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A885977 - A886021


JUL-DEC. 1977

A885977. The Granulocrte: function and clinical utilization. Edited by Tiboc Jack Greenvalt f, Graham k. Jaiieson. 341 p. (PEOqress in clinical and bioloqical research, vol. 13) Proceedings of the American National Bed Cross Eighth Annual Scientific Syaposiuo, Washington « DC. Hay 12-13, 1976. Alan B. Liss, Inc.; 1Peb77; A885977.

A8B5978. Prostatic disease: proceedings of the Aaerican-European synposiua held in Vienna. Noveuber 3-5. 1975. Edited by Hans Darberger & others. 020 p. (Progress in clinical and biological research, yol. 6) Alan fi. Liss. Inc.; 1Jan76: A885978.

A885979. Soviet Armed Forces review annual. Vol. 1, 1977. Edited by David B. Jones. 277 p. Appl. au: Peter Von Uahlde, employer for hire. Peter Von Bahlde d. b.a. Academic International Press; 10Aug77; A885979.

A885980. The Hodern encyclopedia of Bussian and Soviet literature. Vol. 1; Abaginskii- Avenarius. Edited by Harry B. seber. 216 p. Appl. au: Peter Von iablde. employer for hire. HH: translations from Bussian. compilations, illus. & additions. O Peter Von Wahlde d.b.a. Academic International Press: 12Aug77: A8859eo.

A885981. The Hitch Bill murder. By Pauline Glen Kinslow. 250 p. C Pauline Glen Hinslou; 3Jun77; A885981.

A885982. Person to person managing: an exe- cutive's guide to working effectively with people. By Thomas L. Quick. 210 p. Thomas L. Ouick; 10Jun77; A885982.

A885983. The Seasons of the ram; a novel. By Maurice Pons, translated by Prances Frenaye. 182 p. Originally pub. as Les Saisons. Q on translation: Saint Hartin's Press; 10Jun77: A885983.

A885984. Bullet for a star. By Stuart H. Kaminsky. 188 p. Stuart Kaminsky; 3Jun77: A88598lt.

A885985. Jewish holiday crafts. By Joyce Becker. 179 p. Joyce Becker; 15Auq77; A885985.

A885986. Scarke. clasheen and America. By Byron Nance Edwards. 87 p. O Byron B. Edwards; 10Aug77: A88S986.

A885987. Observational education in Denmark: an integrated approach. By Susan L. Beaton. 128 p. e Susan L. Beaton; i4Aug77; A885987.

A88S988. The CB family rabbit hunt. Kit. O Big Duster Company; tJul77; A885988.

A885989. Counting and ABC*s panoramas. Illustrator: Sharon Elzaurdia. Kit. Add. ti: Counting and ABC's picture panoramas. O The Child's Borld, Inc.; 30Apr77; A885989.

A885990. Dinosaurs panoramas. Illustrator: Diana Bagnuson. Kit. Add. ti: Dinosaurs picture panoramas. 6 The Child's Horld. Inc.; 30Apr77: A885990.

i885991. Growth charts panoramas. Illustrator: Pat Doyle. Kit. Add. ti: Growth charts picture panoramas. The Child's Horld. Inc.; 30Apr77; A885991.

A885992. Shapes and colors panoramas. Illus- trator; Bobert Masheris. Kit. Add. ti: Shapes and colors picture panoramas. O The Child's (orld. Inc.; 30Apr77; A885992.

A885993. Working mothers, and other titles. Author: Penny S. Anderson, illustrator: Helen Endres. 8 posters. (Horking study prints, no. 1-8) O The Child's Borld, Inc.; 1Har77; A885993.

A885991I. Going places by water; a time-line story. For grades 1-4. Britten by Jane Belk Boncure, illustrated by John Nelson. Kit. 6 The Child's Borld, Inc.; 30Apr77; A885994.

A885995. Going places by arr; a time-line story. For grades 1-4. Britten by Jane Belk Honcure, illustrated by John Nelson. Kit. The Child's World, Inc.; 30Apr77; A885995.

A885996. Going places by land. By Jane Belk Honcure. illustrated by John Nelson, editors: Sandra zieqler fi Sylvia Boot Tester. Kit. (A Time-line story) The Child's Horld. Inc.; 30Apr77; A885996.

A885997. Communications. Britten by Jane Belk Honcure. illustrated by John Nelson, editors: Sandra Ziegler fi Sylvia Boot Tester. Kit. (A Time-line story) The Child's Borld, Inc.; 30Apr77; A885997.

A885998. Beptiles — from dinosaurs to alligators. Britten by Jane Belk Honcure. illustrated by John Nelson, editors: Sandra Ziegler e Sylvia Boot Tester. Kit. (A Time-line story) The Child's Horld, Inc.; 30Apr77; A885998.

A885999. Columbus, OH, and vicinity white pages telephone directory, 1977-1978. 6 Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 21Jul77; A885999.

A886000. Alliance, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone Company: IOJun77; A886000.

A886001. Hassillon, OB, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 14Jun77; A886001.

A886002. London. Sedalia and Best Jefferson, OH, telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 19Jul77; A886002.

A8e6003. Pigua. OH. and vicinity telephone directory. 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone Company; lJul77; A886003.

A886004. Hiddletown. Franklin. Honroe. Trenton, OH, telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 30Jun77; A886004.

A886a0S. New Carlisle. Hedway. OH. and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. e Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 6Jun7 7; A886005.

A886006. Hillsboro, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 20Hay77: A8e6006.

A886007. Canton, OB, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 15Jan77: Ae86007.

Ae86008. Columbus. OH, and vicinity yellow pages directory, 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone company; 21Jul77; A886a08.

A886009. Springfield, OH. and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone Company; 3Jun77; A886009.

A886010. Ironton, OH, and vicinity telephone directory, 1977-1978. Ohio Bell Telephone Company: 8Jun77: A886010.

A886011. The Supernatural connection. By Edwin E. Doede. 234 p. C Edwin E. Doede; 6Jun77; A886011.

A886D12. Personal tax-sheltered retirement plans. 9 p. O Savings Banagement Services, Inc.; l2Aug77; A886012.

A886013. Change times. Poems by June Elizabeth Binge. 24 p. June Binge; 7Aug77; A8S6013.

A886014. A New experience in Jesus Christ; a dynamic and radiant life which is found only in those who know Jesus Christ. By Clarence A. Hyde. 61 p. O Clarence A. Hyde; 12Aug77; A886014.

A886015. Indiana Library Association directory of members and libraries, 1977. 1 v. 6 Indiana Library Association; 10Aug77; AB8601S.

A886016. Big Bear Lake: southern California's four season mountain playground. 35 p. O Carr's Graphic Service; lJul77 (in notice: 1975) ; A886016.

A886017. Positive thinking: the key of life. By Vito James Polizzi. 30 p. d Vito James Polizzi; 12Aag77; A886017.

A886018. you and your mind; studies and scientific investigations in popular psychology. Edited by Kenneth fiyan. 216 p. Appl. au: Carillon Books. NB: pref . . chapter introductions & editorial revisions. Q Carillon Books; 12Aug77; A886ai8.

A886019. Photo comic quiz. Book no. 1. Folder. C Guardian Photo Division, Guardian Industries Corporation (in notice: Guardian Industries Corporation) ; 15Aug77; A886019.

A886020. Photo comic quiz. Book no. 2. Polder. 6 Guardian Photo Division, Guardian Industries Corporation (in notice: Guardian Industries Corporation) ; 15Aug77; A886020.

A886021. Bind and rain and wild flowers. Poems by June Cook, illus. by the author. 31 p.

e June Cook; 30Jul77; A886021.


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