JUL-DEC. 1977
4885716 (com.) O The Fourtet^a Besearch Corporal loo; 5»uq77: S885716.
4885717. The Dtilitr attrition index, July 1977. Bt William U. Bucknell. 5th ed. 1 v. 4ppl. au; The Fourteen Besearch Cor- poration. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation: 11Jul77; 488S717.
4885718. 4utoaatic Data Processinq, Inc. , June 9, 1977. Bt Bobert K. O'Connor. 8 p. (Conputer-based services industry) 4ppl. au; The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 9Jun77; 4885718.
4885719. Hilton Bradley Company, service industries spotlight, July 1977. By John D. SifflBOns. 6 p. 4ppl. au; The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 15Jul77; 4885719.
4885720. Houston Oil and ainerals, July 15. 1977. By Theodore B. King. 3 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 15Jul77; 4885720.
4885721. Telenet CoanuaicatioDS and Tymnet* July 26, 1977. By Bobert K. O'Connor. 7 p. (Computer-based services industry) 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 26JU177; 4885721.
4885722. Halone and Hyde, Inc., July 20, 1977. By E. Coe Kerr E Ira Hersch. 1 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 20JU177: 4885722.
4885723. Telephone news: news and views of the industry, July 28, 1977. By lilliaa Bucknell. 9 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation: 28Jul77: 4885723.
488572». Hilton Bradley Company, service industries spotlight, July 8. 1977. By John D. Simmons. U5 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 8Jul77; 48857211.
4885725. Betailing perspectives: a monthly research commentary, July 1977. By Ira Hersch. 13 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation: 7Jal77: 4885725.
4885726. Dividend growth monitor, July 1977. By Hllliam P. O'Connor, Jr. G Sandra 4. Ferrer. 1 v. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. O The Fourteen Besearch Corporation: 22Jul77: 4885726.
4885727. Betailing perspectives: a monthly research commentary, 4ugust 1977. By Ira Hersch. 10 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Besearch Corporation. The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 84uq77; 4885727.
4885728. Hanagement contact; Ideal Toy Cor- poration. 5 p. C The Fourteen Besearch Corporation; 14ug77; 4885728.
4885729. Understanding Bible prophecy. By Horris 4. Inch. 151 p. C Horris 4. Inch; 22Jun77: 4885729.
4885730. Hyths, rites, symbols: a Hircea Eliade reader. vol. 2. Edxted by Uendell C. Beane £ Biliiam G. Doty. p. 257-U65. Uendell C. Beane t Uilliam G. Doty; 27Sar76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4885730.
4885731. Hyths, rites, symbols: a Hircea Eliade reader. Vol. 1. Edited by Hendell C. Beane E Hilliam G. Doty. 255 p. O aendell C. Beane E Ullliam G. Doty; 27Mar76 (in notice: 1975); 4885731.
4885732. Trigonometry; instructor's manual. By Frank C. Denney. 37 p. 4dd- ti: Instructor's manual for Trigonometry, d Frank C. Denney; 6Feb76; 4885732.
4885733. Instructor's manual to accompany Beadings in human development: contem- porary perspectives, edited by David Elkind E Donna c. Hetzel. Prepared by Diane Koch E Deborah B. Quinn. 53 p*. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 16Bay77; 4885733.
48857314. Instructor's manual to accompany Beadings in adolescent psychology: contemporary perspectives, edited by Thomas J. Cottle. Prepared by Orna Iris Kutai £ Laurel Burch Hinakan. 51 p. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 16Hay77; 4885734. 4885735. Instructor's manual to accompany Beadings in social problems: contemporary perspectives, edited by Peter Hickman. Prepared by Peter Hickman. 55 p. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Bow. Publishers, Inc. ; 22Har77: 4885735.
4885736. Instructor's manual to accompany Beadings in adult psychology; contemporary perspectives, edited by Lawrence B. 411man £ Dennis T. Jaffe. Prepared by Lawrence B. 411man £ Dennis T. Jaffe. VS p. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 16Hay77; 4885736.
4885737. Instructor's manual to accompany The Economics of money and banking, seventh edition, by Lester V. Chandler E Stephen H. Goldfeid. Prepared by Harold B. Uilliams £ Henry U. Houdenberg. 137 p. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc. BH: additional text E revisions. O Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc.; 21Jan77; 4885737.
4885738. Honey, banking, and monetary theory: problems and concepts. By Harold B. Williams £ Henry H. Uoudenberg. 3rd ed. 324 p. 4 study guide to accompany The Economics of money and banking, seventh edition, by Lester V. Chandler E Stephen H. Goldfeid. Harper and Bow, Pub- lishers, Inc. ; 1Har77; 4885738.
4885739. Student's review manual for John 4. Garraty: 4 Short history of the 4aerican nation, second edition. By Ellen Howell Hyers. 279 p. Ellen Howell Hyers; 2Jan77; 4885739.
4885740. Instructor's manual to accompany John 4. Garraty: A Short history of the 4Berican nation, second edition. 202 p. Appl. au: John 4. Garraty. Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc.; 2Jan77: 4885740.
4885741. Typing; student learning plan; sample package. 1 v. NH: compilation. O Dallas Independent School District; 17Nov76; 4885741.
4885742. Involvement with music: music at the court of Louis 14th. By 4ustln B. Caswell. 31 p. 4ppl. states all new except illus.. photos. £ musical scores. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4885742.
4885743. Involvement with music: introduction to the Haydn quartets. By Bobert 0. Demaree, Jr. 42 p. 4ppl. states all new except musical scores. Harper and Bow. Publishers, Inc.; 19Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4885743.
4885744. Test file to accompany Psychology. By Dale General, Lyle Grant, Greg stike- leather, Barbara Swart £ Hary Tillema. 229 p. 4ppl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers. Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 54ug76; 4865744.
4885745. Dear 4bby. 4ugust 15-21, 1977. By 4bigail Van Buren. pseud. Folder. 4ppl. au; Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. Chicago Tribune-New york News Syndicate, Inc.; 22Jui77; 4885745.
4885746. IHS, individualized mathematics system; test package. Level 10: pretests, post tests, cumulative tests. Sheets. Appl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Sep76; 4885746.
4885747. IHS, individualized aathematics system. Level 10; pupil answer key, answers to skill-folder pages. sheets. 4ppl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. Ginn and Company (Xerox corporation); 1Sep76; A885747.
A885748. IHS, individualized mathematics system. Level 10: practice book 7-9. 3 v. Appl. au: Educational Systems. Inc. Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 1Sep76; 4885748.
4885749. IHS. individualized mathematics system. Level 12: pretests, post tests, cumulative tests. Sheets. Appl. au: Educational Systems. Inc. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Sep76; 4885749.
A885750. IHS. individualized mathematics system. Level 12: pupil answer key. answers to skill-folder pages. Sheets. Appl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. O Sinn and Company (Xerox Corporation): 1Sep76: A885750.
4885751. IHS, individualized mathematics system. Level 12: practice book 13-14. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Sep76; 4885751.
4885752. IHS, individualized mathematics system. Level 11: pretests, post tests, cumulative tests. Sheets. Appl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Sep76; A885752.
A885753. IHS, individualized mathematics system.
Level 11: pupil answer key, answers to
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