4885309 - »8853a8
JUL-DEC. 1977
4885308 (con.) Banjcers Association & Aaerican Institute of Banking: 19Jan77: 488S308.
4885309. The Gaae plan: a strategy for the chapter president; worksheets. Sheets in envelope. 6 Anerican Bankers Association e Anerican Institute of Banking: 19JaD77: 4885309.
4885310. Steels for hydrogen service at elevated tenperatures and pressures in petroleum refineries and petrochenical plants. API publication 9iH . June 1977. Issued by the Sefiniog Departaent, American Petroleua Institute. 2nd ed. 15 p. Appl. au: 4mericaD Petroleum Institute. Q American Petroleum Institute; 13Jul77: A885310.
A885311. Directory of chemical abstracts registry numbers a-nd EPA numbers for common petroleum chemicals. Prepared by the Central Abstracting and Indenting Service of the American Petroleum Institute. 1 v. Appl. au: American Petroleum Institute. e American Petroleum Institute; 11Jul77; 4885311.
4885312. Hanual on installation of refinery instruments and control systems. No. 4PI BP 550. Pt. 3: fired heaters £ inert gas generators. 2nd ed. 20 p. 6 American Petroleum Institute; 25Jul77; A885312.
A885313. Death in literature. Edited by Yal S. Ferretti £ David L. Scott. 302 p. HM: compilation £ additions. 6 McGrav-Bill* Inc.; 14ug77; 4885313.
4885311*. Study guide to accompany H. L. Helmprecht/L. T. Friedman: Basic chemistry for the life sciences. By Bichael J. Carlo. 102 p. Add. ti: Study guide to accompany Belmprecht-Fri.edman: Basic chemistry for the life sciences. O BcGraw-Bill, Inc.; 14ug77: 4885014.
A885315. Changing oil and greasing cars. By Morton J. Schultz. 31 p. (McGran-Hill illustrated auto repair course, lesson 1) S McGraw-Hill, Inc.: 29Jul77: A885315.
4885316. Basic goals in reading; teacher's ed. Level 1. By William Kottmeyer £ Audrey claus. 268 p. e HcGray-Hill, Inc.; 29Jul77; A885316.
A885317. The Blood cells and hematopoietic tissues. By Leon Neiss. 1 v. NH: text £ compilation of illus. O HcGraw-Hill, Inc.: 29JU177: A885317.
A885318. Employer's manual for All Points Belocation Service: a secretarial in-basket proiect. By Joyce B. Tiling. 53 p. e BcGran-Hill. Inc.; 29Jul77: A88531B.
4885319. Gregg tests and awards dictation booklet. 1 V. 4ppl. au: HcGraw-Hill Book Company. NM : compilation. e McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 7Jul77: A885319.
A885320. Ueekly money market: week ending August 1, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch. e Quantitative Analysis Service; 54ug77: 4885320.
4885321. International market indices, week ending July 29, 1977. 18 p. 4ppl. au: Bobert P. Sanna £ Malvin B. fioesch. O Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 1Auq77; A88S321.
4885322. Heekly money market, week ending 4ugust 11, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch. 6 Quantitative Analysis Service: 12Aug77; A885322.
4885323. International market indices, week ending 4ugust 12, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Malvin B. fioesch £ Bobect P. Sanna. Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 15Auq77; A885323.
A88532a. International market indices, week ending August 5, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch £ Bobert P. Sanna. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 8Aug77; A88532U.
A885325. Monthly charts, month ending July 29, 1977. Full key list summary, month ending July 29, 1977, week ending July 26, 1977. 2 v. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch £ Bobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service: 31Jul77; A885325.
A885326. Simplicity teaching aids, fall/winter 1977. Folder, e simplicity Pattern company. Inc.; 8Aug77; A885326.
A88 5327. Sew something special 1 Folder. Add. ti: Simplicity sew something special leaflet. 6 Simplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 8Auq77; A885327.
A885328. Simplicity front page news, fall 1977. 2 p. Add. ti: Simplicity front page news letter, fall 1977. Simplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 8Aug77; A885328.
A885329. Pet-Abies: 12" Pet-Abies bear; Simplicity sewing directions for bear, card, e Simplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 8Aug77; A885329.
A885330. Barron's How to prepare for college entrance examinations, SAT: scholastic aptitude test; pocket ed. By Samuel C. Brownstein fi Mitchel Beiner. 287 p. WM: abridgment. O Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; llAuq77; A885330.
A885331. Basic word list. By Samuel c. Brownstein £ Mitchel Beiner. 216 p. Abridged ed. of Barron's Vocabulary builder. NH: abridgment. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 4Auq77; 4885331.
4885332. 201 Chinese verbs: compounds and phrases for everyday usage. By Eugene Ching £ Nora Chinq. 261 p. S Barron's Edu- cational series. Inc.; 94uq77: A885332.
A885333. By-line summary 83-01-1 — 83-99-2, 1976. By-state summary BU-01-1 — BiJ-90-1, 1976. 1 V. (In Best's Executive data service, 19771 O A. a. Best Company, Inc.; 25JU177; A885333.
A88533H. Best's Executive data service, 1977; property and casualty insurance- Beport A6: comparative experience by state (state leaders) 1 v. Add. ti: Best's Insurance securities research service, 1977. <S A. M. Best Company, Inc.; 8Jun7; A88533't.
A885335. Aviation products handling traininq program. Pt. 1-10 £ question set 1-10. 20 V. Exxon Corporation; 254uq7S: 4885335.
4885336. Comparative perspectives on slavery in New Borld plantation societies. Edited by Vera D. Bubin 6 4rthur Tuden. 6 19 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 292) Appl. au: The New York Academy of Sciences. The New York Academy of Sciences; 27Jun77; 4885336.
4885337. The Effects of tax policy on capital formation. By Norman B. Ture G B. Kenneth Sanden. 220 p. Financial Executives fiesearch Foundation; 23Jun77; 4885337.
4885338. Executive's digest of financial research, 1975. Compiled £ edited by John H. Buckley, assisted by Marlene H. Buckley £ Joan 4mble. 1 v. Financial Executives fiesearch Foundation; 23Jun77; 4885338.
4885339. Emerqinq developments in mental health program evaluation; proceedings of the HEB-NIMH Eeqion 2 Proqram Evaluation conference. Bay 1976. Edited by Hilliam Neiqher, fioni J. Hammer £ Gerald Landsberg. 515 p. Conference held in Honticello, NY, Bay 1976. Gerald Landsberg, Born J. Hammer £ Billiam Neiqner; 15Mar77; 4885339.
4885340. Jazz improvisation 2: journeyman. By 4dolph Sandole. 232 p. 4dolph Sandole; 54ug77; 4885340.
A885341. A Harketinq proqram. By Daniel H. Abelow. 40 p. Daniel U. Abelow; 8Auq77; A885341.
A885342. fiestorative dentistry technique; syllabus. By Bichard C. Holler. 273 p. e Bichard c. Holler; 3Jan77; A88S342.
A885343. Essex County, NJ, street address directory, July 1977. 6 National Telephone Directory Corporation; 29JU177; A885343.
4885344. PMD Pharmaceutical marketers directory. 1977 ed. 1 V. O Fisher-Stevens, Inc.; 20Hay77; A885344.
4885345. Jail administration and procedures manual; a manual of guidelines for the everyday operation of a jail facility within the State of Missouri. By 4ubry L. Briggs, Frank F. Galbrecht E Billiam H. Eckles. 1 V. 4dd. ti: State of Missouri jail manual. Aubry L. Briggs, Frank F. Galbrecht E William H. Eckles; 28Apr77; A885345.
A885346. Plane geometry: a properties oriented qeometry proqram. By Butb E. Anderson, Hubert H. Dodge, Bobert Dodge £ Shirley Przybylski. 1 v. O Buth E. Anderson, Hubert H. Dodge, Bobert Dodqe £ Shirley Przybylski; 29Jul77; A885346.
A885347. A Livinq memorial. 2 p. S Multifact, Inc.; 13Apr77; A885347.
A885348. The Livinq memorial program. 2 p.
O Multifact, Inc.; 23Jun77; 4885348.
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