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JUL-DEC. 1977

A886307 {con.) Section 2: Vtrbs. By Honte Q. Crouch, with assistance 6 sugqestions frOB Patricia K. Kelly. 32 p. O Beadinq fiesearch Foundation of South Carolina, Inc.: 15JU177; i886307.

4886308. The Specific, structured, nultiseosory approach to oath development: fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions; student aanual. By Patricia K. Kelly. 341 p. Q Beadinq Besearch Foundation of South Carolina, Inc.; 15Jul77; i8863Q8.

4886309. The Specific, structured, multiseDsory approach to lanquaqe deveiopfflent; teacher aanual. Book 2, vol. 1. By Patricia K. Kelly, with assistance & suqqestions from Monte Q. Crouch. 357 p. O Beadinq Besearch Foundation of South Carolina, Inc.; 15JUJ77: 4886309.

4886310. Sonq for a friend. 4ppl. au; Prank Timmerman. e Frank Tinneraian: 114uq77: 4886310.

4886311. Pestalozzi and 4aierican education. By Thomas A. Barlow, with an introd. by nehdi Nakosteen. 180 p. Thomas 4. Barlow: It4uq77: 4886311.

4886312. Las Cruces, Hatch, La aesa, NM , and others telephone directory, 4uqust 1977. The Mountain States Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 154uq77; 4886312.

4886313. Cocktail waitress; policy and pro- cedures. 53 p. Add. ti: Cocktail service: policy and procedures. 6 Bobby HcGee's, a.S.4., Inc. (in notice; Bobby HcGee's Conqlomeration, Inc.); 19l1ay77; 4886313.

488631U. Bar service policy and procedures; the oriqinal Bobby McGees Conqlomeration. Sheets (122 p.) 6 Bobby McGee's, U.S. 4., Inc.; 21Feb77: 4886314. (2nd ed. deposited in lieu of 2nd copy of 1st ed. A886315.

vey of new hires and qroup

7 p. Q Employee Belocation 14uq77; 4886315.

Council; 4886316. Soils laboratory manual of technical practices. Prepared by Herbert H. Chan. Sheets. 4dd. ti: Soil laboratory manual of technical practices. 4ppl. au: Dames and Hoore. Prev. copyriqhted 1974. NH: updatinq. 6 Dames and Hoore; 12Jul77; 4886316.

4886317. Annual analysis of staff, salary and frinqe benefits; a report and analysis of certificated personnel and nonprofessional employee benefits in Pennsylvania school districts, 1976-77. By Billiam E. Caldwell 6 Boss S. Blust. 67 p. O Pennsylvania School Study Council, Inc.; 194pr77 (in notice: 1976); 4886317.

4886318. Annual financial analysis of Penn- sylvania schools, 1975-76. By Billiam E. Caldwell 6 Boss S. Blust. 1 v. O Pennsylvania School Study Council, Inc. (in notice: The Pennsylvania School Study Council, Inc., Office of nanaqement Information) . lDec76: 4886318.

4886319. 4Qalysis of nonprofessional school employees data. 1976-77. By Uilliam E. Caldwell e Boss S. Blust. 50 p. 4dd. ti: OHNI report for member use only, confidential: analysis of nonprofessional school employees data, 1976-77. Pennsylvania School Study Council, Inc.; 11Jan77 (in notice; 1976); 4886319.

4886320. The Tooth fairy's pillow. Uritten € illustrated by Barbara J. Hicks. 19 p. Barbara J. Hicks; 29Jul77: 4886320.

4886321. Optical interference coating technology. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Philip Bauoeister. NH: revision of chap. 3 & 7 6 addition of chap. 10. 6 Philip Baumeister; 27Jun77; 4886J21.

4886322. For men only: a book about makinq love! By Tom C. Fuller. 14 p. <5 Tom C. Puller: 174uq77; 4886322.

4886323. Natural cheese from Switzerland. By Heinz P. Holer. 1 v. O Switzerland cheese 4ssociation, Inc. ; 14ug77; 4886323.

4886324. Fondue: the national dish of Swit- zerland. 8 p. e Switzerland cheese 4ssociation, Inc.; 15Jui77; 4886J24.

4886325. Because you are a successful leader in your community, I have enough faith in you and my fund-raisinq program to offer your qroup a $30.00 cash bonus just for trying my proven plan this fall, regardless of how much money you make! Kit. Tom-Hat; 14uq77; 4886325.

4886326. Hope facts. By Parish Educational Projects. Kit. Add. ti: Hope facts: sacraments. O Parish Educational Projects G PEP accepted alternative designations of Boberta Parkin; 12Sep76; A886326.

4886327. The Kilgour collection of Bussian literature; commencement exhibition. 1 v. Enqlish 6 Bussian. The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 16Jun77; 4886327.

4886328. Model 1134 cardio monitor usee manual. 19 p. Q 4merican Optical corporation; 25JU177; 4886328.

4886329. Jazz chord chart. 848 ser. 6. By Harie Buerkle. Folder. O Harie Buerkle; 194uq77; 4886329.

4886330. Count time chart. S4B ser. 5. By Harie Buerkle. Folder. 6 Harie Buerkle; 194ug77; 4886330.

4886331. Chord inversion chart. H4B ser. 4. By Harie Buerkle. Folder. Harie Buerkle; 194uq77: 4886331.

4886332. Campsites of victory: studies in the Book of Joshua. Teacher's guide author: 4nna Sue Darkes, teacher's guide artist: J. B. Nicholson. Kit. O Faith Venture Visuals, Inc.; 14pr77; A886332.

4886333. Boston, a state of mind: an exhibition record. By Barbara Heil Hobson 6 Paul H. Uriqht, photos, by Gordon Lewis. 100 p. e Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston: 14uq77; 4886333. record system for treasurers, financial secretaries, and other church officers. No. 430402. Mritteo by John C. Espie, prepared £ edited by the General Council on Finance and 4dministration . 48 p. The United Hethodist Publishing House; 31Dec76; 4886334.

4886335. Self-appraisal inventory; a practical guide to evaluate personal progress. By Boger Fritz. 12 p. Organization Development Consultants; 17Aug77; 4886335.

A886336. Delzell ties: a history of the family of John Dalzell of Blount County, Tennessee. Compiled by Hugh Vayland Delzell. 247 p. C Hugh Uayland Delzell; 154U977; 4886336.

4886337. The Haking of 4merican California. By Dorothy Jane Dimmick. 187 p. NH; compilation. C Dorothy Dimmlck; 30Jul77; 4886337.

4886338. Sexuality and communication: adult seminar in human relations. Written by 4nn c. Jones 6 Ed u. Hills. 1 v. O 4nn C. Jones 6 Ed ». Hills; 27Jul77i 4886338.

4886339. The PTA handbook, 1977-1979. 208 p. Add. ti: PT4 handbook, 1977-79. NH: partial revision. O National PTA; 15Aug77; A886339.

A886340. Archie gets a job! By Alan Hartley. 31 p. O Archie Enterprises, Inc.; 18Aug77; AU86340.

A886341. Beadiness workbook, A. 104 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) Appl. au: Multi-Hedia Associates, Inc. d Diversified Educational Material, Inc.; 9Aug77: A8B6341.

A886342. Computational sliills workbook. No. 3. 78 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) Appl. au: Hultl-Hedia Associates, Inc. Diversified Edu- cational Haterial, Inc.; 9Aug77; 4886342.

4886343. Computational skills workbook. No. 4. 78 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) 4ppl. au: Hultl-Hedia 4ssociates, Inc. O Diversified Edu- cational Haterial, Inc.; 9Aug77; 4886343.

4886344. Computational skills worlcbook. No. 5. 78 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) 4ppl. au: Hulti-Hedia Associates, Inc. O Diversified Edu- cational Haterial, Inc.; 9Aug77; AB86344.

AB86345. computational skills workbook. No. 6. 78 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) Appl. au: Hultl-Hedia Associates, Inc. O Diversified Edu- cational Haterial, Inc.; 9Aug77; A88634S.

A886346. Computational skills workbook. No. 7. 78 p. (DEHI criterion-referenced skill development) Appl. au: Hultl-Media Associates, Inc. O Diversified Educational Haterial, Inc.; 94ag77;



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