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A88<t505 - »881l5ltU


JUL-DEC. 1977

ABSUSOS. Instant Cash, A and P: two games to play. Card, e Proiotional aarketing Corporation; 21Dec76: A884505.

A8811506, Instant Cash. A and P: win up to $1,000. Ser. 230. 2 p. Add. ti: Instant cash (A and P) collector cards. C Prcaotional Barketing Corporation: 21Dec76; A8811506.

A884507. Life's Journal: your personal record. 66 p. £ insert. Appl. au; Richard S. Kobs. C Life's Journal, Inc.; 18Jun77: Ae8US07,

A881508. Our country's Presidents- By Frank Freidel. introd. by Jiony Carter, foreword by Melville Bell Grosyenor, prepared by National Geographic Special Publications Diyision. 7th ed. 278 p. Appl. au: National Geographic Society. C National Geographic Society; 12Jul77; ASBtSOB.

A88U509. The JohnstcwD story. By Freda Landrus Nisenheimer. 9214 p. C Freda Landrus BisenheiBer: 23Dec76; A88U509.

A88U510, Acadian reminiscences: the true story of Evangeline. By Felix Voorhies, introd. by Felix Birney Voorhies. 109 p. NB: pref., dedication C biography of Voorhies- O The University of Southwestern Louisiana: «Apr77: A88U510-

A881I511. Modern pastry chef. Vol. 1. By Hilliaa J. Saltan. 360 p. The Avi Publishing Company. Inc.; 20Bay77: i88«511.

A88it512. Modern pastry chef. Vol. 2. By William J. Saltan. 3Ue p. C The Avi Publishing Company. Inc.: 20Bay77: A88U512-

A884513. Library of Congress catalog, books; sabiects 1970-197U, Vol. 11-15. Appl, au: Rounan and Littlefield. NM: editing, arr. 6 additional text. Littlefield, Adams and Company; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : A88U513-

A88US111. Studies on the purification, immu- nochemical measurement and biochemical characterization of a rat serum opsonic protein- By Frank Arthur Blumenstock. Microfilm. C Frank Arthur Blumenstock; 15JU177: ABStSlit.

A8814515. The Attitudes of certified public accountants towards social accounting: a survey of national and Nebraska opinion. By Frederic Batthew Stiner, Jr- Microfilm. G Frederic Matthew Stiner, Jr-: 15JU177; A88I4515.

A88U516- An Appraisal of the business education programs at the Oniversity of Nebraska at Omaha based on a follow-up of the graduates from January 1965, through December 1974. By Donna Lee Maaske Holmquist. Microfilm. Donna Lee flaaske Holmquist: 15Jul77; A88«516.

A88I(5I7. A Socioeconomic theory of the deve- lopment of agriculture. By Richard Lynn Grabowski. Microfilm, e Diehard Lynn Grabowski: 15Jul77; ABStSI?.

A88lt518. The Development of role-taking in two representational modes. By Mary Diane Dorost. Microfilm. O Mary Diane Dorost; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88U518.

A884519. A Conceptual model for the classi- fication of governing policies of the University of Nebraska. By Barbara Jean Waldron Coffey. Microfilm. O Barbara Jean Ualdron Coffey; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A8811519.

A881I520. The Historical significance of the Scriptural exegesis employed in some sixteenth-century English sermons. By Erwin Hoy Gane. Microfilm. C Erwin Boy Gane; 15Jul77; A884520.

A884521. Public opinion toward education: declining enrollment and a shifting economy. By Leo George Chapdelaine. Microfilm. C Leo George Chapdelaine; 15JU177; A881t521.

A881I522. Vernacular historical writing in early Renaissance England. By Kenneth Branson Chatlos. Microfilm. Q Kenneth Brunson Chatlos; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A88it522-

A8B4523. An Exploratory inwestigation of the influence of generalized market-related beliefs on consumer decision making- By Calvin Powell Duncan. Microfilm- Calvin Powell Duncan: 15Jul77; A884523.

18845211. Ralph Ellison's Invisible man: five maior intellectual ancestors. By Jeanne Inness (Jeanne Louise Inness Martin) . Microfilm. O Jeanne Inness; 15Jul77; A884524.

Ae84525. Young children's changing responses to the affective tone and content of verbal communications. By Harriet Inez Kaufman. Microfilm- d Harriet Inez Kaufman; I5JU177: A884525.

1884526. Literal determinism as a personality construct. By Henry John Lehnhoff. Bicrofilm. 3 Henry John Lehnhoff; 15JU177; A884526.

A884527„ A Study of the criteria and procedures utilized for initial full-time faculty appointment in selected baccalaureate programs in nursing. By Edith Buton Summerlin. Microfilm. Edith Buton Summerlin; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 1884527.

A884528. Ke Alaka'i: the role of the Honolulu Star-bulletin in the Hawaiian statehood movement. By Paul Alfred Pratte. Microfilm. Paul Alfred Pratte; 15JU177: A884528.

A884529. The Effects of high temperatures and moisture stress on photosynthetic and respiration rates of grain sorghum. By Norma vivas Norcio. Microfilm. Norma Vivas Norcio; 15Jul77: A884529-

A884530. The Technical community college system and community based corrections in Nebraska: a collaborative program and service model. By Robert Fred Uolbert. Bicrofilm- Robert Fred Holbert; 15Jal77; A884530-

A884531- An Evaluation of transactional analysis as a strategy of organization development- By Gilbert Frank Nykodym 2nd- Bicrofilm.

A88U532- Comedy in the plays of Harold Pinter- By Muriel Gail Uertheimer Herzog. Microfilm. 6 Muriel Gail Mertheimer Herzog; 15Jul77: A884532.

A884533. "What do they want me to say I eat?" Apparent researcher attitude as a factor in reported dietary intake. 6y Joan Dye Gussow. Bicrofilm. O Joan Dye Gussow; 15JU177 (in notice: 1975); A884533.

A884534. Consumer participation in a health care organization: the case of the health insurance plan of Greater New York. By Marcia K, Steinberg. Microfilm. 6 Marcia K. Steinberg: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); Ae84534.

A884535. Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase in swine liver microsomes- By Job Rentze Li. Microfilm. O Job Rentze Li; 15Jul77; A884535.

A884536- Interviewing problems in the D-S- Social Security Administration: the role of culture. By June Lucinda Fair. Microfilm. O June Lucinda Fair; 1SJJ177 (in notice: 1976); A884536-

A884537. Vida y obra de Alberto Gerchunoff- By Beatriz Marquis Stambler. Microfilm. e Beatriz Marquis Stambler; 15Jul77; A884537.

A884538. Immunologic aspects of ultraviolet carcinogenesis. By Bichael Scott Fisher. Microfilm. Michael Scott Fisher; 15JU177; A884538.

A884539. A Study to identify contingent functional relationships between an organization's external environment and its design of effective management information systems. By Paul Ridgely Gehrmann. Bicrofilm. O Paul Ridgely Gehrmann; 15Jul77; A884539.

A884 540. International business promotion by state governments: a case study of the potential for bi-national cooperation, the United States and Brazil. By Bilton F. Callero. Bicrofilm. Milton F. Callero; 15JU177; A884540.

A88454 1. Improvisations for modern dance: implications for dance education- By Thais Grace Barry. Microfilm- C Thais Grace Barry; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A884541.

AB84542- Relationship between selected family variables and student achievement in school- By Salter Edward Dix- Microfilm. e Halter Edward Dix; 15Jul77: A884542-

A884543- College and university environments and their effects on institutional management policy: a study of affirmative action. By Fawzi Habib Hermes. Microfilm. C Fawzi Habib Hermes; 15Jul77; A884543.

A8e4544. A Study, realization, and performance of unpublished cantatas for soprano and basso continue circa 1690-1706 of Alessandro Scarlatti. By BaryAnn Teresa Inkeles. Microfilm. C BaryAnn Teresa Inkeles:

15JU177; A884544.


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