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JUL-DEC. 1977

A885893 (con.) conpetency-based teacher education nodule in druq abuse education for prospective eienentary school teachers. By Noma Laks Kesselscboidt. HiccofilB. Nona Laks Kesselschmidt; 15Jul77: ABe5893.

A88589I4. Optlnal pcicinq by a conqlomecate £irn under conditions of uncertainty. By Balph Hatthea Bradburd. Hiccofila. Ealph llatthe« Bradburd; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A88589lt.

A885895. uidener college: ainioiiziiiq conflict in accoBplisbinq chanqe. By John David Norton. NicrofilD. John David Norton; 15JU177: A885895.

AB85896. Jewish leadership and anti-Seaitisn in Britain, 1898-1918. By Steven Gilbert Bayne. Hicrofila. O Steven Gilbert Bayae; 1SJU177; A885896.

A885897. The Facilitation of synpathy towards the elderly throuqh the use of role-playinq. By Haida Barton Follini. tficrofiia. O Haida Barton Follini: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A885897.

A88S398. Collective barqaininq in the nursing profession; the hospital "director" as obiect of special study. By Nancy Mary Sarqis. aicrofilm. Nancy nary Sarqis; 15JU177: A885e98.

A885899. Teacher-pupil coaiiunications in selected nursery schools. By Jean Mueller Shaw, nicrofiln. C Jean Mueller Shaw; ISJul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A885899.

4885900. Differentiation, dependency and node of production; a cross-national test of the effects of differentiation, dependency and mode of production on inequality and welfare. By zeev Gorin. Microfila. Zeev Gorin; 15Jul77; A885900.

A885901. Treataent needs of children in foster care. By Georqe Frank. Microfila. Georqe Fran;; 15JiU77; 4885901.

4885902. Otilizing bodily aoveaent to promote the expression of selected art concepts. By Anna Messineo. Microfila. Anna Messineo; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4885902.

4885903. Stone tools from ceraaic period cultures of southwest Ecuador. By John Rice Cole. Microfila. John Bice Cole; 15Jol77: 4885903.

4885904. The Deterainants of college choice in a select . population of CONT-bound students. By Stanley Nass. Microfila. Stanley Nass; 15Jul77: A88590II.

A885905. The Effect of exposure to two hours per day of instructional television in school upon the length of tiae fourth grade children devote to viewinq television at hone. By Lois Jacqueline Schneyer. Microfila. Lois Jacqueline Schneyer; 15JU177; A885905.

4885906. A Model for desiqninq in-service staff developaent proqraas. By Judith Anne Schiffer. Microfila. Judith Anne Schiffer; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A885906.

A885907. The Developaent of narrative coapeteoce: a syntaqoatic analysis of children's fantasy narratives. By Gilbert Joseph Botvin, Jr. Microfila. Gilbert Joseph Botvin, Jr.; 15JU177; A885907.

A8859a8. Videodance. By fiichard Lorber. Microfila. O Bichard Lorber; 15Jul77; 4885908.

4885909. The Creation of decision alternatives; a computer assisted combinatorial approach. By Leonard Hugh Greenwood. Microfila. Leonard Hugh Greenwood; 15Jul77; A885909.

A885910. Stereospecif ic synthesis of the four 20,22-isoaers of 20, 22-oxidocholest- 5-en-3f non-printable data)-ol. By Chanq-yon Byon. Microfila. Chang-yon Byon; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); ABe5910.

4885911. The aelationship of teacher orientation and perceived structural characteristics of schools to decisional states of teachers. By 4rthur David Sajecki. Microfila. 4rthur David Sajecki; 15JU177; 4885911.

4885912. The Depiction of curiosity and exploratory behavior in conteaporary picture story books for young children. By Lona Tannenbaum. Microfilm. Lona Tannenbaua; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4885912.

4885913. 4ssessing the effectiveness of urban decentralization: an analysis of users of Boston's little city halls. By Bobert John Dillaan. Microfila. Bobert John Dilloan: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4885913.

488591U. The Relationship between high school classrooa environaent and identification, self-esteem and belief in internal- external control in adolescents. By David Joel Berkowitz. Microfilm. David Joel Berkowitz; 15Jul77; 488591«.

A885915. Language functions of first-grade children with and without teacher presence: an empirical and phenomeno- loqical study. By Barbara Ann Kenefick. Microfilm. Q Barbara Ann Kenefick; 15JU177; A885915.

A8e5916. An Analysis of the relationship between the position of United Federation of Teachers chapter chairperson and relative levels of decisional deprivation and attitudinal militancy. By Howard Karlitz. Microfila. O Howard Karlitz; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A885916.

A885917. Lawrence's "second self" in Sons and lovers. By Denis Patrick Behan. Microfila. Denis Patrick Behan; 15JU177; A885917.

A885918. Aspects of duality in Camus. By Elissa Barmack Balgley. Microfila. Elissa Barmack Balgley; 15Jul77; A885918.

4885919. The Influence of color and/or background cues on trainable mentally retarded children's ability to recognize commercial products. By Nancy Ellen Pollard. Microfilm. O Nancy Ellen Pollard; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A885919.

A88592a. Yugoslav conteaporary sculpture. By Milo Lazarevic. Microfila. Hilo Lazarevic; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A885920.

A885921. A Follow-up study of graduates of the Caaeroun Christian College: education and social aobiilty in Caaeroun. By yenwith Kelly Hhitney. Microfilm. O yenwith Kelly Uhltney; 15Jul77; A885921.

A885922. Therapeutic use of videotape feedback with aggressive children. By Nancy A. Astor. Microfilm. Nancy A. Astor; 15JU177; 4885922.

4885923. Essays by Boz: the eighteenth-century periodical essay and Dickens' sketches by Boz. By Nadezhda Freedman. Microfila. O Nadezhda Freedman; 15Jul77; A8BS923.

A88592a. Bepresentation and the institutions of democracy in Bousseau's political thought. By Bichard Pralin. Microfilm. Bichard Fralln; 15Jul77: A885924.

AS8S92S. Studies in the origins of the English novel: journalism, fiction and the law. By Lennard J. Davis. Microfilm. O Lennard J. Davis; 15Jul77; 4885925.

A685926. A Comparison of the effects and deterainants of the executive professional leadership of public and independent elementary school principals. By Botiert Victor Lichtenfeld. Microfila. O Bobert Victor Lichtenfeld; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) : A885926.

4885927. Prototype development of self- instructional materials for categorizing classroom comffiunications. By Carol Beth Bubin. Microfilm. O Carol Beth Bubin; 15JU177; A885927.

A885928. Differences in the perception of leadership style and organizational dysfunction. By James Vincent Odrich. Microfila. James Vincent odrich; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A885928.

A885929. Representation by delegate in the early American colonies. By Loree Gerdes Bykerk. Microfilm. O Loree Gerdes Bykerk; 15Jul77; A885929.

A885930. Professional nurses' assessment of practice in psychiatric settings. By Patricia Ann Kosten. Microfila. O Patricia Ann Kosten; 15Jul77; 4885930.

4885931. 4 Comparative analysis of the com- munication system of the common crow. By David Bruce Bichards. Microfilm. C David Bruce Bichards; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4885931.

4885932. Competencies desirable for secondary school science teachers in Nigeria with iaplications for teacher education. By Innocent ozurumba Onyike. Microfila. O Innocent Ozurumba Onyike; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4885932.

4885933. The SCOP and tradition: the critical

iaplications of the oral-formulaic theory


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