48858145 - S885893
JUL-DEC. 1977
KS858(t4 (con.) Telephone Coapaoy. e State Telephone Cojnpanv: 25(lav77: i88584it.
A8858»5. EtaTena^ Coxsackie, NY, telephone directory, 1977-1978. Hen York Telephone Coopany: 25tlay77: A885845.
1885846. Chaunont, Dexter, and Cape Vincent. NY, telephone directory, 197 7-1978. Ncb York Telephone company; 31Hay77; A885846.
A885847. ChauBont, Dexter and Cape Vincent, NY, classified telephone directory, 1977-1978. Appi. au; New York Telephone Coopany. O Township Telephone Coapany; 3 1Hay77; A8858t7.
18858118. Kinderhook. NY, telephone directory. 1977. O New York Telephone Company; 2llBay77; A88581t8.
A88S8II9. Lockport. Barker, Gasport. NY. and others telephone directory, 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company: 14Har77: A8858a9.
A885850. Oneida, Sherrill. Sylvan Beach, NY. 1977-78. Hew York Telephone Company; 1UJun77: A885850.
A885851. Sullivan County, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone company: 21Jun77: A885851.
A885852. Camden, NY, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 9Jun77: A885852.
A885853. Saratoqa Sprinqs, NY, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 30Jun77; A885853.
A88585a. Ballston Spa, NY, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 1Jul77; A88S8511.
A885855. Glens Falls. Fort Edward, Hudson Falls, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. O New York Telephone Company; 8Jul77; A885855.
A885856. Granville. NY. telephone directory. 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 11JU177: A885856.
A885857. Bhitehall, NY. telephone directory. 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 11JU177: A885857.
A885858. Plattsburqh, NY, telephone directory. 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 13JU177; A885858.
A885859. Ellenville. Kerhonkson, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company; 22Jun77; A885859.
A88586a. Herkimer. Ilion, Frankfort, NY. and others telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company: 1»Jun77; A885860.
A8858ei. Greenwich, Schuylerville. NY. telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone Coapany; 1Jal77; A88S861.
AB85862. Cambridge. Salem, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 1Jul77: Ae85S62.
A885863. Hudson, Claverack, Philmont. NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. © New York Telephone Company: 23Ilay77: S885863.
A885864. Hedina, NY. telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 1i|«ar77; A885864.
A885865. Niagara Falls, Lewiston. Bansomville, Younqstown. NY, telephone directory. 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company; 8Har77; A885865.
A8e5ae6. Nestport, NY, white pages telephone directory, 1977-1978. i9 New York Telephone Coapany; 1i|Jul77; A88586e.
A885867. Nestport. NY, classified telephone section, 1977-1978. (Hith Hestport, NY, telephone directory, 1977-1978) Appl. au: New York Telephone Company. Chazy and Bestport Telephone Company; 1tJul77: A885867.
4865868. Chazy, Best Chazy. NY, white pages telephone directory, 1977-1978. O New York Telephone Company; 14Jul77; 4885868.
A885869. Chazy classified telephone directory, including Chazy and Best Chazy. NY. 1977-1978. (Bith Chazy, Best Chazy. NY, telephone directory, 1977-1978) Appl. au: New York Telephone Company. & Chazy Telephone Company: 14Jul77: 4385869.
4885870. Germantown, NY, white pages telephone directory. 1977-1978. e New York Telephone Company; 25Hay77; 4885870.
4885871. Germantown, NY, classified telephone directory, 1977-1978. (Bith Germantown. NY, telephone directory, 1977-1978) Appl. au: New York Telephone Company. 3 Germantown Telephone Corporation; 25Hay77; A885871.
A885872. Kingston. Esopus, High Falls, NY, and others telephone directory, 1977-78. Q New York Telephone Company; 20Apr77; 4885872.
4885873. Phoenicia, NY, telephone directory. 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company; 214pr77; 4885873.
A88587(t. Saugerties, NY> telephone directory. 1977-78. New York Telephone Company; 21Apr77; A88587U.
4885875. Noodstock, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company; 214pr77; 4885875.
A885876. Port Byron, NY, white pages telephone directory, 1977-1978. e New York Telephone Company: t7Hay77; Ae85876.
4885877. Port Byron, NY, classified telephone directory. 1977-1978. (Bith Port Byron, NY, telephone directory, 1977-1978) Appl. au: New York Telephone Company. Port 4885878.
noravia, NY, telephone directory. 1977-78. New York Telephone Company: 17llay77: A885878.
4885879. 4uburn. NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. Q New York Telephone Company: 16May77; 4885879.
4885880. 4msterdam, NY, telephone directory, 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company; ltllay77: 4885880.
4885861. Broome County. NY. telephone directory, 1977-78. e New York Telephone Company: 1Jun77; 4885881.
4885882. Troy, NY, metropolitan telephone directory, 1977-78. New York Telephone Company: 15Bar77: 4885882.
4885883. 4 Feasibility study of multi-district negotiations. By Jerry Harcus. Nicrofilm. O Jerry Harcus: 1bJul77: 4685883.
A88588I4. Teacher as sanctioner. By fliriam Leah Summ. Nicrofilm. 3 Hiriam Leah Summ; 15JU177; A885881*.
A685885. The Classification of classroom questions: three descriptive systems. By Helen Jones, nicrofilm. O Helen Jones; 15JU177; A885885.
Ae85686. Sustained auditory attention and distraction in mentally retarded and brain damaged children. By Billiam Hughes Johnson. Nicrofilm. 6 Billiam Hughes Johnson: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A885886.
Bomen of Old Town. By Arlene Hancuso. Microfilm. 6 Arlene Hancuso; 15Jul77; A865887.
A885886. Optimal levels and varying sources of stimulation. By James Charles Deutsch. nicrofilm. O James Charles Deutsch; 15JU177: A885888.
4885889. The History of the Jewish community of Harlem, 1870-1930. By Jeffrey S. Gurock. Hicrofilm. 6 Jeffrey S. Gurock; 15Jul77; 4885889.
4885690. Perceptions of chronic lisping by the child who lisps, his parents, his classroom teacher and speech clinician. By Newton Hinker Schiller. Hicrofilm. e Newton ninker Schiller; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4885890.
4885891. Relationship of professional orientation and organizational involvement to organizational commitment. By Helvin 411en Bermuth. Microfilm. 3 Helvin 411en Bermuth; 15Jul77: 4885891.
4865892. Clinicians' perceptions of black families in therapy. By Nancy Jeanne Boyd. Microfilm. Nancy Jeanne Boyd; 15JU177: A885892.
The Development and field testing of a
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