JUL-DEC. 1977
A888097 (COD.) Shillcraft. 2 p. e Shillcraft (tradenaae & ceqistered tradeaack of A. and H. Shillman Company, Inc.); Uuq77; 4888097.
A888098. Cosmic encounter: the science fiction qaae for everyone. Kit. ippl. au: Hilliam Eberle, Jack Kittredqe, Billiam Norton 6 Peter Olotka. O Eon Products, Inc.: 1I1JU177: 4888098.
4888099. An Intellectual history of the potlatch. By Linda Phyllis Gaii. Sheets (69 p.) e Linda Phyllis Ga«: HJun77; 4888099.
4888100. Donners Grove, Darien, Lisle, IL, and others — your local telephone directory, 1977-78. e National Suburban Directories, Inc.: 10Jun77; 4888100.
4886101. Bolinqbrook, IL — your local telephone directory, 1977-78. 8 National Suburban Directories, Inc.; 2i*Jun77; 4888101.
4888102. Glenyiew, Golf, Northbrook, IL — your local telephone directory, 1977-78. National Suburban Directories, Inc.; 104uq77; 4888102.
4888103. iilaette, Uinnetka, Glencoe, IL. and others — your local telephone directory, 1977-78. C National Suburban Directories. Inc.; 25JU177: 4888103.
4888 104. Hinsdale, Uestmont. Darien. IL. and others — your local telephone directory. 1977-78. O National Suburban Directories. Inc.; 274pr77: 488810a.
4888105. Naperville, IL — your local telephone directory, 1977-78. National Suburban Directories, Inc.; 15Jun77: 4888105.
4888106. Universal qrace: myth or reality? By Bichard G. Cote. 172 p. 6 Orbis Books; 84uq77; 4888106.
4888 107. Poodle: an illustrated history of the reiqn of Ikus P.Q.B.S. Aroonns. By Hartha B. Lusk, illustrator: Fred BoBack. 154 p. e Hartha B. Lusk; 15Auq77: 4888107.
4888108. Journals: early fifties, early sixties. By 411en Ginsberq, edited by Gordon Ball. 302 p. 411en Ginsberq: 104uq77; 4888108.
4888109. Tax shelters and tax-free income for everyone. By Hilliam C. Drollinqer. 3rd ed. 729 p. e Epic Publications, Inc.; 15Feb77; 4888109.
4888110. Cartooninq fundamentals. By 41 Boss, pseud, of 4braham Both. 192 p. 41 Ross: 15Jun77: A888110.
A888111. Sold by owner. By John H. Green. 40 p. John H. Green; 23Auq77; A888111.
A888112. The Sun is my enemy: one aoman's victory over a mysterious and dreaded disease. By Henrietta Aladlem, introd.: Naomi F. Bothfield. 167 p. 6 on introd.; Naomi F. Bothfield; 1Feb77; A888112.
A888113. Hake money by buyinq real estate for delinquent taxes. By Robert E. Bainum 6 Virginia Beth Corbin 40 p. Robert Bainum 6 Beth Corbin; 20Jul77; A888113.
A888114. Tippinq the scales of justice; a guide to the strategies of Ian school admission. Prepared by Dennis UopHood. 45 p. O Career Planning and Placement Center. Levis and Clark College; 184ug77; 4888114.
4888115. Interstate 99: a simulation. By Jack Rabin S Donald B. Dodd. Cards in box. Based on 1-25 pub. 20Sep72 in Simulations in state and local government. NH: revisions, additions 6 abridgment. Jack Rabin S Donald B. Dodd; 14ug77: 4888115.
4888116. Concepts in physical science. By Charles Zimmerman. 68 p. NH: 28 p. O Charles Zimmerman: 244ug77: 4888116.
4888117. Canonsburq. PA, and nearby communities. August 1977. O Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 94ug77; A888117.
A888118. Hashinqton, PA, and nearby communities, August 1977. Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania: 9Aug77: A88ail8.
A888119. Burqettstovn, PA. and nearby commu- nities. August 1977. Q Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 9Auq77; 4888119.
A888120. Infant and child care in heart surgery. By Bobert H. Sade, Delos a. Cosgrove G Aldo E. Castenada. 190 p. O Year Book Hedical Publishers, inc.; 3Jun77: Ae88120.
A888121. The Year book of dentistry, 1977. Editors: Herle L. Hale 6 other editors. 432 p. e Year Book Hedical Publishers, Inc.: 21Jun77; A888121.
A8e8122. Radiologic physics, equipment and quality control. By Hilliam 6. Sendee, Edvard L. Chaney & Baymond P. Bossi. 269 p. Year Book Hedical Publishers, Inc. ; 22Jun77; A888122.
4888123. A Light in the valley: a history of the Codorus Church of the Brethren. By Hilliam L. Gould, art work by Buth Hartman. 189 p. O Codorus Church of the Brethren; 9Nov76; 4888123.
4888124. The Kiev encounter. By Serge G. Hironovitch. 423 p. O Branden Press, Inc.; 194uq77: 4888124.
4888125. Huskinqum County, OH, rural directory, 1977. Robinson Directories, Inc. ; 224uq77; 4888125.
4888126. Rats, roaches, and extension cords: a revived approach to poetry. By Theresa Uaymon 6 Joseph C. Pentecoste. 36 p. O Penran Publishinq Company; 15Auq77; A888126.
4888127. Revised paqes of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation. August 24, 1977. 1 v. O Stationers Price Service Company; 24Aug77; A883127.
A8e8128. Rogers Distributinq Company BV and van supply catalog, spring/summer 1977. 676 p. O Rogers Distributinq company, a division of Rogers Distributing Cor- poration (in notice: Rogers Corporation); 8JU177; 4888128.
4888129. Knowledge essential for employee progress. Editor: Thomas J. Jacobson. 1 V. O Governing Board, Grossmont Union High School District; lJul77; 4888129.
4888130. Hatematicas alegres. By Elinor Chilcote, Jeanne Blaine, Nancy Mason C Juan Griego, ilus.: Nancy Nason. 164 p. Scott Resources. Inc.; 1Nov76; 4888130.
A888131. Patricia Stevens curriculum manual for personality development. 1 v. c Patricia Stevens International, Inc.; 164ug77: 4888131.
4888132. Households reached by radio and television in Hinston-Salem and Forsyth County. Survey no. 5. June 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Burgle L. 4rrington, Jr. Q Piedmont Publishing Company; 244ug77; 4888132.
4888133. To use the sea: readings in seapower and maritime affairs. Editor: F. C. Bouse. 2nd ed. 377 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material secured from official 0. S. Govt, sources. Portions prev. pub. in Naval Har College review, summer 1976 £ others. O United States Naval Institute; 3Aug77; A888133.
A888134. Virgin anchorages: a photographic guide to the most popular anchorages in the Virgin Islands. Editors: Charles Gordon Cary 6 Emile Anton Bainold 3rd. 1 v. NH: revisions 6 photo. The Hoorings, Ltd.; 16Aug77: A888134.
A888135. Some facts about major tranquilizers. Britten by Cynthia Johansen £ Thomas Callahan, illustrated by J. Creamer Smith. 1 V. Appl. au: Kings View. Kings view; 4Aug77; A88ei35.
A8B8136. Language study skills. By Karen Pelz & Oavid Powlison. lip. O Karen Pelz £ David Powlison; 30Jul77; A888136.
A888137. Economic study: factors influencing changes in the money supply over the short term. 10 p. H. C. Hainwright and Company; 18Aug77; A888137.
A888138. The Christian view of government. By Gary Say Branscome. Folder. Gary Bay Branscome; 5Auq77; A888I38.
A888139. S.P.A. arts and crafts patterns. Original art by Don Eenner £ Anne B. Holt. Sheets. Appl. au; Beacon Enterprises. Inc. Beacon Enterprises, Inc. ; 11Sep7«: A888139.
A888140. Language based autism program. Vol. 1: curriculum. Developed by the Office of the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools, Division of Special Education. Sheets (152 p.) 4dd. ti: Handbook of the Los 4ngeles County language based autism program, volume 1. 4ppl. au: office of the Los 4ngeles County Superintendent of Schools. O Office of the Los 4ngeles County Superintendent of Schools; 1Har77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.