JUL-DEC. 1977
4888780. Financial audit service, July 28, 1977. Sheets. 6 Conning and Coapany: 28Jul77; A888780.
A888781. Short form catalog 116-1357. 35 p. Appl. au: Paul Birnan O Kepco, Inc.; 18JU177: A888781.
A888782. The Installation of cofflmercial steel doors and steel frames, insulated steel doors in wood frames, and builders hardware. 32 p. Appl. au: Openinq Standards Conmittee, DBI. © Door and Hardware Institute; 29Jun77; A888782.
A888783. Exhibition road. B? Bhodes-Alexander, pseud, of Patricia L. Adams a.k. a. Velvet Bhodes 6 Kris Marcel Alexander a.k.a. Kathleen Marie Haas. 63 p. Velvet Bhodes, a.k.a. Patricia L. Adams £ Kris Marcel Alexander, Kathleen Marie Haas £ as Kris Marcel Haan; 28Jul77; A8B8783.
A88878II. Quaker state rustproofinq manual. 1 v. NM: additional pages. Quaker State Oil Befininq Corporation; 3May76 (in notice: 1975) ; A88878U.
A888785. Bhytbm chordioq for Bluegrass banjo. By villiam Joel Bivers. 12 p. e Joel Bivers; 5Jul77: A888785.
A888786. Technical manual for thermoluminescent dosimeter reader, model TLfi-6. 31 p- © Eberlioe Instrument Corporation; 1Auq77; A888786.
A888787. olofsson I* IB; can-operated precision slant-bed boring, turning, contourinq machines. Folder. Q Olofsson Corpo- ration: 27JU177; A888787.
A888788. Olofsson mc; cam-operated vertical precision borinq, turning and contouring machines. Folder. d Olofsson Corpo- ration: 27JU177: A888788.
A888789. Olofsson 2 1; hydraulic-operated horizontal precision boring and turnlnq machines. Folder. e Olofsson Corpo- ration; 27JU177; A888789.
A888790. Olofsson 22A; hydraulic-operated horizontal precision boring and turning machines. Folder. C Olofsson Corpo- ration: 27JU177; A888790.
A888791. Olofsson 41; cam-operated horizontal precision borinq, turninq, contourinq machines. Polder. Q Olofsson Corpo- ration; 27JU177; A888791. A888792.
Instructions for playing the game of "Crossroads." Created by Baiter B. Finley 6 Howard Eothberg. II p. Add. ti: Breakout; or. Decisions. Accompanied by playing board. 6 Halter B. Finley 6 Howard Eothberg; 22Jul77; A888792.
A888793. Carolina Biological Supply Company calendar. 1977-78. O Carolina Biological Supply Company; 27Jul77: A888793.
A888794. Most frequently used biological supplies. Catalog no. 2, 1977-78. 96 p. 6 Carolina Biological Supply Company; 27JU177; A888794.
A888795. Mrs. Goose. By Philip L. Bruno. 13 p. e Philip L. Bruno; 9Aug77; A888795.
A888796. Essential English. Level 2. 90 p. Appl. au: Cheryl B. Gordon 6 Toni Santelli. O BI Language Services; 23JU177; A888796.
A888797. Admission requirements of U.S. and Canadian dental schools: 1978-1979. 15th ed. 202 p. American Association of Dental Schools: 3DMay77; A888797.
A8e8798. Functional color components, an approach to reading. By Lajla Clark Pierce. 34 p. NM: additions £ editorial revisions. O Lajla Clark Pierce; 7Jul77; A888798.
A888799. Instrumentation in the chemical and petroleum industries; proceedings of the Itth Annual ISA Chemical and Petroleum Instrumentation Symposium, May 2-5, 1977, Anaheim, California. Vol. 13. Edited by B. C. Uaqgoner, programmed by ISA's Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division. 115 p. Add. ti; Instrument in the chemical and petroleum industries. Appl. au: Instrument Society of America, Instrument Society of America; 2May77; A888799.
A888800. Fluid analysis. 16 p. 6 Parker Hannifin Corporation; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A888800.
A888801. fiestoring the Model "A" pickup. 1 v. Appl. au: Hack Hils. i9 Mack Hils; 1May77; A888801.
A888802. The Silversmith's notebook. By DuBignon Hinston Smith. 2 1 p. 0. Uinston Smith, solely ouns SS Enterprises; 7Apr77; A888802.
A888803. New wilderness letter. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1977. Edited by Jerome Bothenberg. 1 V. 6 Jerome Bothenberq; 15Feb77: A888B03.
A888804. Love signs of the zodiac; astrology. 32 p. Appl. au: Kenneth C. Stevener. e Kenneth C. Stevener; 15Dec76: A888804.
A8e8805. Siskiyou County contest, theme- -America's heritage. 15 p. Appl. au: Kathleen Murphy. O Kathleen Murphy: 27Jun77; A888805.
A888806. Clinical neurology. Vol. 1-3. Editor: A. B. Baker, associate editor: L. H. Baker. 3 v. in 1. NM: 336 new pages published as 1 unit. e Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc., Medical Department (in notice: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.); 6Dec76; A888806.
A888807. Illinois. New York. Sheets. NM: additions fi revisions. O Investment Company Institute; 29Jun77; A888807.
A8e88oe. A Guide to effective problem solving. By Paul C. Buchanan, illustrator: Patricia Buckstrup. 14 p. 6 Leadership Besources, Inc.; 1May77; A888808.
A888309. Managing organizational myths, unwritten laws and psychological contracts. By Leslie E. This, illustrator: Patricia Buckstrup. 16 p. O Leadership Besources, Inc.; 1May77: A888809.
A888810. Angus, Ayr, Bostvick, NE, and others western section telephone directory, August 1977. The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company: 1Aug77; A888Bia.
A8888I1. Coal data, 1976. Prepared by King Lin. 1 V. Appl. au: National Coal Association. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. O National Coal Association; 1i|Jul77; A888811.
A888812. A Citizen's manual on police abuse. Prepared by the legal agencies in the Coalition Against Police Abuses (CAPA), illus. by fiichard Pinkelstein. 53 p. O Philadelphians for Equal Justice; 29Apr77; A8e8812.
A888813. Original creations: numbers 1-20. By Anita N. Ootsou. 34 p. O Anita N. Ootson; 7Jun77: A888813.
A888814. The Promise of equality: equal rights and equal opportunity in American life. By Carlton S. flartz. 133 p. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 13Jan77; A888814.
A888815. Seal estate appraisers and the problems of malpractice: an overview. Prepared for the Society of fieal Estate Appraisers by John P. Messina. 35 p. C Society of Beal Estate Appraisers, Inc.; 1Aug77; A888815.
A688S16. 25 tips for serious dieters. 5 p. Appl. au: Mary Donna Hart, o Mary Donna Hart; 23Aug77; A888816.
A888817. Help for constructing your family tree. By Bonnie T. Baker 6 Ann Harvey, developed by Historical Society Alma-Bacon County. 1 V. O Historical Society Alma-Bacon County; 4Auq77; A888817.
A88881B. A Guide to Voyageurs National Park; a complete visitors' guide to Minnesota's first national park. By Michael E. Duncanson £ Kathleen B. Pheifer. 48 p. NM: compilation £ bibliography. ». A. Fisher Company; 2Aug77; A888818.
A888819. Occupational alcoholism proqrams in a.S. companies; executive summary of report number 572, March 1976. Beport author: William Livingston, issued by Stanford Besearch Institute, Long Bange Planning Service. 2 p. Appl. au; Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 10Mar76 (in notice: 1975); A888819.
A888820. Occupational alcoholism programs in J.S. companies. Beport no. 572, Mar. 1976. Beport author: Hilliam Livingston, report editor: Lois M. Miller, a research report by the Long Bange Planning Service, Stanford Besearch Institute. 20 p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. e Stanford Besearch Institute; 10Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; A888820.
A888821. Perspectives on bringing women into management. Beport no. 571, Feb. 1976. Beport author: Francine E. Gordon, report
editor: Malinda Elliott, a research report
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.