JUL-DEC. 1977
4886768. GreeDTilie. Gay. Uoodbury, GA. aod others telephone directory, June 1977. e Southern Beil Telephone and Telegraph COBpany: 16Hay77; 4886768.
4886769. Gcantville, Luthersville* Seooia, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977- Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph COBpany: 16Bay77: 4886769.
4886770. Covinqtoo, Social Circle and following the yellow pages Conyers, G4 , telephone directory. 4prii 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 13Apr77; A886770.
A886771. Hamilton, Pine fountain and folloniag the yellow pages Greenville, GA, and others telephone directory, June 1977. 6 Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 13Hay77: 4886771.
4886772. Uarrenton, G4, and following the yellow pages Thomson telephone directory, June 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 19aay77; A886772.
4886773. Homestead, Florida City, FL, telephone directory, 1977-78. <3 Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 22Jul77; 4886773.
4886771). Greater Hiami white pages telephone directory, 1977-78. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 174uq77; 48867711.
4886775. TT102/TT1I42 transaction audit programs; user's guide. 33 p. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 15JU177; 4886775.
4886776. Computer management systems (CHS) data communications; reference manual. 1 v. e Burroughs Corporation; 28Jun77; 4886776.
4886777. BHIS pharmacy capabilities manual; prelim. Sheets. C Burroughs Corporation; 18Sar77; 4886777.
4886778. Bibliography reference memual. 1 v. Prey. req. 479il8itU 6 others. HH: additions. C Burroughs Corporation; 27Jun77: 4886778.
A886779. B6700 trouble analysis report. 58 p. Prev. reg. 4863603 6 4739151. NH: complete rewrite t update. O Burroughs Corporation: 25Jan77: 4866779.
4886780. Basic asynchronous CTCC for Burroughs S1000 LCP: reference manual. 1 ». Burroughs Corporation; 12Jul77; 4886780.
4886781. BHIS radioloqy capabilities manual; prelim. Sheets (8 p.) C Burroughs Corporation: 1811ar77: 4886781.
4886782. BHIS laboratory capabilities manual; prelim. Sheets. C Burrouqbs Corporation: 18Har77: 4886782.
4886783. Burroughs hospital administrat iye system (BH4S 2) PSBO administration module; capabilities manual. 1 v. O Burroughs Corporation: 8Jul77; 4886783.
48867814. Commercial BMS 2 order processing module console/SELF-SCAN display system: capabilitxes manual. 1 v. O Burroughs corporation; 28Jun77; 4886781.
4886785. CHS concentrator HCS reference information. 21 p. (B700 technical newsletter) Prev. reg. 4830599. NH: additions & revisions. O Burrouqbs Corporation; 16Jun77; 4886785.
4886786. B800 processors illustrated parts catalog; technical manual, vol. 2. 1 v. e Burroughs Corporation; 31Hay77i 4886786.
4886787. CHS Burroughs hospital administrative system (BH4S 2) patient accounting; capabilities manual. 1 y- C Burroughs Corporation; 26Hay77: 4886787.
4886738. Commercial BHS 2 accounts receivable module: user, installation, operator manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. Prev. reg. 486360S. NH: complete rewrite e update of Section 3. O Burroughs Corporation; 27Hay77; 4886788.
4886789. CHS system qualification message control system. 24 p. (B700 technical new- sletter) 6 Burroughs Corporation; 27Jun77: A886789.
4886790. Commercial BHS 2 order processing module input and display terminal system; capabilities manual. 1 v. O Burroughs Corporation; 28Jun77: 4886790.
4886791. B700 report program generator debugging template. 2 p. C Burroughs Corporation: 20Jun77; 4886791.
4886792. B9489 industry compatible mini disk (ICHD) , includes B9489-5 and B9189-15/18. illustrated parts catalog; technical manual, vol. 2. 1 v. Prev. reg. 4863600. NH: additions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 17Jun77; 4886792.
4886793. BHIS patient care plan system capa- bilities manual: prelim. Pt. 3. 30 p. 3 Burroughs Corporation; 18Har77; 4886793.
4886794. Basic multipoint for Burroughs medium systems, terminal gualif ication program; reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. 4787426. NH: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 29Jun77; 4886794.
4886795. Terminal systems cabling: reference manual. 1 v. d Burroughs Corporation: 1JU177; 4886795.
A886796. B9493 filed disk drive (201-1), includes B9493-9/18/28/37, illustrated parts catalog: technical manual, vol. 2. 24 p. Add. ti; B9493 fixed drive (20-1) illustrated parts catalog. Burroughs Corporation: 11Jul77: A886796.
4886797. PABSEL accounts payable B80 ACSYS- Disk/Hagnetic tape cassette systems definition. Sheets (108 p.) Prev. reg. 4710702 6 others. NH: additions 6 revisions. 6 Burroughs Corporation: 19Hay77: 4886797.
4886798. B 1700 systems network definition language (NCL) reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. 4539941 £ 4742363. NH: additions. O Burroughs corporation; 16JUD77: 4886798.
A886799. Contractor business management system general ledger and financial statements reference manual. Sheets. Prev. reg. A811163. NH: rewriting £ updating. O Burroughs Corporation; 8Jun77: A886799.
4886800. The Burroughs C-7400 program instruction manual. Sheets (206 p.) Burrougns Corporation; 6Jul77; 4886800.
A886801. Burroughs hospital administrative system (BH4S 2) PSBO administration module reference manual. 1 v. Q Burroughs Corporation: 27Jun77; 4886801.
A886802. Computer management systems reporter (CHS) users manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. Burroughs Corporation; 12Jul77: 4886802.
4886803. Burroughs B 5700 information processing systems Fortran compiler reference manual. Sheets. Prev. reg. 4863607 £ others. NH: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 19Apr77; A886803.
A886804. CHS concepts student materials: prelim, ed. Sheets. O Burroughs Corporation; 2Jun77; A886804.
A886805. B 1700 systems budgetary management system purchase order module reference manual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 3Jun77; A866e05.
A886806. fiemote source preparation system specification user's guide. 1 v. ^ Burroughs Corporation; 25Hay77; A886806.
4886807. Scholastic instructional materials reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. 4742366. NH: revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 8Jun77: A886807.
4886808. Burroughs commercial BHS 2 general ledger module user — installation- -operators manual: prelim, ed. sheets. Q Burroughs Corporation; 2dHay77; A886808.
A886809. Conversion aids release. Printout £ magnetic tape. Prev. reg. as A777891 £ A698690. NH: revisions £ additions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 26Jui77; A886809.
A886810. B700/B800 SCP system software release mark 3.2. Printout £ magnetic tape. Prev. reg. as A800244 £ A708800. NH: revisions fi additions. Burroughs Corporation; 12Hay77; 4886810.
A686811. B700 manufacturing job cost system. printout. Prev. reg. as A7107Q9. NH: additions. Burroughs Corporation; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A886811.
A886812. Conversion aids release. Printout £ magnetic tape. Prev. req. as A647680 &
others. NH: revisions & additions.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.