4886347 - 4886389
JUL-DEC. 1977
48863117. Biq time: a study in biq band drujsminq and drum beats of the world. No. G. T. 6. By James 4. Enqle. 40 p. NH: conpi- lation. @ Goodtime Publishing Company (in notice: Good Time Publishing Company) ; 23JU177; 4886347.
4886348. Svimminq and water polo stretches. By Robert 41an 4aderson. Wall chart. 4ppl. au: Jean Ellen 4nderson (Jean £. Anderson) NQ; compilation & illus. 6 Robert 4. Anderson e Jean E. 4nderson: 34uq77: 4886348.
4886349. Hrestlinq stretches. By Robert 41an 4nderson. Hall chart. 4ppl. aui Jean Ellen 4nderson (Jean E. Anderson) HH: compilation G illus. 3 Robert 4. 4nder5on 5 Jean E. 4nderson: 34uq77: 4886349.
4886350. Ice hockey stretches. By Robert 41an 4nderson. Rail chart. Appl. au: Jean Ellen Anderson (Jean £. 4oderson| Na: compilation & illus. @ Robert 4. 4nderson e Jean E. Anderson: 3Auq77: A886350.
4886351. Everyday stretches. By Robert 41an 4nderson. Hall chart. 4ppl. au: Jean Ellen 4nder5on (Jean E. 4Dder5on) NH: compilation & illus. 6 Robert 4. Anderson 6 Jean E. 4ndersan: 3Auq77: A8B6351.
A886352. Haterial to be included in Investment Company Institute blue sky quide* July 29, 1977. Sheets. 6 Investment Company Institute; 29Jul77; 4886352.
A886353. The Solo swinq: it's a whole new ball qame for the frustrated qoifer! 15 p. Appl. au; Terrence Lynch (Brian Carey) 9 The Brookside Press; 17Auq77: A886353.
4886354. Speed Kinq adaptor kit: for drill fill seed treatment applicator: instruction booklet. 4 p. @ Gustafson. Inc.; 164uq77: 4886354.
A886355. Drill fill seed treatment applicator; operatinq instructions. 6 p. NH: rev. text 6 illus. e Gustafson, Inc. ; 164uq77: A8e6355.
A886356. Sunair's Complete quide to make-up air exhaust systems. 21 p. NH: additions, e Steqall Metal Industries, Inc. ; 19JU177; A886356.
4886357. Q and 4 all about VCS: list for less. 8 p. 4ppl. au: Ellsworth Dovell White. The E. D. Vhite Company; 18Auq77; 4886357.
4886358. A Proven d of motivation. No. GPS 2. 7 p. Company; 17Auq77: 4886358.
4886359. Notivational incentive pay systems. No GPS 1. 8 p. e Bisco Company: 16Auq77; A8863S9.
4886360. Nebraska reqional telephone directory, includinq Norfolk, 41tona, Battle Creek and others, 4uqast 1977. 6 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company: 17Auq77: A886360.
A886361. Scales for the violin and how to practice them: a handbook for the intermediate and advanced violinist. By Hilliam E. Fitzsimmons. 62 p. 6 William E. Fitzsimmons; 17Auq77; A886361.
A886362. Pro-Keds coaches digest, '77. 56 p- Publishing, Inc.; 1Apr77: 4886362.
4886363. The Photon. The Bohr atom. By Melville F. Peters. 2 v. in 1. S Melville F. Peters; 15Jun77: 4886363.
4886364. For this — you die! 1 v. Appl. au: Elliot Weinstein. @ Elliot weinstein; 22JU177: 4886364.
A886365. Model state health planning and certificate of need statute- By Theodore David Bogue. 105 p. & Public Citizen's Health Research Group; nMar77; A886365.
A886366. Macrame bouguet; excellent teacher's guide. By Inez Lockhart Alexander, Helen Lockhart Crowson, Charlotte Crowson Bailey, Gwynn Crowson Getto & James V. Getto. 23 p. O Craft Melodies Pub- lications; 124uq77; 4886366.
4886367. Waste heat recovery units for domestic water heating; installation, operation and maintenance instructions. Form HR-1. 1 V. 4ppl. au: David A. Ritchie. 9 WeatherKing, Inc.; 16Aug77; 4886367.
A886368. Apple encore. Compiled S edited by Harriet Kimbro, decorated by Marion Bumbar. 1 v. Q Harriet Kimbro; 134ug77 (in notice: 1975) ; A886368.
4886369. Career information system; user's handbook. 26 p. 4ppl. au: Bruce McKinlay. NM: editorial revision G additional text. @ University of Oregon; 1Aug77; A886369.
4886370. The Primadona. By Red Jordan 4robateau. 274 p. e Red Jordan Arobateau; 94ug77; A886370.
A886371. Diet right! A handbook for sensible weight control. By Susan Latteier Richards 6 Robert Elliott Richards. 102 p. Susan L. Richards & Robert E. Richards; 24Jun77; 4886371.
4886372. Performance testing. By A. Kenny Guthrie. 62 p. (Installing, troub- leshooting, and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 1) @ Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.; 5May77; A886372.
4886373. Inside two-way receivers. By A. Kenny Guthrie. 60 p. (Installing, troub- leshooting, and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 2) O Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.; 10Auq77; A886373.
4886374. Receiver audio circuitry. By 4. Kenny Guthrie. 45 p. (Installing, troub- leshooting, and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 3) @ Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.; 104ug77; 4886374.
A886375. Frequency^ control and transmitter testing. 'BJ A. Kenny Guthrie. 46 p. (Installing, troubleshooting, and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 4) O Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.; 10Aug77: A886375.
4886376. Inside two-way transmitters. By A. Kenny Guthrie. 47 p. (Installing, troubleshooting* and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 5} @ Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.; 104ug77; 4886376.
4886377. Tone squelch and control circuits. By 4. Kenny Guthrie. 44 p. (Installing, troubleshooting, and maintaining two-way mobile equipment, pt. 6} Q Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc. ; 104ug77; 4886377.
A886378. My body belongs to God. By Viver Marie Williams. 1 v. Viver Marie Williams; 194ug77; A886378.
4886379. What do I do with my deacon? 4 manual for pastors. 6 p. NM: revisions & section 3 (references) @ Diakonia, Inc.; 8Aug77; 4686379.
4886380. Ages or eternity and the King James version. 1 v. Appl. au: John Dokas. John Dokas; 84ug77; A886380.
A886381. We're number 1; Indiana jokes. We're number 1: Purdue jokes. Compiled & edited by Sally Walton 6 Faye Wilkinson. 2 v. in 1. e Faye Wilkinson & Sally Walton: 184ug77; 4886381.
4886382. Nonbusiness marketing cases: annotated bibliography and information on related cases and sample course outlines. Compiled by Christopher H. Lovelock. 86 p. Add. ti: Intercollegiate bibliography: nonbusiness marketing cases, 1977. Appl. au; Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration @ President and fellows of Harvard College; 5Aug77; A88e382.
A886383. The High volume mail order stamp business. By John Sheehan. 2nd ed. 107 p. @ John Sheehan; 84ug77; 4886383.
4886 384. Business essentials for a medical office; a guidebook for medical assis- tants. By Practice Productivity, Inc. Sheets (115 p.) NM; editorial revisions & additions. © Practice Productivity, Inc.; 154ug77; 4886384.
A886385. Poems from a Spartan outpost. By Steven A. Ueinzen. 119 p. 3 Steven A. Heinzen (in notice: Steve Heinzen) ; 2Aug77; A8B6385.
A886386. Hawaii: the volcano state. By Roy Nickerson, text photos, by the author. 64 p. 3 Roy Nickerson; 17Aug77; 4886386.
4886 387. Caught in the middle. By Louis Paul Lehman. 32 p. 3 Louis Paul Lehman; 174ug77: 4886387.
4886 388. Win $50,000 super prize! plus play our exciting "wheel of fortune" sweepstakes game on the back cover — do it now! 15 p. Appl. au: Roy Hedberg. NM: new e additional textual £ pictorial material, editorial £ pictorial revision £ recompilation. 3 Sunset House; 11Jul77; 4886388.
4886 389.
New Orleans night life guide. Written
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