A872018 - A872055
JUL-DEC. 1977
A872018. Public relations: principles, cases, and problems. By H- Frazier Moore & Bertrand H. Canfield. 7th ed. 528 p. S Richard D. Imin. Inc.: 17Feb77: A872018.
A872019. Business and society: a managerial approach. By Frederick D. Stardivant. 502 p. e Richard D. Imin, Inc.; 17Feb77: A872019.
A872020. Another peppercorn for Mister Jefferson. By Bernard Mayo. 28 p. 6 Bernard Mayo; 3Jun77: A872020.
A872021. Fired by Manlev zeal: a naval fiasco of the American Revolution- By Philip Chadwick Foster Smith. 115 p. 6 Peabody Museum of Salem; 7Jun77; A872021,
A872022. The Annual experience- By Greg K, Bhalen. 130 p. 6 Greg K. Bhalen d.b. a. Hunter Publishing Company (in notice: Greg Bhalen.); 10Noy76; A872022.
A872023. Managerial cost accounting,. By Gordon shillinglan. nth ed. 981 p- Prev. pub. as Cost accounting: analysis and control. O Richard D. Irwin, Inc.; 3iaar77: A872023.
A872024. Solutions manual for use with Fun- damentals of financial accounting, revised edition. By Glenn A. Welsch 6 Robert N. Anthony. 58U p- NM: revisions fi updating. 6 Richard D. Irwin, Inc.; 31Mar77; A87202<1.
A872025. Chicken biryani (serves 8) • and other titles. Sheets. Appl. au: Bonnie Eapoport 6 Anne Barry. Q Culinary Arts; 2Jan77; &872025.
A872026. Aspects. 1 p. Appl. au: Diane A- Bunger. 6 Diane A. Bunger; 7Jun77; A872026.
A872027. The Sound Bug Easy Splice tape splicing instructions. Folder. Excerpt from 8 track cartridge repair manual. Appl. au: Jack V. Hitter. DM: additions. Trans Continental Engineering; 19May77; A872027.
A872028. Cast care. ^^ p. Physicians Art Service, Inc.: 27May75 (in notice: 1974); A872028.
A872029. From my heart to yours; poems and thoughts. By Eva B. Bruner. 52 p. <d Eva B. Bruner; 10Mar77: A872029.
A372030. Tread Design Guide. Vol. 12, 1977. Technical editor: Al Snyder. 240 p. Appl. au: Tire Guides, Inc. & Tire Guide, an a.a.d.o. Tire Guides, Inc.; 1Jan77; A872030.
A872031. National observer index, 1964. Compiled by Newspaper Indexing Center, Micro Photo Division, Bell and Howell Company. 1 v. e Bell and Howell Company; 17Aug76; A872031.
A872032. Student crochet 1, crochet 2, crochet 3. By Polly pyne. 1 v. 6 Polly Pyne; 21Jun77; A872032.
A872033. Planning parish programs of religious education for high school youth: a planning model for the non-professional; program planner's manual. By John E. Forliti. 48 p. Appl. au: Catholic Education Center. Q Catholic Education Center; 15Sep73; A872033.
A872034. An Insurance application from Paul Roemer Company for. 16 p. & Paul Roemer Company (in notice: Paul F. Roemer) ; 11May77 (in notice: 1976); A872034.
A872035. Production planning calendar and guide, 1977. Add. ti: Let's do it United, e Dnited Egg producers; 9Dec76 ; A872035.
A872036. Eight sources of "tramp iron" in processing industries. 1 p. 6 Eriez Magnetics; 28Jan77; A872036.
A872037. The Pro vita diet. 2 p. Appl. au: Irwin J. Rosenberg 6 Michael L. Weinstein. The Apothecary, Inc.; 25Apr77; A872037.
A872038. The Pre school- kinder gar ten- primary developmental readiness assessment scale and adaptive behavior assessment scale; PKP assessment system manual. By John K. paizis. Kit. Add. ti: Preschool- kindergarten-primary assessment system manual. NM: revisions & additions. e John K. Paizis; 1Feb77; A872038.
A872039. "He are all Americans": a tribute to "Roots." By Ella Pratt Lewis. 1 p. e Ella Pratt Lewis; 27Feb77; A872039.
A872040. Chilton's Repair and tune-up guide: Ford vans, 1966-77. Prepared by the Automotive Editorial Department, Chilton Book Company, editor: Robert J. Brown. 294 p. Add. ti: Chilton's Ford vans, 1966-77 repair and tune-up guide; Chilton's Repair and tune-up guide for Ford vans. Appl. au: Chilton Book Company. 6 Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company) ; 27Jun77; A872040.
A872041. EPS: Econometric programming system overview. Folder. Add. ti: EPS overview. d Data Resources, Inc.; 20Jun77; A872041.
A872042. EPS: Econometric programming system reference manual. Sheets (206 p.) Add. ti: EPS reference manual, June 1977- NM: additional dictionary entries, 6 Data Resources, Inc.; 20Jun77; &872042.
A872043. EPS: Econometric programming system techniques. Sheets. Add. ti: EPS techniques, June 1977. NM: additions 6 revisions. Data Resources, Inc.; 20Jun77; A872043.
A872044. Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: first course. By Pay Greiffenberg. 78 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop; heritage edition, first course. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions. e Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A872044.
A872045. Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: second course. By Fay Greiffenberg. 72 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: heritage edition, second coarse. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions. 6 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A872045.
A872046. Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: third course. By John E. Warriner 6 Mary Hhitten. 78 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: heritage edition, third course- Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire of John E- Harriner- NH: editorial revisions. Q Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 6Jan77; A872046.
A872047. Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: fourth course. By Joseph Blumenthal. 62 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: heritage edition, fourth course. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions- © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A872047-
A872048- Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: fifth course. By Joseph Blumenthal. 60 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: heritage edition, fifth course- Appl- au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc-, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions. 3 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 3Jan77; A872048.
A872049. Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: review course- By John E- Warriner- 62 p. Add. ti: Teacher's answer key to accompany English workshop: heritage edition, review course- Appl- au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire- NM: editorial revisions. @ Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc- ; 3Jan77; Ae72049.
A872050. Corrosion in action. 6th ed. 44 p- e The International Nickel Company, Inc-; 15Jun77; A872050.
A872051. True secrets yearbook. No- 4, summer 1977- Editorial director: Cara Sherman 8 other editors, art director: Irwin Linker. 81 p. Appl. au: Magazine Management Company. Inc. 6 Magazine Management Company, Inc.; 26Apr77: A872051.
A872052. Employer paid taxes application (a compliment to CHAS) 4 p. S Bear Lumber Company, Inc.; 16Jun77; A872052.
A872053. Painting on fabric. By the editors of McCall's Needlework and crafts, editorial director: Rosemary McMurtry, senior editor: Betsy Emery, editor: Jennifer lingers, art director: Ray Tatro. 6 1 p- (McCall's Handcrafts, vol. 4) Appl. au: The McCall Pattern Company- NM: rev. text 6 pictorial matter. 6 The HcCall Pattern Company; 22May77; A872053-
A872054- Memory lane- Editor; Magdalene Zilg- 32 p. (acCall's Iron-on transfers, vol. 5) Appl. au: The McCall Pattern Company. NM: rev. text 6 pictorial matter. S The McCall Pattern Company; 22May77; A872054.
Crochet for the home. By the editors of McCall's Needlework and crafts, editorial
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