&88i5a5 -
JUL-DEC. 1977
i881t545. Psvchoiinquistic development of syntactic features by young hearing subiects and deaf subiects using total comounication. By Hartha Ann Gonter, Microfila. Martha Ann Gonter: 15Jul77; A88it5it5.
A8Bi(5iie. A Descriptive study of teacher training programs at institutions of higher education for regular classroom personnel involved in mainstreaming mildly educationally handicapped pupils. By Evelyn Margaret Byford. aicrofilm. e Evelyn Margaret Byford: 15Jul77; 488151(6.
4884 547. A Study of birth control information in college textbooks dealing with human sexuality. By Prances E. G. Conn. Microfilm, e Frances E. G. Conn: 15JU177: 4884547.
A884548. Parent effectiveness training: assessment of the developmental gains in parents' capacity to counsel their chiiiirea. By slater Catherine Bernadette Mee. H-.crofilm. 6 Sister Catherine Bernadette Bee: 15Jul77; A884548.
A884549. Concrete approaches to a philosophy of lifelong learning: generative insights in Gabriel Marcel. By Franck-Alsid De Chambeau. Microfilm. © Franck-Alsid De Chambeau: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4884549.
4884550. connectivity of random netnorks. By Vigar 4hmea Minai. Microfila. e Viqar 4hBed Minai: 15Jul77; A884550.
A884551. An Analysis of the activities of an elementary school guidance worker. By Rose Hochman Benderly. Microfilm. Bose Hocbman Benderly: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A884551.
A884552. A Biography of PhillDore Mallard Hall with particular emphasis on his con- tribution to the development of black school bands in North Carolina. By Johnny Baxter Hodge* Jr. Microfilm. Q Johnny Baxter Hodge, Jr.: 15Jul77: A884S52.
A884553. Cross-cultural and other problems affecting the education of immigrant Portuguese students in a program of transitional bilingual education: a descriptive case study. By Cornelius Lee Grove. Microfilm. 9 Cornelius Lee Grove; 15JU177: A8a4553.
AB84554. A Teacher observation code for teacher role, curriculum concern, and physical materials in early childhood settings. By Chelley Shaner Gutln. aicrofilm. Chelley Shaner Gutin: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884554.
A88a555. The Governance of teacher education: a struggle for responsibility and control. By Louis Paul Berneman. Microfilm, Q Louis Paul Berneman: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A884555.
A884556. A Study of known behavioral expectations and their effect on roommate relation- ships. By Sayne Thomas Kuncl. Microfilm. S Nayne Thomas Kuncl: 15Jul77: A884556. By Floyd Bussell James. Microfilm. 9 Floyd Russell James; 15Jul77; A884557.
4884558. A Case study of parent involvement in a day care center: how parents become interested in control. By Madeleine Cora Holzer. Microfilm. 9 Madeleine Cora Holzer; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A684558.
A884559. The Church Missionary Society and the establishment of British rule in Nigeria, 1849-1894. By Ibiba Sasime. Microfilm. e Ibiba Sasime; 15Jul77: A884559.
A8SU560. Internal-external locus of control, reading achievement, and time spent on-task among high school students with reading difficulties. By Sylvia Blake. Microfilm, e Sylvia Blake; 15Jul77; A884560.
A884561. The Development of special education in Montgomery County, Maryland Public Schools from 1949 to 1975. By Pauline Parthenia uashington. Microfilm. © Pauline far'-.henia Washington; 15JU177; A884561.
A884562. The Bole of cognitive processes in person perception during adolescence. By Marcia Marie Freer Ferrell- Microfilm. O Marcia Marie Freer Ferrell; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884562.
A884563. A Study of the attitudes of elementary school students toward the use of television within the framework of media services: Lincoln Public School System, Lincoln, Nebraska. By Clara Thoreu Bottmann. aicrofilm. 9 Clara Thoren Bottmann: 15Jul77; A884563.
A884564. The Effects of training in managing interpersonal relationships on the perceptions of social style; an empirical study. By Steven Hayne Buchholz. Microfilm. Q Steven Hayne Buchholz; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4884564.
A884565. Descriptive analysis of the problems of the blind teacher in secondary education. By Richard Sam Gulizia. Microfilm, a Bichard Sam Gulizia; 15Jul77; A884565.
A884566. Characterization of a calf diarrheal coronavirus. By Bichard LeBoy Sharpee. Microfilm. O Bichard LeBoy Sharpee; 15JU177: A884566.
4884567. Client constructed hierarchies: a necessary step in self-administered systematic desensitization. By Carilyn Jeanine Brackett. aicrofilm. Carilyn Jeanine Brackett; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) : A884567.
A884568. An Investigation of outcome information in management information systems for higher education. By John Albert James Halstrom. aicrofilm. John Albert James Halstrom; 15Jul77: 4884568.
A884569. Efficacy of a patient activation health education program for elderly women. By Armeda Ferrarini Fretwell. Microfilm. Armeda Ferrarini Fretwell; 15Jul77; A884569.
A884570. Frederick G. Hochwalt: builder of the National Catholic Educational Association, 1944-1966. By Donald Charles Horrigan. Microfilm. Q Donald Charles Horrigan; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; A884570.
A884571. The Construct validity of acceptance acquiescence. By David Olin Barrows. Microfilm. David olin Barrows; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8B4571.
A88 4 57 2. A Handlist of Nebraska authors. By Emily Jane Ozendoski. Microfilm. @ Emily Jane Uzendoski; 15Jul77; A884572.
A884573. An Evaluation of the role of the nervous system upon adrenal gland weight and assayable pituitary MSU content in mice. By Michael Gregory Francis. Microfilm. O Michael Gregory Francis; 1SJul77: A884573.
A884574. The Hithdrawal syndrome: nicotine addiction and the effects of stopping smoking in heavy and light smokers. By Deborah Ann Perlick. Hicrofiln. S lahorali AnT> Jferlick; 15Jul77; A884574.
A884575. Cytogenetic and cell cycle analysis of an established cell line of the mosguito, Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) By Amy Sue Bairn. Microfilm. 9 4my Sue Bairn; 15Jul77; A884575.
A884576. Cooperative consequences of competitive power conflict. By Nancy Lee Hedlund. Microfilm. Nancy Lee Hedlund; 15Jul77; A884576.
A884S77. Effectiveness of a self-critiquing counselor training model on demonstrated counseling competence. By Arlene King, aicrofilm. 9 Arlene King; 15Jul77; A884577.
A884578. The Effect of psychophysical method on the loudness of continuous and interrupted pure tones. By Dennis Clark Hampton, aicrofilm. O Dennis Clark Hampton; 15JU177; A884578.
A884579. An Edition of Bichard Bolle's English Psalter with notes and commentary (Psalms 46-60) By Sister Marion Elizabeth Callanan, S. H.C.J, aicrofilm- 9 Sister Marion Elizabeth Callanan, S. H.C.J. ; 15JU177; A884579.
A884580. Kierkegaard and the problem of community. By Michael James Mat this, aicrofilm. 9 Michael James Matthis; 15JU177; A884580.
A884581. Gubernatorial politics and the Confederacy. By Kenneth Michael Murray, aicrofilm. 9 Kenneth Michael Murray; 15JU177; A884581.
A884582. Franz Mehring: politics and history in the making of radical German social democracy 1869-1903. By Glen Ronald McDougall. Microfilm. 9 Glen Bonald McDougall; 15Jul77; 4884582.
A884583. Kindergarten screening: an evaluation of the use of psychoneurological testing in predicting learning problems. By Roberta Berkley Gould. Microfilm. 9 Roberta Berkley Gould; 15Jul77; 4884583-
Liberal social change in a conservative
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