JUL-DEC. 1977
A872055 (con.) director: Rosemary McMurtry, crochet editor: Gena Rhoades, art director: Ray Tatro. 63 p. (dccall's stitchery. »ol. 7) ippl. an: The McCall Pattern Company. NH; rev, text & pictorial matter. The McCall pattern Conpany; 22May77; 4872055.
A872056. Nursing opportunities, 1977. Editor; Edward H. Friedaan, art director: Albert M. roti, art editor: Barbara p. Silbert. 8th annual ed. 232 p. Appl. au: Hedical Econocnics Coopany. 6 nedical Economics Company; 2ilFeb77: A872056.
A872057. Red book executive price service- 6 p- Appl. au: nedical Economics Company. NH: additional text, compilation 6 editorial revision. Litton Industries, Inc.; 2011ay77; A872057.
A872058. Red book executive price service. Folder. Appl. au: nedical Economics company. Nn: additional text, compilation 6 editorial revision. Litton Indus- tries, Inc.: 21lflay77; A872058.
A872059. YHCA finance manual. Section 6, pt. 1: Guide to financial development. General editor: nargaret Cuenod, 258 p. Add. ti: Finance development guide. National Board of the Tfoung Women's Christian Association of the D.S.A.; 20Hay77; A872059.
A872060. NRHA's Profitmaker for smaller and independent stores. Editor: Jan Aaron. Folder (« p.) Appl. au: National Retail Merchants Association. C National Retail Merchants Association; 26nay77; A872060.
A872061. Hunger: the world food crisis; an NSTA environmental materials guide. By Kathryn Nervine Fowler. 70 p. National Science Teachers Association; 15Bar77; A872061.
A872062. Survey of cut-off techniques for foundry cleaning rooms. Special report no- 15. By R. L. norris, 8. L. Hart, F. H. Paul 6 U. J. Sauer. 22 p. Appl. au: Steel Founders' Society of America. Steel Founders' Society of America; mjun77; A872062.
A872063. Consulting Engineer nay 1977 product bulletin directory. Directory editor: Marty Harrod. 78 p. Add. ti: Consulting Engineer product bulletin directory. Appl. au: Technical Publishing Company. O Technical Publishing Company: 23nay77; A872063.
4872061. How to prepare an account of Port Turnaround (a reference manual for the ship's officer) 53 p. C Texaco, Inc.; 1iiApr77: Ae7206it.
A872065. United Graphic Guide; 12-year charts plus descriptive comments on United's supervised list of common stocks, 1977. 155 p. Onited Business Service Company; 9nay77; A872065.
A872066. Home improvement and equipping loan manual. 57 p. C United States league of Savings Associations: 27May77; A872066.
A872067. Orientation and basic techniques and skills for child care workers: an on-the-iob orientation £ training program for beginning child care workers. Prepared by the Florida Group Child Care Association, Inc. , writing consultant; Walter D. Tropf. 105 p. Add. ti: Group child care training manual. C Florida Group Child Care Association, Inc.; 1Sep76; A872067.
A872068. A History of the Mexican-American people. By Julian Samora £ Patricia Vandel Simon. 238 p. University of Notre Dame Press; 25May77; 4872068.
A872069. Foundations of our government. By Steven Jantzen & Carolyn Jackson, advisory editor: Philippa Strum. 189 p. Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc., employer for hire. NM: new text & compilation. 6 Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 31Jan77; A872069.
A872070. The Presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. By Steven Jantzen, advisory editor: James MacGregor Burns. 205 p. Appl. au: Scholastic nagazines. Inc., employer for hire. NM: new text & compilation. Q Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 31Jan77; A872070.
A872071. Foundations of our government; teaching guide. By Lois Markham. 6U p.. (Scholastic American citizenship program) Appl. au: Scholastic Magazines, Inc., employer for hire, 6 Scholastic nagazines. Inc.; 31Jan77; Ae72071.
A872072. Map of the world floor puzzle. Folder, (Teaching suggestions. Judy) 6 The Judy Company; 26Jan77; A872072.
A872073. The Farm, a Judy floor puzzle. Folder. (Teaching suggestions, Judy) C The Judy Company; 9Feb77; 4872073.
A8720711. Dinosaurs, a Judy floor puzzle. Folder. (Teaching suggestions, Judy) The Judy Company; 9Feb77: A87207it.
A872075. Occupation story set. Folder. (Teaching suggestions, Judy) The Judy Company; 9Feb77; A872075,
A872076. Oklahoma map puzzle. 2 p. (Teaching suggestions, Judy) C The Judy Company; 10Jun76: 4872076.
4872077. Transportation, a Judy floor puzzle. Folder. (Teaching suggestions, Judy) Q The Judy Company: 9Feb77; A872077.
4872078. This is our world; individualized learning package. By Howard Chassen. 3 V. 6 folder. 4ppl. au; Silver Burdett Company, employer for hire. 6 Silver Burdett Company; 22JU175; A872078.
4872079. Malt Disney Productions; capsule report, June 23, 1977. 2 p. Hainwright Securities, Inc. : 23Jun77: A872079.
A872080. Johns-Manville Corporation; capsule report, June 17, 1977. 2 p. Uainwright Securities, Inc; 17Jun77; A872080.
4872081. Lubrizol Corporation; capsule report, June 17, 1977. 2 p, O Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 17Jun77: A872081.
4872082. Norfolk and Western Railway Company; capsule report, June 17, 1977. 2 p. O Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 17Jun77; A872082.
Ae72083. Lubrizol Corporation; basic report, June 22, 1977. 2 V. Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 22Jun77: A872083.
i87208i(. Tandycrafts, Inc.; capsule report, June 28, 1977. 2 p. O Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 28Jun77; A872081t.
A872085. Chrysler Corporation; capsule report, June 28, 1977. 1 p. Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 28Jun77; Ae72085.
A872086, Johns-Manville Corporation; basic report, June 27, 1977. U6 p. d Wain- wright Securities, Inc.; 27Jun77; A872086.
A872087. Norfolk and Western Railway Company; basic report, June 2 1, 1977. 10 p. Wainwright Securities, Inc, ; 21Jun77; A872087.
A872088. Walt Disney Productions; basic report, June 27, 1977. 52 p. 6 Wainwright Securities, Inc.; 27jun77; A8720e8.
A872089, 3651 models 450 and B50 store controller maintenance information. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SY27-1167) NM; editorial revision 6 additional text. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation; 150ct76; 4872089.
4872090. 36 61 store controller maintenance information. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) C International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 2'iNov76; 4872090.
4872091. 3663 models 1, 2, and 3 supermarket terminal maintenance information. 3rd ed. 1 V, (IBM maintenance library) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 21Dec76; 4872091.
4872092. IBM 3660 supermarket systems; key-entry system general system maintenance information. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. 5127-1175) NM: editorial revisions 6 additional text. O Inter- national Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Cor- poration) ; 21INov76; A872092,
A872093. 36 53 point of sale terminal maintenance information. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation {in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 270ct76; A872093.
A872094. Systeffl/32 hospital financial management system accounts receivable application guide for the system/32 operator; program no, 5725-H12. 3rd ed. 1 v. (IBM industry application program) Add. ti; 4/R application guide International
Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.