JUL-DEC. 1977
1886891 (con.) and tools for study. By Joseph A- Fitzmyer. 171 p. MH: additional text, e Joseph i. Fitznyer; 18Hay77; &886894.
A8B6895. Hessiah and temple; the trial of Jesus in the Gospel of Hark. By Donald Juel. 223 p. O The Society of Biblical Literature; 25Apr77: A886895.
A88689e. Semeia; literary critical studies of Biblical texts. No. 8, 1977. Editor of this issue: Robert H. Funk. 131 p. e The society of Biblical Literature; 1JApr77; A88e896.
1886897. The Theoloqical aethod of Karl Sahner. By Anne Carr. 281 p. Q The American Academy of Religion; 23aay77: A886897.
A88e898. studies in Lucian's De Syria dea. By E. A. Oden, Jr. 181 p. English 6 Greek. @ The President and FelloHS of Harvard Colleqe: 1Jun77; A886898.
A886899. Biblical texts vlth Palestinian pointing and their accents. By E. J. Bevell. 265 p. 3 The Society of Biblical Literature; 30Jun77; A886899.
A886900. Caribbean checkers; instruction sheet & gameboard. By Two Game Girls. Kit. Appl. au: Uary B. Ralmsiey 6 Beverly N. Cooke d.b.a. Two Game Girls. @ Hary B. Halmsley 6 Beverly N. Cooke d.b.a. Two Game Girls; 22Jul75; A886900. (See also Caribbean Checkers; 22Jul75; A7it8988)
A886901. A Proposal to identify and prioritize data required for dental delivery systems planning; technical proposal. BFP HBA 231-7E-0399, July 20, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Arthur Young and Company. O Arthur young and company: 20Jul77; Ae86901.
A886902. The Masters seminar for the advanced training of hospital audit specialists. 5 V. e sheets in folder. Add. ti: The Masters seminar exercise pad. Appl. states all new except Audit study specification. @ Care Communications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A886902.
A886903. Directory of community service opportunities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. By Daniel Joseph Cohen. 156 p. Add- ti; Here today, where tomorrow? the directory of community service oppor- tunities for Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Q Colleqe Volunteer and Community Service Program of the Long Island Begional Advisory Council on Higher Education: 26Apr77; AB86903.
A886904. The Sorro book of Hixxo Kridd. Sheets. Add. ti: The Sorro books of nixzo Kridd. Appl. au: Hichael Dennis Kordosh. e Hichael Dennis Kordosh; 28Feb77; A8869ait.
A886905. Hontgomery Hard, fall and winter 1977: Albany. 1339 p. 6 Montgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 1i(Jun77; A886905.
A886906. Hontgomery Hard, fall and winter 1977: Saint Paul. 1339 p. @ Hontgomery Hard and company. Inc.; 24Jun77; A886906.
A886907. Hontgomery Hard fall and winter. 1977: Oakland, CA. 1339 p. O Hontgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 6Jul77; Ae86907.
A886908. Hontgomery Hard fall and winter, 1977: Fort Horth. 1339 p. a Hontgomery Hard and company. Inc.; 13Jul77; A886908.
A886909. Hontgomery Hard fall and winter, 1977: Chicago. 1339 p. 6 Hontgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 16Jun77; A886909.
A886910. Hontgomery Hard fall and winter, 1977: Denver. 1339 p. 6 Hontgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 6Jul77; A886910.
A886911. Hontgomery Hard, fall and winter 1977: Portland. 1339 p. Hontgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 13Jun77; A886911.
A886912. Hontgomery Hard, fall and winter 1977: Kansas City. 1339 p. Hontgomery Hard and Company, Inc.; 8Jul77; A886912.
A886913. U.C.L.A. Hospital Inhalation Therapy Department procedure manual. 1 v. Eegents of the Dniversity of California; 15JU177: A886913.
A886911I. Out of the mouths of Jews: a rhetorical analysis of Jewish dialogue in modern fiction. By Susan Orbanc Flynn. Sheets (89 p.) Susan Urbane Flynn; 1Aug77; A886914.
A886915. Kansas 30-hour home study course: modern real estate practice; study guide. Developed by Beal Estate Education Company, presented by Kansas Association of Bealtors. 152 p. NH: revision & updating. @ Development Systems Corporation; 16Aug76; A886915.
A886916. BELO sales success program. 1 v. Appl. au: Beal Estate Education Company. NH: revision & additions. @ Development Systems Corporation; lQHar77; A886916.
A886917. GDH 07/11/77 70 001, and others. Hicrofiche. Appl. au: Richard H. Clark. © Purchase control Systems; 11Jul77; A886917.
A886918. The Truth about sin: what does the Bible say? By Hilliam Thomas Bruner. 138 p. & Hilliam Thomas Bruner; 10Aug77; A886918.
A886919. The Sex problem: its cause, its curse, and its cure — the church's duty in sex education. By Hilliam Thomas Bruner. 193 p. e Hilliam Thomas Bruner; 10Aug77; A886919.
A886920. Programs of central Haryland human- service agencies: an inventory by major geographic jurisdiction; an application of the Baltimore Area Service Identification System (BASIS) Needs £ services analysis program report no. 2, June 1977- 78 p- e The Health and Welfare Council of Central Haryland, Inc- ; 30Jun77; A886920-
A886921. Onits of count for reporting human services. Needs 6 services analysis program report no. 3, June 1977. 1 v. e The Health and Helfare Council of Central Haryland, Inc.; 30Jun77; A886921.
A886922. How tifflberland gives tax favored profits to private citizens. 13 p. Q Southern Timbergrowers, Inc.; 1Jan77; A886922.
A88e923. Favorite stories on tape- Vol- 1- Edited £ adapted by James B. Killavey. 1 V. NH: editing £ abridgment. @ Jimcin Eecordings; 3Aug77; A886923.
A88692D. Beal estate financing for brokers and salespeople- 1 v- Add. ti: Sales Training Systems real estate finance program. Appl. au: Jack G. Hill & Barry Bussiere. 3 Sales Training Systems; 13Jun77; A886921.
A886925. Hemorex 1380 communications processor; field engineering handbook. Publication no- 1380-30-01- Nov. 1976 ed. 67 p. © Hemorex Corporation; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A886925.
A886926. Hemorex 1377 display station; operation £ service manual. Publication no. 1377.20-02- Jan- 1977 ed- 1 v. e Hemorex Corporation; 28Jan77; A886926.
A886927. Hemorex 677-00 and 677-50 OEH disc storage drives; technical manual. Publication no. 677-00/50.20-00. July 1976 ed. Sheets. 3 Hemorex Corporation; 150ct76; A886927.
A886928. Hemorex 651 flexible disc file; OEH manual. Publication no. 651.60-04- Jan. 1977 ed. 33 p. e Hemorex Corporation; 7Feb77; A886928-
A886929- Update package for 840 disc subsystem tester technical manual, 840.20-00. 1 v- (Hemorex publications bulletin, 840.20- 0001, Aug. 1976) NH: revisions. Hemorex Corporation; 10Sep76: A886929.
A886930. Hemorex 877 dolphin tester; technical manual. Publication no. 877.20-00. Dec. 1976 ed. 1 V- 3 Hemorex Corporation; 30Dec76; A886930-
A886931. Update package for 677 OEH disc storage drive product specification, 677.80-01. 1 V. (Hemorex publications bulletin. 677.80-0101, Dec. 1976) NH: revisions. Q Hemorex Corporation; 13Jaii77 (in notice: 1976); A886931.
A886932. Hemorex 1380 communications processor; installation manual. Publication no. 1380.22-00. Nov. 1976 ed. 1 v. 3 Hemorex Corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A886932.
A886933. Hemorex 1380 communications processor; maintenance manual. Publication no. 1380.20-00- Jan. 1977 ed. 1 v. 3 Hemorex Corporation; 7Feb77; A886933.
A886934- Memorex 651 flexible disc file; illustrated parts catalog. Publication no. 0651-23-02. Nov. 1976 ed. 12 p. e Hemorex corporation; 30Nov76; A886934.
A886935. Hemorex 1380 communications processor; theory of operations manual. Publication no- 1380-21-00- Oct. 1976 ed. 1 v.
& Hemorex Corporation; 1Dec76; A886935.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.