JUL-DEC. 1977
ie8669a. Aaerican flarketinq ftssociatloo, Pittsburgh Chapter, Strategic PiacDing Seainac, Bar 25, 26, 1977. By Bobert U. Finh3lt 6 Jerome V. Lisovich. 1 v. idd. ti: Harlcetinq tools! O Oatanetics; 25Hav77: 11886693.
»88669lt. k Proposal for specification of a nechaDized accountlDq and aanaqeaent information system, August 8, 1977. Issued by Department of the Air Force, Nonappropriated Fund Procurement Office. 1 V. Appl. au: Arthur Young and Company. Arthur Young and Company; 8Aug77; A88669«.
A886695. A Proposal to conduct a study of the Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Program: technical £ management proposal. Solicitation no. OAP-7196. Aug. 8, 1977. Issued by Office of the Secretary, Department of the Treasury. 1 v. Appl. au: Arthur Young and Company. 6 Arthur Young and Company: 8Aug77; A886695.
AB8e696. Career development service: career awareness system — elementary school edition; a core program for academic- career orientation & preparation. Folder. Appl. au: Edvard J. Vasileski. NH: additions. C Palmer Publications, Inc. ; 2Aug77: A886596.
A88&697. Lauds. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2. Author: Pontifical Section* the Cultural Educational Research Institute, Ltd. 2 v. Appl. au: Socrates HcGougb (Socrates Sicisun) e The Cultural Educational Besearch Institute. Ltd. ; 10Jun77; A886697.
A886698. 1977 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, held at the Sheraton-Hartford Hotel, Hartford, Connecticut, Hay 9-11, 1977; record. No. 77CH1197-3 ASSP. 879 p. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 9Hay77; A88669B.
A886699. Electronics serving mankind; IEEE 1977 region six conference record- IEEE catalog no. 77CH1206-2 reg. b. 125 p. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 25nay77; A886e99.
A886700. Proceedings of the Workshop on Picture Data Description and Hanagement, April 21-22. 1977. No. 77CH1187-lt C. 192 p. Proceedings of a workshop held in Chicago. Q The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 21Apr77; A8a6700.
A886701. Trends and applications, 1977: computer security and integrity; symposium proceedings, lay 19, 1977, Gaithersburg, HD. No. 77CH120<t-7 C. 121 p. Proceedings of the 1977 Trends and Applications Symposium. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.: 19Hay77: A886701.
A886702. IEEE conference proceedings: 1977 Pover Industry Computer Applications Conference- -PlCA-77; papers presented at the Tenth PICA Conference. May 2<l-27. 1977, Boyal Oak Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No. 77CH1131-2-PBH. *80 p. S The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.; 2«!lay77: A886702.
A8a6703. The Seventh International Symposium on Bultiple-valued Logic, Say 21-27, 1977, Cone University Center, University of North Carolina at charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina; proceedings. No. 77CH1222-9C. 15U p. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 2tllay77; A886703.
A88670U. 27th Electronic Components Conference, Stouffer's National Center Inn, Arlington, Virginia, Say 16-18, 1977; proceedings. No. 77 CH1199-9 PHP. 562 p. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 16Hay77; A88670it.
A886705. 1977 lEEE/OSA Conference on Laser Engineering and Applications, June 1-3, 1977, Bashington Hilton Hotel, Bashington, DC; digest of technical papers. No. 77CH 1207-0. 87 p. Proceedings of the bth Conference. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 1Jun77; A886705.
A8e6706. Fourth Annual Symposium on Sachine Processing of Bemotely Sensed Data, the Laboratory for Applications of Bemote Sensing, Purdue University, Best Lafayette, Indiana, June 21-23, 1977. IEEE catalog no. 77 CH 1218-7 HPBSD. Edited by D. B. Sorrison G D. J. Scherer. 358 p. Add. ti: Sachine processing of remotely sensed data, 1977. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 6 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.; 21Jun77; A886706.
A886707. IEEE bibliography on high voltage insulator contamination, July 1977; presented at the IEEE Pover Engineering Society 1977 summer meeting, July 17-22, 1977, aeiico City, Hexico. No. 77BL0100- 8-PBB. 28 p. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 17JU177; A886707.
A886708. FTCS-7; the Seventh Annual International Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Los Angeles, California, June 28-30, 1977 — proceedings. IEEE catalog no. 77CH 1223-7 C. 217 p. 6 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 28Jun77; A886708.
A8867a9. Proceedings of the 1977 Joint Automatic Control Conference. Vol. 1-2, no. 77CH 1220-3CS. Proceedings of a conference held in San Francisco. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 22Jun77; A886709.
A886710. Page's Ohio revised code annotated. 1976 suppl.. for use in 1977. Hultiple volumes. Anderson Publishing Company; 29Har77: A886710.
A886711. SINC (simulated inter-hemispheric naval combat) Created by. original design, game piece models & graphics by Joseph Zumchak. Kit. Prev. pub. in 197i* under the title SALVO. NH: additions S revisions. O Joseph Zumchak; 27Jul77; A886711.
A88&712. Study guide for The Study of cultural anthropology. By David E. Hunter 6 Phillip Bhitten. 93 p. O Harper and Bon. Publishers, Inc.; 2Jan77; A886712.
A886713. The Study of cultural anthropology. By David £. Hunter S Phillip Bhitten. 477 p. Abridgment of The Study of anthropology. NH: abridgment. David E. Hunter S Phillip Uhitten; 2Jan77: A886713.
A886714. Instructor's manual for The Psychology of being human, second edition. By Terry Haul. 55 p. NH: additional text S, revisions. O Terry Haul; 15Feb77; A886714.
A886715. Cutting production; student learning plan — sample package. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in Cutting production: student learning plan 6 others. NH: compilation. O The Dallas Independent School District; 23NOV76; A886715.
A886716. The Psychology of being human, second edition, by Elton B. HcNeil G Zick Bubin. Study guide G PSI manual by Terry Haul G Bichard McGlynn. 222 p. Add. ti: Study guide/PSl manual for The Psychology of being human; Study guide and PSI manual for The Psychology of being human, second edition. Terry Haul £ Bichard HcSlynn; 15Feb77: A88e716.
A886717. Infrared absorption spectroscopy. By Koii Nakanishi C Philippa H. Solomon. 2ud ed. 287 p. O Holden-Day, Inc.; 2Bay77; A886717.
A886718. Statistics from scratch; pilot ed. By Peter Nemenyi. Sylvia K. Dixon, Nathaniel B. ihite, Jr. G Margaret L. Hedstroem. 630 p. NS: revisions G additions. Holden-Day, Inc.; 15Feb77; A886718.
A886719. The Other generation: the new power of older people. By fiochelle Jones. 264 p. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 29JU177; A886719.
A886720. Quality assurance for patient care: nursing perspectives. By Harlene Glover Hayers, Bonald B. Norby C Annita B. Batson. 300 p. Appleton-Century- Crofts. a publishing division of Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 5Aug77; A886720.
A8B6721. Guidelines for nurse autonomy/patient welfare. By Seridean Haas G Ada K. Jacox. 352 p. e Appleton-Centuty-Crofts, a publishing division of Prentice-Hail. Inc.; 15Aug77; A886721.
A886722. Photographic printing. By Balph Hattersley. 265 p. © Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1Aug77; A886722.
A886723. Elegant fare from the Heber kettle: new dimensions in outdoor cooking. By Jane Bood, photography by Jim Parks, illus. by Baggie Swanson. 1 v. Appl. au: Beber-Stephen Products Company, employer for hire. O Beber-Stephen Products Company; 18Jul77: A886723.
A886724. Bugs Bunny and his friends dot book. No. 1291. 1 V. O Barner Brothers, Inc.; 22JU177: A886724.
A886725. Bugs Bunny and his friends coloring book. No. 1638. 1 V. O Varner Brothers, Inc.; 22JU177: A886725.
A886726. The aonster at the end of this book. Written by Jon Stone, illustrated by Hike Smollin. 1 V. Appl. au: Children's Television Borkshop, employer for hire.
NH: new art £ text revisions. Chil-
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.