A885117 - A8e5190
JUL-DEC. 1977
1885117. African reliqiocs: a symposiuD. Edited by Newell S. Booth, Jr. 390 p. Neuell S. Booth, Jr.; 20Bay77: A8851"I7.
A8851ltB. The Aoerican free enterprise systen after two hundred years. By Bichard Miller Da»is s Huqh E. urbantlte. 217 p. Q International Econoaic Research Foundation: 1Apr77: A8851X8.
A8851H9. Library acquisition policies and procedures- Edited by Elizabeth Futas. ((06 p. The Oryx Press; 27Jun77: A8851't9.
A885150. Flyinq aodel airplanes and helicopters by radio control. By Edward L. Safford« Jr. 192 p. © Tab Books; 19Apr77; A885150.
A885151. Poems of loye of life. By Bette SlBOnson, created C produced by Creative Lithography, Inc. 51 p. MH; oriqinal poeus. Bette Siaonson; 8Jul77; A885151.
A885152. The John and Hilley Hester family. By Lucile Kaufaano Novak in collaboration with Gladis a. Kaufiann. 339 p. Lucile Kaufoann Novak; 10Jul77: A885152.
A885153. Debris, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Lou Anne Jones. 575 p. © Lou Anne Jones & the Debris staff; ltApr77; A885153.
A8851511. Microwave cookinq in 3 speeds. froa Friqidaire, division of General Motors, recipes selected & written by the Hoae Econoaics Department, Friqidaire Division, General Motors Corporation. 247 p. Friqidaire Division, General Motors Corporation: 7Jun77; A88515't.
A885155. Esoteric thesis on intelligence in relation to God-consciousness and the inner-doctrine of Christ. By Beqo H. Shane. IS p. O Beqo H. Shane; 11Jud77: A885155.
A885156. So long. Doc! By Dennis Bryan Fox. 181 P. e Dennis Bryan Fox; 30Jul77; Ad85156.
A885157. Uilderness calling: the Bardeaan faaily in the American westward aoveaent, 1750-1900. By Nicholas Perkins Hardeman. 357 P. Appl. states all new except for sections prev, pub. in California Historical Society quarterly. Mar. 1968 £ Missouri historical review, Apr. I96U. G The Oniversity of Tennessee Press; 23JU177: A885157.
A885158. Current topics in early childhood education. Vol. 1. Editor: Lilian G. Katz 6 other editors. 189 p. O Ablez Publishinq Corporation; 1Jun77: A88S158.
A885159. A Paradiqa for looking: cross-cultural research with visual aedxa. By Beryl L. Bellaan 6 Bennetta Jules-Bosette. 211 p. O Ablex Publishinq Corporation; 20JU177; A885159.
A885160. Discourse production and coaprehension. Editor: Boy 0. Preedle. 345 p. (Discourse processes: advances in research and theory, vol. 1) S Ablex Publishinq Corporation; 1Auq77; A885160.
A885161. Sex for women — who want to have fun and loving relationships with equals. By Caraen Kerr. 267 p. Q Caraen Kerr; 15JU177; A885161.
A885162. Section of Labor Belations Law, Aaerican Bar Association, 1977 coamittee reports. Vol. 1. 357 p. Add. ti: Labor relations law 1977 coaaittee reports, voluae 1. © American Bar Association; 6Auq77; A885162.
A885163. Campaign financinq after: Buckley versus Valeo. Prepared by the Aaerican Bar Association Special Coaaittee on Election fieform. 93 p. Appl. au: American Bar Association. American Bar Association; 2Auq77; A885163.
A88516t. Section of Labor Gelations Law, Aaerican Bar Association, 1977 coaaittee reports. Vol. 2. 333 p. Add. ti: Labor relations law 1977 coaaittee reports, voluae 2. © Aaerican Bar Association; 8Aug77; A88516<t.
A885165. What every real estate lawyer aust know about bankruptcy. 170 p. 6 American Bar Association: 24ug77; A885165.
A885166. Lapeer, also includes separate alphabetical lists for Columbiaville, Dryden, MI, and others telephone directory, 1977-78. O Michigan Bell Telephone Company; 2Jnay77; A885166.
A885167. Staunton, Craiqsvilie, Greenwood, Stuarts Draft, VA, telephone directory, Auqust 1977. O The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Coapany of Virginia; 5Aug77; A885167.
A885168. Conneaut, Kinqsville, Pierpont, OH. Hest Springfield, PA, telepnone directory. 1977-1978. The Conneaut Telephone company; 29Jul77; A885168.
A885169. Martin, also includes separate alphabetical lists for Plainwell, Uayland, MI, telephone directory, 1977-78. Michigan Bell Telephone Company; 29JU177; 4885169.
4685170. Scottsbucg, Austin, Lexington, IM, and others, July 1977. Indiana Telephone corporation; 1Auq77; A885170.
A885171. Hilton, including Moscow, Ourant, lA, Auqust 1977. O Hilton Telephone Company; 27JU177; A8a5171.
A88S172. Durant, includinq Bennett, Moscow, Hilton. lA, phone book, Auqust 1977. O United Telephone Coapany of Iowa; 27JU177; A885172.
A885173. Ottawa, Harding, IL, telephone directory, Auqust 1977. 6 Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany; 28Jul77; A885173.
6885174. Ottawa, Dayton, Uardinq, IL, and others yellow paqes classified telephone directory, Auqust 1977. (Hith Ottawa, Hardinq. IL, telephone directory, August 1977) The Eeubeu H. Donnelley Corporation; 28Jul77; A885174.
Oglesby, IL, telepho directory, August 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Company: 27JU177; A885175.
A885I76. LaSalle, Peru, Jonesville. IL. and others yellow pages classified telephone directory, August 1977. (Hith LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, IL, telephone directory, August 1977) O The Beuben U. Donnelley Corporation; 27Jul77; Aa85176.
A885177. Utica. IL, telephone directory, August 1977. Illinois Bell Telephone Company: 26JU177; A885177.
A885178. Utica, IL, yellow pages classified telephone directory, August 1977. (Hith Utica, IL, telephone directory, August 1977) O The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 26Jul77; A885178.
A885179. Individuals: post-movement art in Aaerica. Edited by Alan Sondheim. 316 p. NM: compilation, editorial revisions of prev. pub. material £ introd. O Alan Sondheim; 28Jan77; A885179.
A885180. Let's go: the budget guide to Europe, 1977-78. Editor: Salph E. Hallo, written by Harvard student Agencies, Inc. 704 p. Add. ti: Let's go: Europe, 1977-78. O Harvard student Agencies, Inc.; 7Feb77: A885180.
A885181. Froa the center: feaiuist essays oo women's art. By Lucy B. Lippard. 314 p. e Lucy F. Lippard; 18Nov76; A885181.
Ae85182. The Hade inheritance. By L. Virginia Browne (L. Virginia Browne Oefiose) 269 p. e L. Virginia Browne DeBose; l5Jul77; A885182.
A885183. Instructor's manual for Business aatheaatics, second edition. By Burton S. Kaliski. 121 p. NM: additional text G editorial revisions. 6 Harcourt Brace JOTanoTich, Inc.; 4Apr77; A885ie3.
AS85184. student workbook for Business mat- hematics, second edition. By Burton S. Kaliski. 158 p. NM: additional text K editorial revisions. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; l1Apr77; A885184.
A885185. Copiah County. MS. telephone directory. August 1977. C South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 9Aug77; A885185.
4885 186. clanton, including Jemison and Tborsby. AL, telephone directory, August 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 22JU177; A885186.
A885187. Clarke-iayne County, MS, telephone directory, August 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company: 84ug77; 4885187.
4885188. Eutaw, AL. Boligee, Livingston, York, telephone directory. August 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; JAug77; A885188.
A885189. Gadsden, Attalla. AL. telephone directory. Septeaber 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company; 104ug77; A885189.
Selma. Haplesville. AL, telephone
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