auq77; A889168.
A889169. They found the blacklands; a qenea- loqical history of Moody area people (1850-1950) By Jeannette Hatter McGinnes 6 Hazel Alexander Potter. 378 p. e Jeannette Hatter McGinnes e Hazel Alexander Potter; 20Jul77; A889169.
A889170. Scotland County, Missouri, in ret- rospect: pictorial history. 314 p. Appl. au: Patricia Parks Benson. © Scotland County Bicentennial Committee & Scotland County Historical Society; 20Aug77; Ae89170.
A889171. Hho's Who Of American Somen, 1977-1978. 10th ed. 971 p. e Marquis Rho's Rho, Inc.; 22Apr77 (in notice: 1977, 1978); A889171.
A889172. Marquis Rho^s who publications; index to all books, 1976. 535 p. 9 Marquis Rho's Bho, Inc.; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1974, 1975, 1976) ; Ae89172.
A889173. Chesterton and Porter of the twentieth century. By Terry ». Dietz. (In A Bioqraphical history of Porter County, Indiana, 1976, p. 13-19) 9 Terry R. Dietz; 16Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A889173.
A889174. Strange universe: a sourcebook of curious astronomical observations. Vol. A2. Compiled by Hilliam B. Corliss. 280 p. NM; compilation ifith introductions, annotations & indexes. 3 Rilliam B. Corliss; 1Sep77; A889174.
A889175. Asbestos: fighting a killer; a slide show produced for the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Horkers International Onion. By Bonnie Bellow & Nick Eqleson, issued by Citizenship-Leqislative Department, Oil, chemical and Atomic Horkers International Union. 137 slides in box £ 1 v. Oil, chemical and Atomic Horkers International Union: 140ct76: A889175.
A889176. IHO: Instructional module development; course manaqer manual. By Bobert F. Maqer. Kit. 9 Maqer Associates, Inc. ; 15Jun77: A889176.
A889177. The S.P.A. animal alphabet. Minibooks 1-3. By Edie M. Rallace. Appl. au: Beacon Enterprises, Inc. NM: additional blendinq paqes. Q Beacon Enterprises, Inc.; 10Aug73: A889177.
A889178. A Journal of teaching techniques. Written by Janis H. McClellan, Georgia J. Rallace, Edie M. Wallace 6 Judith A. Harrah, editor: Bichard Lynde, artist: Don fienner. sheets. Add. ti: SPA: a journal of teaching techniques. Appl. au; Beacon Enterprises, Inc. NM: revisions 6 additions. @ Beacon Enterprises, Inc.; 10Aug73; A889178.
A889179. Animals on parade; pre- kindergarten teacher's manual & curriculum quide. By Jeanne Summers. Sheets. Add. ti: S.P.A. animals on parade. Appl. au: Beacon Enterprises, Inc. NM: additions. 9 Beacon Enterprises, Inc.; 15Aug74; A889179.
A889180. The S.P.A. animal alphabet; wall cards set. Appl. au: Beacon Enterprises, Inc- NM: revisions. 9 Beacon Enterprises, Inc.; 7Feb72; Ae89160.
A889181. Alpha/psionetics. 7 cards in box. Appl. au: Frederick James. 9 Frederick James d.b.a. The Frederick James Company; 27Auq77; A889161.
A889182. Chemistry laboratory manual for ASE 173. By H. Bick. June 1977 ed. Sheets (82 p.) Appl. au: Miami-Dade Community College. 9 Auxiliary Services, Miami-Dade Community Colleqe; 18Auq77; A889182.
A889183. Narco Avionics NAV 124, NAV 124 A, NAV 124 fi; maintenance manual, Jan. 1977. 1 V. Add. ti: Narco NAV 124. 9 Narco Scientific Industries, Inc.; 31Jan77; A889183.
A889184. NIH/EPA/MSDC mass spectral data base. 1977 ed. Microfiche in envelope, magnetic tape 6 1 p. Appl. au; Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce. 9 U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the united States Government; 1Jun77; A889184.
A889185. Yoga correspondence course. Lessons 1-14. By Swami Kriyananda. Multiple volumes. NM: editorial revision & additional text. 9 Ananda Publications; lAuq71; A889185.
A889186. Hatha yoqa correspondence course. Introductory lesson £ lessons 1-13. By Swami Kriyananda. Multiple volumes. Kriyananda; 30Dec69: A889186.
A889187. Sugar and spice cookbook. Illus. by Dolly B. Evans. 457 p. Appl. au: Little Company of Mary Hospital Auxiliary, a division of Little Company of Mary Hospital, Inc. NM: compilation £ additional text. 9 Little Company of Mary Hospital Auxiliary, a division of Little Company of Mary Hospital, Inc.; 120ct76: A889187.
A8a9168. Good morning. Lord: devotions on the hope of glory. By John fi. Gunn, foreword: Phillip Philbrook. 60 p. NM: format £ pref. 9 Baker Book House Company; 29Apr77: A869188.
Ae89189. Vessels. By Howard Schwartz. 60 p. Some poems prev. pub. in the Arizona guarterly £ others. NM: compilation £ new texts. 9 Howard Schwartz; 15Mar77: A889169.
A889190. Today's teen. By Joan Kelly & Eddye Eubanks Landers. 442 p. 9 Joan Kelly £ Eddye Eubanks Landers: 10Jun77: A889190.
A889191. The Strawberry book of shapes. By Bichard Hef ter. 1 v. 9 One Strawberry, Inc.; 1NOV76; A889191.
A889192. Classroom approaches to remedial reading. By Eddie c. Kennedy. 2nd ed. 535 p. @ F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.; 25Apr77: A889192.
A889193. Learning and behavior characteristics of exceptional children and youth: a
humanistic behavioral approach. By
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