A886585 - A886618
JUL-DEC. 1977
ASaeSSt (con.) Current material hiqhliqhts, vol. 23, release 3, June 1977; current Findex case table & current table of cases, vol- 23, releases 1-3, June 1977; cases, release 3, June 1977. 3 v. 6 folder, ippl. au: Pike and Fischer. Inc. f, John i. Hillis. Callaqhan and Companr: 22Jul77; i886581t.
1886585. Release number 6 for your Federal rules service or Federal rules diqest findinq aids volume. 16 p. NH: editorial compilation. @ Callaqhan and Company; l»Auq77: A886585.
A88658e. Callaqhan' s Illinois diqest, third edition. June 1977 current materials pamphlet for vol. 1-22 6 1977 cumulative pocket parts, vol. 23-39 6 tl-W, by Callaqhan and Company's editorial staff; cumulative pamphlet suppl. , vol. 40. Hultiple volumes. @ Callaqhan and Company: 18Auq77; A886586.
A886587. Trial handbook for dew Jersey lanyers; cumulative suppl., issued July 1977. By the Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company editorial staff. 98 p. Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. © The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company; 11Jul77; A886587.
A886588. Dnited States Supreme Court diqest; lawyers* edition. Cumulative suppl. to vol. 1-1 5C, 17-20. issued June 1977. By the Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company G Bancrof t-Hhitney Company editorial staff. 27 v. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed on any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources- @ The Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company: 28Jul77; 1886588.
A886589. American lurisprudence, second edition. Vol. 1-32. 35-82, table of statutes and rules cited 6 deskbook. Cumulative suppl., issued in June 1977- By the editorial staff of the Lawyers Co- operative Publishinq Company fi Bancroft- Hhitney Company. Hultiple volumes- Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed on any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources- @ Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc.: 2«Jun77; A8865a9-
A886S90. Ohio lurisprudence, 2d. Cumulative suppl- to vol- 1-58, qeneral index, vol- 1-5 S table of cases, issued May 1977- By the editorial staff of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishinq Company- 72 v- Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed on any material secured from official 0-S. Govt- sources- Q The Lawyers Co— operative Publishinq Company; 27Jul77; A886590.
A8B6591. Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol. 279, no. 10, May 13, 1977. Maryland appellate reports- Vol. 35, no. 4, May 13. 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v- Appl. au; The Michie Company. State of Maryland; 13Hay77; A886591-
A886592- Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 58, no. 1, July 15, 1977- 75 p- e The Michie Company; 15Jul77; A886592.
A886593. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57. no- 12, July 8, 1977- p- 661-75it. 9 The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.: 8JU177; A886593.
A886594. A Virqinia title examiners' manual. 1977 suppl. By Sidney F. Parham, Jr. 51 p. Add. ti; 1977 supplement to A Virginia title examiners' manual. Q The Michie Company; 26May77: A886594.
A886595. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 11, July 1, 1977- p. 588-660- e The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc-; 1Jul77; A886595-
A886S96- Advance reports Maryland reports- Vol. 279, no- 15, June 17, 1977- Maryland appellate reports. Vol. 35, no. 9, June 17, 1977. State reporter: James H- Norris, Jr- 1 v- Appl. au: The Michie Company- a State of Maryland; 17Jun77; A886596-
A886597. Advance reports Maryland reports- Vol. 280. no. 3, July 29, 1977- Maryland appellate reports- Vol- 36, no. 3, July 29, 1977. State reporter: James H- Norris, Jr- 1 v. Appl- au: The Michie Company- O State of Maryland; 29Jul77; A886597-
A886598- Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol. 280, no. 2, July 22, 1977. Maryland appellate reports. Vol. 36, no. 2, July 22, 1977- state reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v- Appl. au: The Michie Company- O State of Maryland; 22Jul77; A886598-
A886599. Advance reports Maryland reports- Vol. 280, no. 1, July 15, 1977- Maryland appellate reports- Vol. 36, no- 1, July 15, 1977- State reporter: James H. Uorris, Jr- 1 v. Appl- au: The Michie Company- 9 State of Maryland; 15Jul77; A886599.
A886600. Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol- 279, no. 18, July 8, 1977. Maryland appellate reports- Vol- 35, no- 12, July 8, 1977- State reporter: James a. Norris, Jr- 1 V. Appl- au: The Michie Company- e state of Maryland; 8Jul77; A886600.
A886601. Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol. 279, no- 16, June 24, 1977- Maryland appellate reports- Vol. 35, no. 10. June 24, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Company. @ State of Maryland; 24Jun77; A886601.
A886602. Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol. 279, no. 17, July 1, 1977. Maryland appellate reports- Vol- 35, no. 11, July 1, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 V. Appl. au: The Michie Company. state of Maryland: 1Jul77; A886602.
A886e03- Advauce reports Maryland reports. Vol. 279, no. 12, May 27, 1977- Maryland appellate reports- Vol. 35, no- 6, May 27, 1977- State reporter: James H- Norrls, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Company, e State of Maryland; 27May77; A886603.
A886604. Advance reports Maryland reports- Vol- 279, no- 14, June 10, 1977. Maryland appellate reports- Vol. 35, no- 8, June 10, 1977- State reporter: James H- Norris, Jr- 1 v- Appl. au: The Michie Company- e State of Maryland; 10Jun77; A886604-
A886e05. Advance reports Maryland reports. Vol. 279, no. 13, June 3, 1977. Maryland appellate reports. Vol- 35, no. 7, June 3, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 V- Appl- au; The Michie Company- e State of Maryland; 3Jun77; A886605-
AB86606. Advance reports Maryland reports- Vol. 279, no. 11, May 20, 1977. Maryland appellate reports. Vol. 35, no. 5, May 20, 1977. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: The Michie Company. O State of Maryland; 20May77; A886606-
A886607- Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 10, June 24, 1977. p. 542-587- e The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.; 24Jun77; A886607.
AS86608- Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no- 9, June 17, 1977. p- 500-541- e The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc- ; 17Jun77; A886608-
A886609. Indiana decisions and law reporter- Vol. 57, no- 8, June 10, 1977. p. 441-499. 9 The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. : 10Jun77: A886609.
A886610. Indiana decisions and law reporter- Vol. 57, no. 7, June 3, 1977- p- 390-440- e The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc- ; 3Jun77; A886610-
1886611- Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 6, May 27, 1977. p. 335-389. e The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.; 27Hay77; A886611-
A886612- Michie on banks and banking. Vol- 1-9- 1977 cumulative suppl- Onder the editorial supervision of J. U. Vaughan, R. F. Thiele 6 J- H. Dandridge- 9 v- in 11- Add- ti: 1977 cumulative supplement to Michie on banks and banking- Appl- au: The Michie Company. @ The Michie Company: 25JU177; A886612.
A886613. College and university law. 1976 suppl. By Kern Alexander 6 Erwin S. Solomon. 102 p. Add. ti: 1976 supplement to College and university law- Appl. au: The Michie Company. @ The Michie Company; 26May77; A886ei3.
A886614. 1977 advance legislative service to The General statutes of North Carolina- Pamphlet no- 4. 61 p. S The Michie Company; 23Apr77; A886614.
A886615- 19 77 advance legislative service to The General statutes of North Carolina- Pamphlet no. 5. 71 p- The Michie Company; 12May77; A886615.
A8866ie- 19 77 advance legislative service to The General statutes of North Carolina- Pamphlet no- 6. 109 p. The Michie Company; 21May77; A886616-
A886ei7. 19 77 advance legislative service to The General statutes of North Carolina- Pamphlet no- 7. 191 p. e The Michie Company; 20Jun77; A886617.
A886618- 1977 advance legislative service to The
General statutes of North Carolina.
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