JUL-DEC. 1977
A887359. Zebulon, Concord and folloKinq the vellOB paqes — Griffin, Boodbury, Gi, telephone directory, June 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Coipany; 16llaT77; »887359.
4887360. Cartersville, Kingston and folloainq the yellov paqes, Acnorth, Gi, and others telephone directory, June 1977. 9 Southern Bell Telephone ajid Teleqraph COBpany; 27May77: 11887360.
»887361. Cochran, G&, telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 11Jul77; A887361.
A8B7362. Carrollton. Roopville, folloiiinq the yelloH paqes, Bowdon, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph COBPany; 27Say77; A887362.
A887363. Cedarto»n, folloninq the yelloii paqes, Buchanan, cawe Sprinq, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph CoBpany; 26Bay77: A887363.
A8873611. Rarner Sobins and follovinq the yellow paqes, Hacon, Byron, GA« and others telephone directory. Hay 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; itaay77: A887364.
A887365. Wriqhtsyille, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 14Jun77; A887365.
A887366. Baxley, Hazlehurst, lumber City, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. 6 Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph company; 1'tJun77; A887366.
A887367. Hoqansyille, Franklin and followinq the yelloB paqes, Grantville, GA , and others telephone directory, June 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 16Bay77; A887367.
A887368. Sparks, includinq Adel, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 27l1ay77; 4887368.
A887369. Tlfton, includinq Lenox and oaeqa, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph coapany; 1«Jun77; A887359.
A887370. Rockaart, followinq the yelloH paqes, Cedartoun. GA, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph company; 26Hay77; A887370.
A887371. Barnesville, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. 6 Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph company: 27Hay77: A887371.
4687372. Forsyth, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 27Hay77; A887372.
A887373. Baynesboro, Sardis, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Coapany; 1tJun77; S887373.
A8873714. Hillen, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. 6 Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 14Jun77: A88737it.
A887375. Americas, Saithville, including Lake Blackshear, GA, and others telephone directory, July 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 12JU177; 4887375.
A887376. Eastman, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 12JU177; A887376.
4887377. Claxton, GA, telephone directory, Auqust 1977. C Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 13Jul77; A887377.
4887378. Colquitt, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 27Hay77: A887378.
A887379. Newnan, and folloning the yellow paqes, Franklin, Grantiille, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 16Hay77 ; A887379.
A88738a. Villa Rica, followinq the yellow paqes, Carrollton, Temple, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. © Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 26May77; A887380.
A687381. Bowdon, following the yellow paqes, Bremen, Carrollton, Roopville, GA, telephone directory, June 1977. e southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph company; 26aay77 ; A887381.
4887382. Bainbridqe, also listings of Attapulqus, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. O southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 30Jun77: 4887382.
4887383. Dublin, and following the yellow pages — cadwell. Cedar Grove, GA, and others telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company: 27Jun77: A887383.
A88738lt. Calhoun, idairsville, following the yellow pages — cartersville, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 27Hay77: A88738lt.
A887385. Valdosta, Lake Park, GA, telephone directory, August 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 8Jul77: 4887385.
4887386. Hacon, and following the yellow pages, Byron, Centerville, G4, and others telephone directory. May 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 5Hay77; A887386.
A887387. Augusta, GA, with merged listings for North Augusta, SC, Hephzibah, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 19Hay77: A887387.
A887388. Harlea, Appling, and following the yellow pages — Augusta, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company: 17Hay77: A887388.
4887 389. Bremen, Buchanan, Tallapoosa, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company; 27Bay77; A887389.
A887 390. Swainsboco, and following the yellow pages — Uadley, Adrian, GA, and others telephone directory, July 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 30Jun77: A887390.
A887391. Rome, cave Spring, following the yellow paqes — Adairsville, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 23Hay77: A887391.
A887 392. Louisville, Gibson, Badley, GA, and others telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph coapany; 30Jun77; A887392.
A887 393. LaGrange, and following the yellow pages — Franklin, Greenville, GA, and others, June 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 15Hay77; A887393.
A887 391t. Greater Hiami yellow pages, 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 17Aug77: A88739«.
A887395. Saall churches are beautiful. Edited by Jackson U. Carroll. 171 p. Appl. au: The Hartford seminary Foundation. O The Hartford Seainary Foundation; 17Auq77: 4887395.
A887396. Rene Descartes: the essential writings. Translated 6 with introductions £ a conceptual index by John J. Blom, foreword by Paul oskar Kristeller. 27 1 p. SB: translation 6 additional text. O John J. Blom: 27JU177: 4887396.
4887397. Answers to the even-numbered exercises in The Calculus with analytic geometry, third edition, by Louis Leithold. Prepared by Jacqueline Dewar, Ken Kast & Jean Kilmer. 80 p. Appl. au: Harper and HOW, Publishers, Inc. NH: revisions t additional text. Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; tNov76; 4887397.
4887398. Test items to accompany William L. Lanqer et al., Bestern civilization, second edition, volume 1. By Stephen Feinstein. 96 p. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 13Jan75; A887398.
A887399. Test items to accompany Biiliam L. langer et al., Bestern civilization, second edition, volume 2. By Stephen Feinstein. 96 p. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Row, Publishers. Inc.; 13Jan75; A887399.
A887lt00. Simulated office: student learning plan; sample package. 77 p. Portions prev. pub. in Simulated office: student learning plan 6 others. dB: compilation. O Dallas Independent School District; 22Jun76; A8871100. (See also Simulated office: student learning plan; 22Jun76; 4798467)
Reviewing German gcaaaar and building
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