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a885349 - A885381


JUL-DEC. 1977

A8853tt9. Best loved hymns arranged for the Appalachian dulcimei:. By Hark & Carol Blair, editor: Balph Lee Snith. 60 p. e Hark Blair; 15Dec76; A885349-

A885350. Focus on fitness. By fiuth Bam mack Alexander, photos, by Bob Chick. 89 p. (Proqrams for physical fitness) © fiuth H- Alexander; 1Jan77: A885350.

A885351. Lecture qaide for Accouutinq principles 1. By Budolph Halandro & Henri Pusker. 1 V. NH: revision & updating. @ Budolph Halandro & Henri Pusker; 23Jua77: A885351.

A885352- HaHaii, Hay 1, 1977. Appl. au: Robert Enqelbardt. Q Hawaiian Telephone Company; 1Mav77; A885352-

A885353. Seminar on Public Service Coomission Practice; held at the College of Law, Oniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, September 24-25, 1976- Prepared by the Office of Continuing Legal Education, Colleqe of Law, Oniversity of Kentucky. 81 p. Add. ti: Beport of the Seminar on Public Service Commission. Appl. au: Harianna Bead. <3 Office of Continuing Legal Education (in notice: Office of Continuing Legal Education, Oniversity of Kentucky); 31Hay77; A885353.

A885354- Seminar on Mineral Law; held at the College of Law, Oniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, October 15-16, 1976. Prepared by the Office of Continuing Legal Education. Colleqe of Law, Hniversity of Kentucky. 100 p. Add. ti: Beport of the Seioinar on Mineral Law. Appl. au: Harianna Bead. @ Office of Continuing Legal Education (in notice: Office of Continuing Legal Education, Oniversity of Kentucky) ; 14Jun77: A8B5354.

A885355- Cases in international marketing. By Vern Terpstra. 67 p. The Oniversity of Michigan: lJun77: A885355.

A885356. California cases and materials on land financing. By Alan R. Perry. 1 v. NH: abridgment, compilation C new material. Alan B. Perry; llAug77; A885356.

A885357. The American Bar reference handbook, 1977; including the Canadian Bar and the International Bar. Editor: Mary Beincke. 624 p. Appl. au: Jay H. Long. 3 Reginald Bishop Forster Company; 1Mar77; A885357.

Aa85358. The American Bar, the Canadian Bar, the International Bar: the professional directory of lawyers of the world. Editor: Mary Beincke, International Bar editor: Carol Frick. 59th annual ed., 1977. 2633 p. Appl. au: Jay U. Long. 3 Reginald Bishop Forster company; lHar77: A885358.

A885359, Agricultural mechanics. By Eddie Smith, Clifton B. Braker £ Bob Patton« developed by the Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center of the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education for the Division of Vocational Agriculture, edited by the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education. Sheets. (Vocational agriculture education) C Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center of the State Department of vocational and Technical Education; 27JU177; A885359.

A885360. Home economics 1, Written by Irene Clements 6 Judy Coffey, revised by Joyce Sawatzky, developed by the Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center of the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education for the Division of Vocational Home Economics, edited by the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education. Sheets. (Vocational home economics education) NM: revisions. @ Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center of the State Department of Vocational and Technical Education; 27Jui77; A885360.

A885361. Contemporary guautum chemistry: an introduction. By Jerry Goodisman. 376 p. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 13Hay77; A885361.

A885362. Betinitis pigmentosa: clinical implications of current research. Edited by Maurice B. Landers 3rd G others. 266 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 77) Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion written by a 0. S. Government employee as part of his official duties. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; lHar77; A885362.

A885363. Structure determination by X-ray crystallography- By Marcus Frederick Charles Ladd 6 Bex Alfred Palmer. 393 p. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 19Apr77; A885363.

A885364- Fhysics and chemistry of the inorganic azides. Technology of the inorganic azldes. Edited by Harry David Fair £ Baymond F. Halker. 2 v. (Energetic materials, vol. 1-2) Appl. states that copyright is not claimed in any portion written by a 0. S. Government employee as part of his official duties. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 26Apr77; A 885364.

A885365. Semiempirical methods of electronic structure calculation. Part A: tec- hniques. Part B; applications. Edited by Gerald A- Segal. 2 v. (Modern theo- retical chemistry, vol. 7-8.) Appl. states that copyright is not claimed in any portion written by a O.S. Government employee as part of his official duties. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 20Hay77; A885365.

AB85366. The Atypical mycobacteria and human mycobacteriosis. By John Stewart Chapman. 200 p. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation (in notice: Plenum Publishing Corporation) ; 2Hay77; A885366.

A885367. Advances in neurochemistry. Vol. 2. Edited by Bernard u. Agranoff 6 M. H. Aprison. 346 p. Appl. states that copyright is not claimed in any portion written by a U.S. Government employee as part of his^official duties. 8 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 13May77; A 88536 7.

A885368. Tissue hypoxia and ischemia. Edited by Martin Beivich & others. 385 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 78) Appl. states that copyright is not claimed in any portion written by a O.S. Government employee as part of his official duties. 3 Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 23Har77; A8853 68.

A885369. Native languages of the Americas. Vol. 2. Edited by Thomas Albert Sebeok- 535 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a 0-S- Govt- employee as part of his duties. Portions prev. pub. in Ibero- American and Caribbean linguistics & others. 3 on last chapter, p. 401-527, compilation & arr. of textual matter; Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 30Har77; A885369-

Aa85370. The Oniversal reference system, 1976 annual supplement. Vol. 1-3- Edited by George H. Johnson. 3 IFI/Plenum Data Company, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 26Hay77; A885370.

A885371. Merger case digest, 1976. 545 p. 3 American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law; 2Aug77; A885371.

A885 372. Annual report of the American Bar Association including proceedings of the ninety-sixth annual meeting held at Washington, D.C., August 6-8, 1973. Vol. 98. 1 V. Add. ti: Beports of American Bar Association, 1973. 3 American Bar Association; 21Jul77; A885372-

A885373. Final approach: the crash of Eastern 212. By William Stockton. 276 p. HH: additional text. 3 Uilliam Stockton; 22JU177; A885373.

A885374. The Memoirs of Earl Harren. 394 p. Add. ti: The Memoirs of Chief Justice Earl Narren. Appl- au: Doubleday and Company, Inc. NM: additional text, prologue & epilogue. 3 Hina E. Harren as executrix of the Estate of Earl Barren; 3Jun77; A885 374.

A885375. The Complete beginner's guide to horseback riding. By Gil Paust. 179 p. 3 Gil Paust; 22Jul77; A885375.

A885376. Farm Journal's Great dishes from the oven. By fiita Holmberg with the Food Editors of Farm Journal. 156 p. 3 Farm Journal, Inc.; 3Aug77; A88537b-

Aa85377. The National anthem. By Barbara Raskin. 285 p. 3 Barbara Raskin; 14Har77; A885377.

A885378. The Badgers of Summercombe. By Ewan Clarkson. 150 p. 3 Ewan Clarkson; 14Mar77; A885378.

A885379- The House plant decorating book. By Virginie F- Elbert 6 George A. Elbert, drawings by Mark Babinow. 243 p. O Virginie F. Elbert & George A. Elbert; 10Jan77; A8e5379.

Ae85380. Never hit a porcupine. By Barbara Williams, pictures by Anne F, Rockwell. 1 V. 3 on text; Barbara Rilliams; 14Har77; A885380.

A8853ai. Never hit a porcupine. By Barbara

Williams, pictures by Anne F. Rockwell.


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