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JUL-DEC. 1977

A887102. UheD the bouse is dar)( and quiet, and other titles. Od insert for albuo entitled My brother thinks he's a banana and other (provocative) songs for children. 4ppl. au: Barry Louis Polisar. Prev. req. 80628892, 1975 £ others. e Barry Louis Polisar: 3»uq77; A887102.

A887103. The Bible and honosexuality ; a Bible study. Compiled by Michael E. England. 1 V. Michael E. England; 2'lJal77: A887103.

A887101. Row to give professional facials. 3 p. Appl. au: B. H. Ray. C B. n. Bay: 11JU177: A88710U.

A887105. Tycoon boy. By Richard Grossaan. 1 ». Portions prev. pub. in Kayak & others. NH: aost poess. Q Richard GrossBao: 1Sar77: A887105.

A887 106. The Montana woaan. By Norma Beatty Ashby. illustrated by Bob Morgan. Poster. O Norma Beatty Ashby: 2Jun77; 4887106.

A887107. yoodcraft spring/summer supplement, 1977. 14 p. Boodcraft Supply Corporation: 11Apr77: A887107.

A887108. Richards presents our thrifty Dandy Lion surgical soft goods. 1 v. Nfl: additions & revisions. Q Richards Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 30Mac77 (in notice; 1976); 4887108.

4887109. Neil Key Lok system. 7 p. e Richards Manufacturing Company, Inc.: 1Apr77: A887109.

4887110. Mod 2 total knee replacement. 8 p. NH: revisions. C Richards Manufacturing Company, Inc.: 1i»Jul77: 4887110.

4887111. Hon to save over S25 on the P.I. scandal! 1 v. 4ppl. au: Douglas Uarner Fife (Douglas U. Fife) Douglas Uarner Fife: 14ug77: 4887111.

4887112. Homes for living, 100 best sellers. Vol. ^t^. Editor; Margo Gampel, managing editor: Fredarica Friedman, associate editors; Cindy Medina S Lynda Hills, consulting architect: Samuel Paul. 96 p. Homes for Living, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4887112.

A887113. Mechanical inspector certification eiamination. Pt. 1-2. 2 v. Based on the Oniform mechanical code, 1977 edition. 6 International Conference of Building Officials: 10Jan77: 4887113.

A887111I, Mells. 9 p. 6 cards. Appl. au: Robert J. Tabaka. Robert J. Tabaka: 19Jul77: 4887114.

4887115. Index of Ney technical bulletins. 2 p. NM: additions & editorial revisions. e The J. M. Ney Company; 11JU177; 4887115.

A887116. Lyrics in poetry. By Nancy B. McCulley. 1 V. e Nancy B. McCulley: 1Apr77: A887116.

A887117. Hon to play Inflation. 5 p. Appl. au:

A887118. For God and you. By Baiter C. Butler. 1 V. O Baiter C. Butler d.b.a. Uabob Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A887118.

4887119. Parent and child; learning together. 5 p. Appl. au: Betty Bagner & Connie Steele. e Betty S. Bagner 6 Connie Steele: 15Sep7S; A887119.

A887120. Suzuki; a gift of love. Photos, by Arthur Montzka & Hike Knapstein, editor; Leon R. Smith, Jr. 31 p. Add. ti: Suzuki: gift of love. American Suzuki Talent Education Center; 23Jun77: 4887120.

4887121. Byoner, Inc.; for sale by owner, 1977; the complete homeowners manual. 21 p. 4ppl. au: Byoner, Inc. d Byoner, Inc., solely owned by Hugh Batson; 1Hay77: 4887121.

A887122. Car top carrier plans. 7 p. Appl- au: Stanley E. Bulapaugh. O Stanley E. Rulapauqh d.b.a. Chimaera; 12Jul77; A887122.

A887123. Bartholomew County, Indiana early marriage returns, 1821-1838. Compiled by Colleen Alice Eidlen. HV p. Add. ti: Bartholomew County, Indiana early marriage records, 1621-1838. NM; compilation, additional text S editorial revision. Colleen Alice Sidlen; 10May77; 4887123.

A887124. A Quest in hell. t p. Appl. au: Robert Sulzer. Real Simulations, sole owner: Robert Sulzer; 1Jul77; A887121.

4887125. Twentieth century. 1 v. Appl. au: Robert sulzer. 'RS' a.a.d.o. Real simulations, Robert Sulzer, sole owner (in notice: Real Simulations) ; 20Mar77; A887125.

4887126. In the service of the Kciegsmarine. 1 V. Appl. au; Robert Sulzer. O 'RS' a.a.d.o. Real Simulations (or Seal simulations games) , Robert Sulzer, sole owner; 10Jan77; A887126.

4887127. King of Thebes. 3 p. Appl. au; Robert Sulzer. Q 'RS' a.a.d.o. Real Simulations, Robert Sulzer, sole owner; 10Jan77; A887127.

A887128. Self-image Q sort. Kit. Appl. au: Peggy E. Bicker. O Peggy £. Bicker; 20Apr77; A687128.

A887129. A Cognitive map interrelating learning, logic, and communication processes for intellectual and creativity development; an interrelated, human potential development language model for native and second language learning. Ball chart. Add. ti: Interrelated language learning model. Appl. au: Constancia Schnoebelen. Prev. reg. A732589, 5Apr76. NM: additions & revisions. O Constancia Schnoebelen; 7Aug77: A887129.

A887130. How to play country fiddle. »ol. 2. By Peter Fritz Feldmann. Record jacket 6 insert (11 p.) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N'«i»853. Peter Fritz Feldmann; 10Jul75; A887130.

A887131. Survival sense. Scripts: Marian HcNamara, photography: Marc Bowen, Douglas Crane £ Hike HcNamara. IS p. (, •> fllmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NUieSU, in box. Appl. au: Odyssey Productions, Inc. O Odyssey Productions, Inc.; 150ct76; 4887131.

A887132. Food — your choice; a nutrition learning system. Level 2. Kit. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. NUU855, in box. NM: compilation, additional text G pictorial material. O National Dairy Council; 27JU177; 4887132.

4867133. Bipley, 4berdeen, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. O The Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 3May77; A887133.

A887134. Binchester, OH, telephone directory, 1977-1978. U The Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 2Hay77; A887134.

A887135. Bashington Court House, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. O The Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 11Hay77; A887135.

A887136. Fairborn, including yellow Springs, Clifton, OH, telephone directory, 1977-1978. O The Ohio Bell Telephone Company: eHay77; A887136.

4887137. Xenia, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. O The Ohio Bell Telephone Company: 5Hay77; 4887137.

4887138. 4 Screenplay of Brother Hy. Screenplay book by Michael Brian Frankel 6 Janice Jackson-McCashen. 143 p. Adapted from the novel. The Retrun (sic) of Brother My, by Michael Brian Frankel. Appl. au: Michael B. Frankel, employer for hire. Michael Brian Frankel; lJun77; A887138.

A887 139. Career search as personal growth. Sections 1-8. 188 p. Appl. au: Elizabeth (Betty) Neville Michelozzi. O Elizabeth (Betty) Neville Michelozzi; 15Jun77: 4887139.

A8871<t0. Biogenic health maintenance. Vol. 1-2. By c. Norman Shealy. O C. Norman Shealy; lAuq77 (in notice: 1976); A887140.

A887141. "The Little folks": revised pitch for sales demo. 4 p. 6 Dealer Advertising Development, Inc., a.a.d.: D.A.O., Inc.; 1Sep77; 4887141.

A887142. Testimonial proof: emphysema-bronchitis diet gets results. 1 p. Appl. au: Harlow P. Merrick. 6 Hedical Reports, Ltd., solely owned by Harlow P. Merrick; 30Sep76 (in notice: 1977) ; A887142.

A887143. How emphysema-bronchitis diet helps you breathe easier. 2nd ed. 6 p. Appl. au: Harlow P. Merrick. Prev. pub. 5May75. 6 Medical Reports, Ltd., solely owned by Harlow P. Merrick; 28Feb77; A887143.


Cookbook. Compiled by Vicki Mccarty.


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